Booth #1

ULTRAWAVE – High Capacity backhaul for beyond 5G
The project is related to backhauling of mobile networks through an ultra-capacity layer providing more than 100 Gbps per kilometer square in Point to Multi point at D-band (141 – 174.8 GHz) fed by novel G-band (300 GHz) Point to Point high capacity links. This novel approach to backhauling will ease strong densification of BS. The ULTRAWAVE system is empowered by the convergence of three main technologies: vacuum electronics, solid-state electronics and photonics. The demo will show the advances of the project in these fields. The main objective is the dissemination of final results of the project.
Booth #2

Wavecom is a communications engineering company, committed to innovation and the creation of its own and differentiating solutions. Has 20 years of experience in managing RDI projects, namely in R&D projects (mostly European), acquired mainly from the SCT, Telecommunication Institute of Aveiro. The objective of this participation is that the Demonstration of Wavecom technologies become visible and recognized by the international scientific community, as a potential partner for industrial research projects and experimental development activities, which lead to the creation of new products, processes or systems or the introduction of significant improvements in them. Demonstration of Wavecom technologies.
Booth #3

The 5G-DIVE Elastic Edge Platform (DEEP) showcased with a Digital Twin application
The objective is to validate the operation of a real-time digital twin implementation of a robot arm over 5G and compare it to its operation over 4G, making use of edge computing provided by the 5G-DIVE Elastic Edge Platform (DEEP). Results clearly show how the operation over 5G achieves a higher degree of smoothness and precision. The Digital Twin use case demonstrates 5G performance of interconnecting a real robot to its digital twin, which implies sharing the computing resources and the software with the real robot and will virtually replicate the same function. Digital twins are digital replicas of physical assets, processes, and systems that also interact with the real system – with the digital replica reproducing changes as they occur in the actual physical system. The concept has been around for some time now, but it has found a limited application until recently, due to storage costs, processing power, and bandwidth performances. Said model can be used to highlight critical conditions inferred by sensors data and to provide alarms and preventive maintenance information to humans. In case those critical or dangerous situations are detected, the remote control could stop in real time the operations for safety reasons. Safety requires a very reliable and fast track for transmission of data and, among wireless technologies, only 5G can satisfy these tight requirements. The robot arm will be controlled in real time, by a remote virtual controller located on a powerful dedicated computer or a virtual machine, to exploit the computational power provided by the edge and fog resources managed by the 5G-DIVE Elastic Edge Platform (DEEP). The robot arm will receive instructions about its position in a stepwise manner by the remote controller, while sensor data will be sent back to provide real-time feedback. Both control instructions and information from sensors will be used to update the virtual model in real-time. Through a Joystick, the virtual operator is able to grab an object with the robot arm, relying only on the virtual replica of it (Digital Twin). This operation is performed through 5G and 4G to evaluate the improvement achieved with the former technology.
Booth #4

5G!Drones aim is to trial several UAV use-cases covering eMBB, URLLC, and mMTC 5G services, and to validate 5G KPIs for supporting such challenging use-cases. The project will drive the UAV verticals and 5G networks to a win-win position, on one hand by showing that 5G is able to guarantee UAV vertical KPIs, and on the other hand by demonstrating that 5G can support challenging use-cases that put pressure on network resources, such as low-latency and reliable communication, massive number of connections and high bandwidth requirements, simultaneously. 5G!DRONES will build on top of the 5G facilities provided by the ICT-17 projects and a number of support sites, while identifying and developing the missing components to trial UAV use-cases. The overall and ultimate objective of 5G!Drones is to design, implement and run trials of UAV use cases on top of a 5G infrastructure provided by ICT-17 and other complementary facilities, addressing contemporary 5G challenges.The objectives related to the 5G!Drones concept and validation are:
- Analysis of the performance requirements of UAV verticals’ applications and business models in 5G
- Design and implementation of the 5G!Drones software layer (or system) to execute UAV trials
- Design a high-level scenario descriptor language to run and analyse the results of the UAV trials
- Design and implementation of 5G!Drones enablers for UAV trials and operations
- Validate 5G KPIs that demonstrate execution of UAV use cases
- Validate UAV KPIs using 5G
- Advanced data analytics tools to visualise and deeply analyse the trial results, and provide feedback to the 5G and UAV ecosystem
- Dissemination, standardisation and exploitation of 5G!Drones
5G!Drones derives from the need to support and validate UAV use cases, by running trials on top of 5G systems, leveraging ICT-17 5G facilities and modern test methodologies and advancements. Indeed, for actual experimentation of UAV use cases, highly-complex setups are required in order to validate the vertical KPIs when investigating for example: a) enhancements required in the LTE and 5G networks in order to support the “moving cell” concept or emerging scenarios of public-safety, b) how fog and edge computing design principles fit into the integrated environment, or c) what network enhancements are necessary in both the data and control planes of multiple wired/optical/wireless technologies in order to support IoT/M2M/D2D. This list is indicative and can be quite extensive. Our main objective at the project and at EUCNC2021 is to collaboratively develop a framework and raise an intradisciplinary expert discussion on UAV integration BY involving advanced communication modes and technologies for the sake of safe and sustainable mobility of the future in the third dimension of our living space. The project team will visualise some of the project trial activities and by this the capabilities of advanced communications to enable the autonomous mobility in the third dimension – air, also in the context of the overall autonomous and manned mobility modes in our settlements and regions. Also technical and processual protocols for integrating unmanned aerial mobility by involving advanced (4G and 5G) communication modes will be presented at the Demo.
Booth #5

