Welcome to the European Conference on Networks and Communications | Paris, France
Welcome to the European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC 2015)! This 24th edition will be hosted in the Palais des Congrès of Issy les Moulineaux, close to Paris. Once again, this conference will be a cornerstone event for research in advanced networks and connected devices, with multiple exciting sessions, workshops, demonstrations as well as an outstanding social program.
EuCNC brings together worldwide research and innovation community in the strategic domain of communication networks and systems, reaching to services and applications. In the era of the global challenges of the digital age, Europe has to be ready to use the great opportunities offered by digital technologies.
“5G, Shaping the Vision” will be the conference motto this year, 5G being the platform supporting the digitisation of our economic and societal activities, giving the opportunity to reinvent telecom industrial landscape in Europe and beyond. Over the last 18 months 5G has greatly accelerated. Along this line, the European industry has now proposed its vision (http://5g-ppp.eu/roadmaps/) on 5G business drivers, requirements, roadmap, design principles and key technologies, while the first set of 5G PPP projects has been selected. Experimentation and demonstrations, proof of concepts are now gaining momentum and will become important activities over the next years. They will be instrumental to support key upcoming milestones, such as 5G technical standardisation activities soon to start by the end of 2015 and the World Radio Conference of 2015 and 2019, with critical impact on spectrum requirements and allocation to the Mobile Services. These will have to reflect the current trends, where 5G infrastructures will also need to involve vertical markets such as automotive, energy, food and agriculture, city management, government, healthcare, manufacturing or public transportation. These efforts will also boost networks and Internet architectures in areas such as the Internet of Things (IoT). 5G and IoT will be strategic elements to enable and drive the Digital Single Market (DSM) through new products and services. The conference will provide insight and results from EU funded research and innovation at the leading edge of these global developments.
We wish you a very fruitful and enjoyable EUCNC 2015. Enjoy Paris!
Mario Campolargo and Nicolas Demassieux
(Conference General Co-Chairs)