Steering Committee Chairs
Luis M. Correia, IST-U. Lisbon, PT (Chair)
Bernard Barani, E.C., BE (Vice-Chair)
Matti Latva-aho, Oulu U. – 6G Flagship, FI (Vice-Chair)
Technical Program Chairs
Emilio Calvanese Strinati, CEA Leti, FR (Chair)
Ari Pouttu, Oulu U. – 6G Flagship, FI (Vice-Chair)
Track Co-Chairs
PHY – Physical Layer and Fundamentals
Jean-Baptiste Doré, CEA Leti, FR
Besna Smida, U. Illinois, US
Marco Di Renzo, CNRS, FR
RAS – Radio Access and Softwarisation
Mickael Maman, CEA Leti, FR
Kei Sakaguchi, TIT, JP
Jean Schwoerer, Orange Labs, FR
WOS – Wireless, Optical and Satellite Netw.
Petar Popovski, U. Aalborg, DK
Nicolas Chuberre, Thales, FR
Taesang Choi, ETRI, KR
NET – Network Softwarisation
Artur Hecker, Huawei, DE
Panagiotis Demestichas, Wings ICT, GR
Tommaso Melodia, Northwestern U., US
VAP – Vertical Applications and IoT
Luis Muñoz, U. Cantabria, ES
Konstantin Mikhaylov, Oulu U. – 6G Flagship, FI
Guan Gui, NUPC, CN
OPE – Operational & Experimental Insights
Vincenzo Sciancalepore, NEC, DE
Valerio Frascolla, INTEL, DE
CME – Components & Microelectronics
Didier Belot, CEA Leti, FR
Andreia Cathelin, STM, FR
6GV – 6G Visions
Marja Matinmikko-Blue, Oulu U. – 6G Flagship, FI
Volker Ziegler, Nokia, FI
Akihiro Nakao, U. Tokyo, JP
6ET – Enabling Technologies
Nandana Rajatheva, Oulu U. – 6G Flagship, FI
Mikko Uusitalo, Nokia, FI
Mark Rodwell, U. Santa Barbara, US
Panels Co-Chairs
Jorge Pereira, E.C., BE
Markus Mueck, INTEL, DE
Thomas Haustein, HHI, DE
Special Sessions Co-Chairs
Filipe Cardoso, I. Poly. Setúbal, PT
Daniele Tarchi, U. Bologna, IT
Melike Erol-Kantarci, Ottawa U., CA
Workshops Co-Chairs
Zdenek Becvar, CTU, CZ
Joseph Vidal, UPC, ES
Stefano Basagni, Northwestern U., USA
Tutorials Co-Chairs
George Alexandropoulos, NKUA, GR
Henk Wymeersch, Chalmers U., SE
Hsuan-Jung Su, National Taiwan U., TW
Exhibitions Co-Chairs
Mauro Boldi Renato, Telecom Italia, IT
Mario Scillia, E.C., BE
IEEE ComSoc Liaison
Hikmet Sari, NUPT, CN
Björn Ottersten, U. Luxembourg, LU/KTH, SE
COST Liaison
Ralph Stübner, COST, BE
URSI Liaison
Sana Salous, Durham U., UK
The 2022 Joint EuCNC & 6G Summit builds on putting together two successful conferences in the area of telecommunications: EuCNC, in its 31st edition of a series, supported by the European Commission; the 6G Summit, in its 4th edition, originated from the 6G Flagship programme in Finland, one of the very first in its area. The conference is sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) and the European Association for Signal Processing (EURASIP), and supported by the European Commission. The conference addresses various aspects of Beyond 5G communications systems and networks, and looks already into 6G matters. It brings together cutting-edge research and world-renown industries and businesses, globally attracting in the last years more than 1 300 delegates from more than 40 countries all over the world, to present and discuss the latest results, and an exhibition with more than 70 exhibitors, for demonstrating the technology developed in the area, namely within research projects from EU R&I programmes.
The conference program will include:

Key dates:
28 Jan. 2022 – Deadline for submission of papers for regular oral sessions
28 Jan. 2022 – Deadline for submission of proposals for workshops, special sessions, and tutorials
11 Mar. 2022 – Deadline for submission of extended abstracts for posters
11 Mar. 2022 – Notification of acceptance of workshops, special sessions, and tutorials
1 Apr. 2022 – Deadline for submission of proposals for exhibitions
4 Apr. 2022 – Notification of acceptance of papers and extended abstracts
15 Apr. 2022 – Deadline for final papers for all sessions and workshops
22 Apr. 2022 – Deadline for authors registration
29 May 2022 – Draft program available