Given the 30th Anniversary of the EuCNC conference series (see the list in here), we’re having a celebration session, which is scheduled to Wednesday, June 9th, 17h30 CEST (Brussels time). This session will have two parts:
1. Panel:
The panel will discuss the past, present and future of the conference series, with the following speakers:

João S. da Silva
(Retired, former Director of Converged Networks and Services, European Commission)

Bernard Barani
(Deputy Head of Unit Future Connectivity Systems, DG Connect, European Commission)

Luis M. Correia
(Prof., IST – University of Lisbon, Portugal)

Werner Mohr
Retired (formely with Siemens AG, Nokia Siemens Networks and Nokia, Germany)
The Panel will be held via the Virtual Platform supporting the conference. In order to have access to the platform, you need to register to the conference (which is free!) in here.
2. Virtual Gathering:
The Virtual Gathering will resemble the usual Welcome Reception, where you’ll have the opportunity to meet and chat with your friends (you’ll have to bring your own drink!). It will be supported on the Wonder platform,, and the link to it will also be available at the conference Virtual Platform .
Please note that Wonder:
- is designed for use on desktop and laptop computers;
- does not currently function on tablets or mobile devices, which includes iPads, iPhones and other similar devices,
- is optimised exclusively for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsers, and should update them before the event, which will help avoiding technical problems;
- can be accessed without a camera, but you do need to have a microphone.