Demonstrating 5G in vertical industries from 5Growth
The 5Growth project aims to empower vertical industries such as Industry 4.0, Transportation, and Energy with Artificial Intelligence-driven automated 5G end-to-end solutions that will allow them to simultaneously achieve their respective key performance targets. Main objective is to explore and validate the concrete applicability of 5G technologies to real-world use-cases across various vertical sectors, through a set of different demonstrations, featuring 5G innovations and use of 5G in real vertical industries pilots. 5G innovation demos:
- Security + inter-domain, showcasing integration with 5G-VINNI.
- AI driven service scaling.
- Slicing and performance guarantees.
- A Bayesian learning method for power-constrained virtualized base stations.
- 5G vertical pilots focused demos:
- INNOVALIA Pilot. Connected Worker Remote Operation of Quality Equipment (
- EFACEC_S pilot. 5G to Support Railway Signaling Operations (
- 5Growth Interaction with ICT-17 Platforms (
- COMAU Pilot. Digital Twin Apps Use Case (
- Advanced Monitoring and Maintenance Support for the Secondary MV/LV Distribution Substation (
Booth #6

5G EVE Validation-Platform and Multi-Site Use-Case Deployment
The 5G EVE concept is based on further developing and interconnecting existing European sites to form a unique 5G end-to-end (E2E) facility. The four interworking sites in France, Greece, Italy and Spain provide both indoor and outdoor facilities. The four sites are interconnected to provide a seamless single-platform experience for experimenters from vertical industries. The 5G EVE end-to-end facility enables experimentation and validation with full sets of 5G capabilities. On the 5G EVE platform, the project has implemented 12 use cases, which have been fully developed, thoroughly integration-tested, executed and showcased on either manual or semi-automated mode. In addition, the platform hosts and supports 5G PPP use cases by ICT-19 projects that have benefited from the 5G EVE framework for running experiments. The 5G EVE exhibition stand aims to demonstrate via concrete use cases, how the 5G EVE platform has enabled multi-site experimentation and validation of innovative vertical services and applications. The stand will present the major achievements in the development and use of the 5G EVE validation platform and will demonstrate the multi-site capabilities of the platform. It will present innovative platform features like, for example, performance diagnostics, and will show the 5G EVE gaming use case as an illustration of the multi-site capabilities of the 5G EVE platform. In addition, it will present 5G EVE multi-site capabilities, which will be demonstrated via the 5G EVE gaming use case. The stand will present the major achievements in the development and use of the 5G EVE validation platform and will demonstrate the multi-site capabilities of the platform. It will present innovative platform features like, for example, performance diagnostics, and will show the 5G EVE gaming use case as an illustration of the multi-site capabilities of the 5G EVE platform. In addition, it will present 5G EVE multi-site capabilities, which will be demonstrated via the 5G EVE gaming use case. The 5G EVE exhibition stand aims to demonstrate via concrete use cases, how the 5G EVE platform has enabled multi-site experimentation and validation of innovative vertical services and applications.
Booth #7

