Opening & Closing Sessions

Opening Session

Tuesday, 16 June, 10:00-10:30 CEST

EUCNC 2020

Vlatko Lipovac (Chair)

EuCNC 2020 Host and TPC Chair, U. Dubrovnik, Croatia

Welcome and Organisational issues

Filipe Cardoso

EUCNC2020 TPC Co-Chair, Poly. Inst. Setubal, Portugal

Technical Program aspects

Pearse O’Donohue

EuCNC 2020 General Chair and Director for the Future Networks, DG CONNECT, EC, Belgium

Smart Networks – enabling the digital and the green transformations

Closing Session

Wednesday, 17 June, 15:30-16:00 CEST

EUCNC 2020

Vlatko Lipovac (Chair)

EuCNC 2020 Host and TPC Chair, U. Dubrovnik, Croatia

Peter Stuckmann

Head of Unit – Future Connectivity Systems DG CONNECT, E.C., Belgium

Building 5G and preparing the way towards 6G

Presentation available!

Luis M. Correia

EUCNC Awards Committee Chair, IST-U. Lisbon, Portugal

Delivery of Best Papers Awards

EUCNC 2021

Manuel Ricardo

EuCNC 2021 Host, U. Porto/INESC TEC, Portugal

Presentation of the 2021 Porto Conference

EUCNC 2020

Vlatko Lipovac

EuCNC 2020Host and TPC Chair, U. Dubrovnik, Croatia

Flag Handover and Closing