Opening & Closing Sessions

Opening Session

Wednesday, 9 June 2021, 9:00-9:30


Manuel Ricardo

Host and TPC Co-Chair of Joint EUCNC|6G Summit 2021, U. Porto/INESC TEC, Portugal

Welcome, Organisational information, Technical Program overview

Matti Latva-aho

Steering Committee Vice-Chair, Univ. Oulu, Finland

Joint EuCNC & 6G Summit

Pearse O’Donohue

Conference General Co-Chair, Director for the Future Networks, DG CONNECT, EC, Belgium

Shaping Europe’s Digital Future

Miguel Almeida

Conference General Co-Chair, CEO of NOS Group, Portugal

Manuel Heitor

Portuguese Minister of Science and Technology, Portugal

Closing Session

Friday, 11 June 2021, 13:00-13:30


Manuel Ricardo

Host and TPC Co-Chair of Joint EUCNC|6G Summit 2021, U. Porto/INESC TEC, Portugal

Key numbers and moments of the conference

Peter Stuckmann

Head of Unit – Future Connectivity Systems DG CONNECT, E.C., Belgium

Europe moves towards 6G

Luis M. Correia

EUCNC Awards Committee Chair, IST-U. Lisbon, Portugal

Delivery of Best Papers Awards

Emilio Calvanese-Strinati

Host of Joint EUCNC|6G Summit 2022, CEA-LETI, France

Presentation of the 2022 Grenoble Conference

Manuel Ricardo

Host and TPC Co-Chair of Joint EUCNC|6G Summit 2021, U. Porto/INESC TEC, Portugal
