
Short interviews during the conference.

Vlatko Lipovac

EuCNC2020 Host and TPC Chair, U.Dubrovnik, Croatia

All Went Well with EuCNC 2020!

Manuel Ricardo

EuCNC2021 Host, U.Porto, Portugal

Invitation to EuCNC 2021

Filipe Cardoso

TPC Co-Chair, Poly. Inst. Setubal, Portugal

The Task of Building the Conference Programme

Peter Stuckmann

Head of Unit – Future Connectivity Systems DG CONNECT, E.C., Belgium

Expectations on 6G Development

Bernard Barani

EC, Belgium

The EC’s view on EuCNC 2020

Wen Tong

Huawei Fellow, CTO, Huawei Wireless, Huawei Technologies, Canada

A View on the Challenges to be Addressed by 6G

Markus Dillinger

Director for 5G Industry Communications, Huawei, DE

The Takeaways from the Panel on 5G for Verticals: Building and Exploiting Synergies

Nicolas Demassieux

Senior Vice President Research, Orange, France

A View on the Societal Challenges in 6G

Dan Kilper

Director, Center for Integrated Access Networks, University of Arizona, USA

A View on Optical Networks and 6G

Jorge Pereira

Principal Scientific Officer, European Commission, BE

The Takeaways from the Panel on OpenRAN, including Interoperability/Interworking with Vendor Solutions

Riccardo Trivisonno

Huawei, DE

Expectations on the Development of 6G

Demosthenes Ikonomou

Head of Operational Security Unit, ENISA, EL

The Takeaways from the Panel on CyberSecurity in 5G, including Verticals

Matti Latva-aho

Director for 6G Flagship, University of Oulu, Finland

A View on Research on 6G

Pearse O’Donohue

EuCNC 2020 General Chair and Director for the Future Networks, DG CONNECT, EC, Belgium

5G Deployment and 6G Research