Patronage Opportunities

Patronage Opportunities2024-10-02T15:00:27+00:00

What is the 2025 EuCNC & 6G Summit?

The 2025 EuCNC & 6G Summit is the combination of two of the most successful conferences in the area of telecommunications: EuCNC, in its 34th edition of a series, supported by the European Commission; the 6G Summit, in its 7th edition, originated from the 6G Flagship programme in Finland, one of the very first in its area. The conference is sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc), the European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP) and the European Association on Antennas and Propagation (EurAAP) and focuses on all aspects of telecommunications ranging from 5G deployment and mobile IoT to 6G exploration and future communications systems and networks, including experimentation and testbeds, and applications and services. It holds an exhibition space of more than 1 500 m2 for showcasing and disseminating the technology developed within research projects, namely those from European R&I programmes.
The 2025 edition of the EuCNC & 6G Summit is organised by Poznan University of Technology, as a full in-person attendance event.

Who attends the EuCNC & 6G Summit?

The conference is attended by a balanced audience between industry (encompassing executives, directors, department heads, project managers, researchers and practising engineers) and academia (professors, researchers, post-docs and PhD students). It also includes officials from the European Commission and European countries’ regulators and governments. The recent editions of EuCNC and 6G Summit have gathered cutting-edge research and world-renown industries and businesses, attracting nearly 1 000 delegates in-person from more than 45 countries worldwide to present and discuss the latest results.

Patronage Packages

Several different patronage packages and options have been defined to match the needs of your company or institution. Patrons will receive a range of benefits designed to raise their organisation’s profile at the conference and beyond. A list of patronage packages and options follows. However, if your organisation would like a customised package, we will gladly tailor the benefits to match your needs; other options include lunches, coffee breaks, WiFi and charging stations.

(1) All rates are given in Euros, VAT excluded. VAT will be charged according to the local legislation in the country.
(2) No other organisation will be accepted as a Patron in each of these items. Securing this level of patronage should be done as early as possible, and a deadline will be defined.  In case more than one entity shows interest in becoming a patron at a given exclusive level by the deadline, the entity to be awarded the exclusive level will be the one from the host country, the final choice being made by the Core Team (Steering Committee Chairs + Local Organiser Chairs).
(3) Nomination of a Keynote Speaker. Keynotes are held in plenary sessions.  The Steering Committee defines the other Keynotes.
(4) Organisation of a Special Session at the conference. This session will be included in the main programme, parallel to other technical sessions.
(5) Nomination of a Speaker for one of the Panels (indicated by a list of preferences). Panels are held in plenary sessions, being defined by the Steering Committee.
(6) The exhibition booth will be equipped with the basic items defined in the Exhibitors Guidelines (available on the conference website).
(7) VIP tables in the banquet will be made available. The seat will be reserved accordingly.
(8) Complimentary Full Registration (R-1-F), the highest level, as defined in Registration Fees (available at the conference website). This number includes: the Keynote Speaker, Special Session Organizers, Panel Speaker and Exhibitors.
(9) Best Paper Award and Best Poster Award for the Diamond Patron, Best Booth Award for the Emerald Patron and Best Student Paper Award for the Platinum Patron.
(10) Patronage will be recognised in the speech at the Opening Session plenary.
(11) Patronage will be recognised in the speech at the Banquet.
(12) Patronage will be recognised in the speech at the Reception.
(13) Nomination of a speaker to give a Welcome address at the Banquet.
(14) Nomination of a speaker to give a Welcome address at the Reception.
(15) A camera-ready advertisement will be included in the Programme (to be provided by the organisation in a format to be agreed).
(16) Patron logo will be put on all banners, roll-ups and digital signage used at the conference venue, reception, banquet and video streams. Patron logo and link to the Patron’s website will be included in the conference website, programme, proceedings, app and social media.  The Patron will be requested to provide links, text for the conference website and logos in the appropriate format.
(17) A video (to be provided by the Patron) will be available at the conference website with its logo and link.
(18) Videoblog interview with Patron’s designated representative at the booth or the media corner.
(19) The Patron logo on the lanyard will be distributed to all participants upon check-in. Lanyards are to be provided by the Patron according to the number of participants.  Upon request, we may offer a quotation on lanyards.

The Venue

The 2025 EuCNC & 6G Summit will take place in June, from Tuesday, June 3rd, to Friday, June 6th, at a unique venue, known as the Poznan Congress Centre, located within Poznan International Fair area in the city centre of Poznan, adjacent to the Poznan Central Railway station. The venue is located in the heart of Poznan, not even a ten-minute walk away from the historic city centre.
The Poznań Ławica Airport is just 6 km away and 20-30 minutes drive by car.
Coffee breaks and lunches will be held in the exhibition area to maximise exposure.

Why should you be a Patron of the 2025 EuCNC & 6G Summit?

The event is one of Europe’s most prominent communications and networking conferences that efficiently brings together researchers, academics, engineers and managers from world-renowned industries and businesses. This creates a unique opportunity to gain insights into the latest scientific and technical discoveries, deployment advancements and lessons learned, business opportunities and partnership potentials.
By contributing to the event, you can maximise the exposure and visibility of your company or institution towards a large yet targeted audience and draw the attention of key players and talent in the field worldwide.

Social Events

The Conference will organise two social events: the Welcome Reception on Tuesday, June 3rd, and the Banquet on Thursday, June 5th. Both events are open for patronage.


Contact us for any further information or a custom budget that suits your company or institution:

Dr. Krzysztof Cichon (PUT, PL)
+48 602 413 204

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