Final 5G, C-V2X and eMBB trial results – 5G-DRIVE project
The Horizon 2020 project 5G-DRIVE: 5G HarmoniseD Research and TrIals for serVice Evolution between EU and China (2018-2021) will trial and validate the interoperability between EU & China 5G networks operating at 3.5 GHz bands for enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB) and 3.5 & 5.9 GHz bands for V2X scenarios. 5G-Drive will carry out its R&D activities and trials on eMBB and V2X at three locations: 5G Innovation Centre (University of Surrey, UK); Espoo (VTT, Finland), Ispra (Joint Research Centre, Italy). As the final stage of the project, 5G-DRIVE would like to highlight selection of its final technological and innovative results to the audiences of EuCNC 2021. The demo for EuCNC 2021 includes descriptions, video demos and other promotional materials for trials on C-V2X and 5G, as well as eMBB. The objective is to showcase the final stage of the trial results as well as the collaboration with China. There will be a selection of demo videos and/or animated presentations (with voice over) from both European and Chinese consortia, focusing on V2X and eMBB.
Examples on some of the demos:
European demo on V2X:
European field trials for using C-V2X and 5G hybrid communication solutions in urban intersection applications. The aim is to extend sensing range and safety of the automated vehicles when approaching blind spots in the intersection areas. The vehicle utilises virtual traffic lights and cameras in the road infrastructure and, location and speed information of the other vehicles. Due to latency and bandwidth requirements cellular network and PC5 interfaces in real urban environment is tested and benchmarked against twinning trials in China.
European demo on coexistence tests:
Aims to present the experimental results of ITS-G5/LTE-V2X coexistence tests carried out in the JRC Radio Spectrum Laboratory
Chinese demo video on eMBB trial:
A comprehensive video demonstrating the cooperation between China Mobile and Hubei Province on their 5G NSA and SA networks over multiple sites on urban and non-urban scenarios, as well as a wide varieties of 5G applications.
Booth #8

5G for enhanced semiconductor factory automation
The fifth generation of the mobile communication technology (5G) promises to revolutionize the communication landscape, enabling numerous services such as autonomous vehicles, real-time monitoring and control, etc. with their stringent Quality-of-Service (QoS) requirements. Together with the fourth generation of the industrial revolution, 5G is expected to gradually penetrate into different industries, blurring the line between the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Operational Technology (OT) domains. While the integration of 5G into the industrial environments brings a number of benefits (e.g., flexibility of customizing the factories, easing the maintenance of industrial machines, and enhancing the control and management of the diverse devices used on the factory shopfloors), it also poses several challenges pertaining to satisfying the ambitious requirements in terms of high reliability, ultra-low latency, jitter, synchronization accuracy, etc. of different industrial applications. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to validate the deployability of 5G at factories, conducting Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) tests, analysing the wireless channel characteristics in the specific environments, and deploying a 5G network to trial and validate applications and use cases specific to the factory environment. The objective of the 5G-SMART project has two major objectives with an overarching goal of validating 5G deployment in a Bosch semiconductor factory in Reutlingen. The first objective is to validate the deployability of 5G in this rather challenging factory environment composed of a cleanroom area full of metallic objects, various industrial machines, and Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs). Toward this end, there are two important aspects to be considered, namely, Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) tests and channel measurements. While the former aims at investigating if (if yes, how much) the electromagnetic signal generated by 5G has a negative impact onto the running production of semiconductors, the goal of the latter is to examine the channel characteristics at the Bosch semiconductor factory to find out if reliable communication can be achieved in this complex environment. The second major objective is to design, trial, validate, and evaluate two use cases, namely, “Cloud-based mobile robotics” and “TSN/Industrial LAN over 5G” – which are representative of the use cases that nowadays can be found in many factories – in a standalone, private 5G deployment at the factory. The demo booth explores industrial Automated Guided Vehicle (AGV) applications and industrial control communication. Two use cases are investigated: “Cloud-based mobile robotics” and “TSN/Industrial LAN over 5G”. The intelligence of an AGV is being completely removed and reimplemented in a cloud native manner in the edge cloud located in the factory, reducing the cost of the robot and simplifying scalability. A demo video exists that showcases the coordination of the mobile robots using a common map stored in the edge cloud. Furthermore, 5G-SMART has undertaken two measurement campaigns in the Bosch semiconductor factory. The first measurement campaign has been conducted aiming to better understand the propagation characteristics of 5G radio waves in industrial environments. In the second measurement campaign electromagnetic compliance has been studied, showing that for a large number of devices investigated, the radio signals did not have any adverse effects on the production and testing of the various semiconductor products.
Booth #9

