Call for Virtual Exhibitors (Demos)

Proposals for Exhibitions/Demos are invited by 2021/04/09

Virtual | Porto, Portugal


A full list of topics is available here.


The 2021 Joint EuCNC & 6G Summit will take place in a dedicated virtual platform. There will be a virtual exhibition, presenting a wide range of technologies, products and results from European Commission co-funded projects. In order to increase engagement levels, there will be several features available for participants to interact with one another and with the virtual exhibition.

As an exhibitor, you will have access to the platform a week before the conference starts. You can use this time to be acquainted with the platform, its tools and features.

A helpdesk will be available during this period and during the conference, to assist you and respond to any doubts you might have.

Exhibitions may address one or more Tracks, but they should be organised under a unified theme. Exhibitiors are expected to show the demonstration of novel technologies and their application.

Proposers should provide information on the Title, Objective, Motivation and Background, Description, and associated Requirements.

The Exhibition will be open during the entire conference, from 8 June to 11 June 2021.

Exhibitions proposals should be submitted in a specific form, available below.

Key Dates

2021 Apr. 2 9

Exhibition and Demonstrations proposals submission deadline

2021 Apr. 19

Notification of acceptance



Physical Layer and Fundamentals


Wireless, Optical and Satellite Networks


Radio Access and Softwarisation


Vertical Applications and Internet of Things


Network Softwarisation


Operational & Experimental Insights


Components and Microelectronics


6G Enabling Technologies


6G Visions