Presenters Guidelines

Oral Sessions

As a Speaker, you have the responsibility of being clear, concise, and capturing the interest of the attendees.
The quality of your presentation directly affects the interest your audience will have in your material and the overall satisfaction the attendees will have of the conference.

Upload your Presentation here


If you are not an experienced presenter, we suggest you practice your presentation with a small group of experienced colleagues who will provide feedback to assist you.

We would like to call your attention to the following:

  • Authors will receive, via email, instructions on how to prepare and upload their presentations, which will be made available to participants 1 week prior to the conference.
  • Make sure that your CV has been uploaded to your personal area in EDAS, so that the Session Chair will have it by the beginning of the session. As a backup, please have a printed version with you and hand it over to the Session Chair.
  • It is most important to be within the strict time constraints in order to allow the presentations to fit within the allotted time periods. The overall time slot for each presentation ranges from 15 to 20 minutes depending on the number of presentations in each session. Plan your speech in order to allow at least three minutes for questions and discussion. The Session Chair will rigorously enforce these time limits.

Poster Sessions

As a Poster Presenter, you have the responsibility of capturing the interest of the attendees to the work you are showing.
The quality of your presentation directly affects the interest your audience will have on your material, and the overall satisfaction the community will have on the conference.

Upload your Presentation here 


We would like to call your attention to the following:

  • Authors will receive, via email, instructions on how to prepare and upload their posters, which will be made available to participants 1 week prior to the conference.
  • Make sure that your CV has been uploaded to your personal area in EDAS.