Private 5G mobile system for future European ports
5G-LOGINNOV’s vision is to design an innovative framework addressing integration and validation of Connected Automated Driving/Mobility (CAD/CAM) technologies related to the industry 4.0 and port domains by creating new opportunities for LOGistics value chain INNOVation. 5G-LOGINNOV is supported by 5G technological blocks, including new generation of 5G terminals notably for future CAD/CAM new types of Industrial Internet of Things devices, data analytics, next generation traffic management and emerging 5G network architectures, for city ports to handle upcoming and future capacity, traffic, efficiency and environmental challenges. Thanks to the new advanced capabilities of 5G relating to wireless connectivity and core network agility, 5G-LOGINNOV ports will not only significantly optimize their operations but also minimize their environmental footprint to the city and the disturbance to the local population. 5G-LOGINNOV will be a catalyst for market opportunities build on 5G core technologies in the logistics and port operations domains, and will open SMEs’ and Start-Ups’ door to these new markets using its three Living Labs as facilitators and ambassadors for innovation on ports. 5G-LOGINNOV’s promising innovations are key for the major deep-sea European ports in view of the mega-vessel era (Athens, Hamburg), and are relevant for medium sized ports (Koper) for 5G. The objective of the demonstration is to showcase the 5G-LOGINNOV Private 5G network capabilities supporting implementation of novel 5G technologies (MANO-based services and network orchestration, Industrial IoT, AI/ML based video analytics, drone-based security monitoring etc.) and cutting-edge prototypes tailored to be operated in port ecosystems. Cloud-native principles will enable on-demand provisioning of Private 5G mobile network and 5G IoT services, it will assure the expected network and application performance metrics and KPIs, and finally it will enable on boarding, deployment automation and other required functions such as scalability, high availability and resilience of the operated services and applications. These mechanisms present essential capabilities that are required to run the most demanding logistics, Industry 4.0 and mission critical use cases in the future European ports. Finally, the EuCNC exhibition will be used as an important European event where beyond state-of-the-art capabilities of 5G-LOGINNOV will be released and showcased to the technical, business and public. Prepared demonstration will be used to promote 5G-LOGINNOV vision and developed solution and to collect valuable feedback from several industrial vertical stakeholders. The “Private 5G mobile system for future European ports” demonstration will showcase implementation of novel 5G technologies (Private 5G mobile network operating in SA mode) and cutting-edge prototypes (5G IoT platform operating in SA mode) tailored to the need of future port environments. Private 5G network live (on-line) demonstration at the EuCNC will be realized on top of a cloud-based infrastructure and will showcase specific 5G-LOGINNOV technology support and solutions for rapid deployment and reconfiguration of a network and services components that have to operate reliably and with high availability, under strict industrial and security conditions in targeted port domains.
Booth #10

5G for CCAM on X-border Corridors
European mobility is drastically changing: growing urbanisation, environmental aspects, and road safety are key concerns. Road infrastructure and vehicles are blending with the digital world, becoming constantly connected, automated and intelligent, delivering optimal experience to passengers, and addressing societal goals (e.g., emission and accident reduction) and economic needs (e.g., vehicles as smart-living environments). There is a need to explore connected European transnational mobility along main transportation corridors. Pre-commercial deployment of 5G is required on a large-scale before market roll out in the years to come. 5G-MOBIX aims to match the benefits of 5G technology with advanced CCAM use cases in order to enable innovative, previously unfeasible, automated driving applications with high automation levels, both from a technical and a business perspective. The project will actively contribute to the EU 5G Action Plan to set Europe as technology leader on the path towards commercial deployment of 5G. This will lead to a faster deployment phase of the European highways leveraging on the proposed innovations that is perfectly in line with the strategy of the deployment mobility CEF program of the EC. 5G-MOBIX aims at accelerating the deployment of 5G in cross-border areas. The project will carry out trials along X-border corridors to assess 5G capabilities for CCAM. It will address V2X cross-border operation of five use case categories as defined by 3GPP, namely:
- Advanced driving
- Platooning
- Extended sensors
- Remote driving
- Vehicle Quality of Service.driving and v) Vehicle Quality of Service.
Booth #11

