Proposals for Ph.D. Thesis Award are invited by 2025/03/28
Poznan | Poland
A full list of topics is available here
The EuCNC & 6G Summit Ph.D. Thesis Award aims at startups whose products or services address one of the Tracks:
- PHY – Physical Layer and Fundamentals
- WOS – Wireless, Optical and Satellite Networks
- NET – Network Softwarisation
- AIU – Applications, IoT, Use cases
- OPE – Operational & Experimental Insights
- AI4C – AI/ML Solutions for Communications
- SAQ – Security Aspects and Quantum Communications
- CMP – Components, Microelectronics & Photonics
- NVS – Next-Generation Visions & Sustainability
The EuCNC & 6G Summit Ph.D. Thesis Award is an opportunity for Graduates to show their ideas and work to the conference audience and beyond (i.e., via the conference communication activities, these ideas will be shown to a wider audience). This is an opportunity for Ph.D. Graduates to showcase their work to the technical community worldwide as well as to industry leaders, increasing the visibility of their work and enabling networking around it, as well as fostering job market opportunities and career progression.
Ph.D. Graduates who have successfully defended their thesis in the last 3 academic years (2021 Sep. 1st – 2024 Aug. 31st) should submit their application via a the dedicated Online Form – Proposers should provide copies of the thesis and of the diploma. Please send the copies of the thesis and of the diploma at (*If the files are too heavy, send them via Wetransfer or another more convenient platform).
The proposal must be submitted until the deadline on 2025 Mar. 28. An acknowledgement email will be sent.
In case of any problems with online form submission, please contact
A Jury, composed of professors and industrial representatives, will select the 5 best applications, which will be invited to the conference and pitch in-person to the Jury as well as to conference attendees, in a dedicated session of the conference.
Applications will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
– Relevance
– Novelty
– Methodology
– Quality
The list of candidates and the winner will be announced at the conference website.
Presenters of the 5 best applications will be offered a complimentary R-3-O – One Day Conference Registration for the day of the pitch, but they will have to register to the conference if attending it other days.