Reconfigurable Optical-Radio Network for 6G
In recent years, the interest in optical wireless systems has grown rapidly in both academia and industry. In particular, Visible Light Communication (VLC) techniques are seen as a complementary technology to short-range radio systems. It is expected that in 6G, mobile devices and other connected equipment will exploit optical communications, in addition to radio technologies. For this to happen, radio and optical systems need to be highly integrated, cooperating in a seamless manner. We plan to demonstrate the concept of a reconfigurable optical-radio network where the best operation method can be dynamically selected based on the prevailing channel conditions and other strategic information. The objective of the demonstration is to show how optical and radio wireless networks can work together in a seamless manner, paving the way to future multi-access mobile devices exploiting optical and radio networks. The demonstration includes an initial slide presentation including motivation and background, presentation of the concept, and description of the implemented experimental testbed. Then, the demonstrator itself will be presented and its operation will be demonstrated in practice. The performance of the proposed hybrid communication system will also be evaluated through the practical experiments. The objective of the demonstration is to show how optical and radio wireless networks can work together in a seamless manner, paving the way to future multiaccess mobile devices exploiting optical and radio networks.
Booth #12

Project Results Demonstration
The 5Go project, financed by COMPETE2020, P2020, Lisboa2020 and the UE, runs from Jan/18 until Jun/21, prototyping components and services for 5G networks. Close to its finish, the project seem the EuCNC’21 conference as an opportunity to share its results. We will demonstrate 5G components (radio, CPE, probes, NEF and PCF), management and orchestration, and vertical services (M2M and human) and share project results with the audience.
Booth #13

URBSENSE – The City Nervous System
The telecommunications environment is a constantly evolving medium, which foresees the massification of innovative technologies leveraged by the 5G mobile network. The emergence of the 5G network will respond to the high expectations of quality of experience for users of mobile communications, as well as enabling the capability of fast response and smart services to cities, facilitating the essential much-awaited change in this sector. However, the current overpopulation of the urban centres presents new challenges to the massive and ubiquitous installation of a scalable and efficient 5G network taking into account the existing telecommunications infrastructures. Currently, half of the world’s population is distributed in cities and this number is expected to increase, which represents a rising number of devices, sensors and services, in need of continuous response, which the existing network infrastructures will not be able to supper. To assist cities, mobile network operators, and owners of telecommunications infrastructures in an effective and sustainable transition to the 5G network, Ubiwhere created URBSENSE. Ubiwhere instends to demonstrate the impact of the URBSENSE platform on the transition to the 5G network at global scale, showcasing how research and innovation initiatives can prompt that creation of disruptive technology capable of assisting all stakeholders reaching the potential expected with this transition mainly for city services and telecom operators. Ubiwhere will focus on displaying materials enlightening visitors of the real impact of the project through the presentation of the use cases and the pilots carried out within the project. Furthermore, the display of the real-life application of the platform will allow Ubiwhere to take the visitor on the complete journey of research and innovation initiatives, from spotting a global need and leveraging national and international research to develop disruptive technology capable of impacting the whole society, making it a bit more prepared to embrace the evolving world of 5G technology. URBSENSE is a radio device management platform for the 5G network. Its main feature is retrofitting, that is, the ability to equip existing urban infrastructure with wireless communication features, sensing, computing, data storage, and infrastructure management; and thus, transforming them into platforms for collecting and processing data and making communications available through 5G networks. Ubiwhere will demonstrate how more than enabling the use of urban infrastructure, and thus limiting visual pollution and additional buildings in cities, URBSENSE builds a new business model: it allows the sharing of infrastructure through an open access model, benefiting both mobile network operators and other players that operate in different verticals, thus facing lower installation (CAPEX) and operation (OPEX) costs related to 5G networks. Another innovative component of the project to be demonstrated is Edge Computing and how it will optimise general network connection capabilities, making it faster, safer, and more reliable, providing a better experience for the end-user. Ubiwhere will showcase the impact of URBSENSE through a dynamic presentation and digital promotional material displaying the needs that have prompted the creation of the project, the technology developed and its practical application.
Booth #14

Ubiwhere – Suiting the Future
TUbiwhere’s main goal is to research and develop bleeding-edge technologies, design state-of-the-art solutions and create valuable intellectual property (using rich intangible assets) internally and to its clients – to achieve its vision of being an international reference in Smart Cities and Future Internet. To this end our fast-paced team carries out research and innovation initiatives at a national and European scope to, jointly with experts of the scientific community, addressing global challenges in both of these areas. These projects allow us to keep the pace with the most promising technologies, helping us create better products tailored to the needs of the future. This demonstration will be of key importance for Ubiwhere to showcase the work that has been done towards a more efficient, scalable and ubiquitous 5G network. Ubiwhere has been tailoring innovative solutions into the massification of the 5th generation network, within innovation and research initiatives addressing the topic. At the demo Ubiwhere will demonstrate how these initiatives have allow us to take a disruptive idea and turning it into an innovative solution capable of solving the daily challenges of citizens, cities and telecom operators at a global scale. At the demonstration, Ubiwhere will showcase some of the disruptive technologies developed within the projects in motion to explore the diverse verticals of 5G, addressing the challenges of its implementation and preparing the society to seize its full potential. SNOB-5G, developed under the PT2020 Programme, and Affordable5G and 5GaaS, both funded by Horizon2020 Programme will be some of the projects presented at the event. Ubiwhere’s focus will be on showcasing the application of the innovative technology explored within these projects, such as the mmWave technology, Software-Defined Networks (SDN), Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) and Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC) and how it’s impacting over the 5G market and of the cities adopting these solutions to better accommodate the 5G network. Furthermore, Ubiwhere will display the use cases leveraging the technology, showcasing real life applications carried out in pilot cities, and the results achieved so far.
Booth #15

5G Heart
5G Heart Aquaculture and Transport Validation Trials
The phase I of 5G-HEART trials was complete. The interim results of 5G-HEART trials will be presented. The overall objective of the 5G-HEART is to define and validate the cost efficient 5G converged network concepts, which enable an intelligent hub supported by multiple vertical industries. 5 vertical trials will be presented as follows:
- Tele guided ultrasound demo (Healthcare, 5G VINNI platform, Norway)
- Smart junction use case (Transport, 5Groningen platform, Netherlands)
- Human tachograph (Transport, 5GTN platform, Finland)
- Aquaculture demo in Norway (Aquaculture, 5G-VINNI platform, Norway)
- Aquaculture demo in Greece (Aquaculture, 5G-EVE platform, Greece)rt
Booth #16

6G Flagship
The Finnish 6G Flagship is a global leader and desired research partner for 5G adoption and 6G co-creation. The eight-year research program aims at envisioning and defining 6G-enabled digital world towards 2030, aligned with the UN SDGs, where the physical and virtual worlds meet, and wireless connectivity expands to all areas of life. For this purpose, 6G Flagship’s experts develop fundamental 6G technology components, novel wireless solutions and business approaches in four interrelated research areas – wireless connectivity, device and circuit technologies, distributed intelligent computing, and sustainable human-centric services and applications.
The program partners with various stakeholder groups from research community and political decision makers to companies representing both ICT development and a broad range of ICT user fields from health sector to heavy industry. Joint development of applications in verticals paves the way for sustainable data-driven society enabled by near-instant, unlimited connectivity. 6G Flagship Experimental Platform at the University of Oulu supports early, open-minded experiments in mobile wireless connectivity, services and analytics. Our platform enables:
– mmWave and THz measurements up to 330 GHz in anechoic chamber
– trials in live 5G Test Network with various 5G-capable UEs from AR/VR to industrial machines
– data analytics and development of ML algorithms in the campus wide IoT network
Discuss and partner with us to:
– increase your knowledge on the expected societal and business needs during the next ten years
– explore technologies and connected devices which are not yet commercially available discover new potential application areas in ICT but also in vertical sectors including industry, energy, health, transport and logistics.
Booth #17

INESC TEC is a private, non-profit association dedicated to scientific research and technological development, technology transfer, advanced consulting and training, and pre-incubation of new technology-based companies.
The University of Porto, INESC, the Polytechnic of Porto, the University of Minho and the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro are INESC TEC’s associates. Presently, INESC TEC’s main sites are located in the cities of Porto, Braga and Vila Real. By the end of 2020, INESC TEC’s 13 R&D Centres hosted 730+ integrated researchers (350+ PhDs), including R&D employees, academic staff, grant holders and affiliated researchers. INESC TEC’s team also includes technical and administrative support staff and trainees.
INESC TEC envisions to be a relevant international player in Science and Technology in the domains of Computer Science, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Networked Intelligent Systems, and Power and Energy. As an institution operating at the interface between the academic and business worlds, bringing academia, companies, public administration, and society closer together, through its “managed science” model, INESC TEC generates knowledge as part of its research, and leverages that knowledge in technology transfer projects, seeking impact both through value creation and social relevance.
The dual mission of INESC TEC is to excel in research and to seek its social and economic impact, with a unifying commitment to the scientific and technological aspiration of fostering pervasive intelligence.
The merit of INESC TEC in the accomplishment of its dual mission has been formally acknowledged by the Foundation for Science and Technology, with the institute’s recognition as Associate Laboratory and the Portuguese Ministry of Economy, with its recognition as Technology Interface Centre.