Spectrum issues, from Cognitive Radio to Spectrum sharing
Wednesday, 20 June 2018, 11:00-12:30, E3 hall
Session Chair:
- Ingrid Moerman (IMEC – Ghent Univ., BE )
Cognitive radios emerged some years ago to address the problem of heavy interference in congested wireless bands and offer the possibility of stable wireless communication even in the most demanding wireless environments. The need to enable transparent coexistence of heterogeneous wireless technologies sharing the same bands, and to opportunistically use unused or under-utilised spectrum bands have become dominant requirements for increasing the overall spectral efficiency in wireless communication.
Software Defined Radio (SDR) including Dynamic Spectrum Sharing (DSS), Coexistence in unlicensed bands, Licensed Shared Access (LSA), Licensed Assisted Access (LAA), Software Defined Networking (SDN), Network Function Virtualisation (NFV) are building blocks to move forward from cognitive radios to the next generation of highly flexible intelligent radios that can control all aspects of a wireless network stack and access the available wireless spectrum with maximum efficiency and adaptability during runtime.
Radios that (1) can sense the spectrum effectively, (2) make intelligent decisions to control a wide range of configuration parameters during runtime in view of maximising performance while transparently coexisting with heterogeneous technologies, (3) take into account the regulatory context, and (4) capable to deploy virtualised heterogeneous wireless interfaces based on application demands and wireless environmental context, is the next big step towards decentralised location-aware solutions maximising local and global spectrum efficiency. In this special session, several H2020 projects aiming to design and offer such next generation technologies to enable true intelligent wireless radios will present their research results.
The special session will start with an overview of the key spectrum policy objectives as defined by the EU Radio Spectrum Policy Programme (RSPP). Next, four H2020 projects will present some research results on how to optimise global spectrum efficiency:
- The Wi-5 Project (What to do With the Wi-Fi Wild West) proposes an architecture for optimise available Wi-Fi spectrum based on an integrated and coordinated set of smart solutions able to efficiently reduce interference between neighbouring APs and provide optimised connectivity for new and emerging services.
- The WiSHFUL project (Wireless Software and Hardware platforms for Flexible and Unified radio and network controL)) offers advanced control for a wide range of heterogeneous wireless interface, controlling parameters from Physical to Network layer. Employing such advanced control to a deployed wireless network, consisting of heterogeneous wireless technologies, coexistence can be greatly improved and intelligent control support can enable efficient spectrum use and reuse even in large scale network deployments.
- The eWINE project (elastic Wireless Networking Experimentation) develops intelligent network solutions that can scale to a high number of users in a short timespan through the use of an agile infrastructure (intelligent software and flexible hardware), enabling (1) dynamic on-demand end-to-end wireless connectivity service provisioning, (2) elastic resource sharing in dense heterogeneous and small cell networks, and (3) intelligent and informed configuration of the physical layer.
- The ORCA project (Orchestration and Reconfiguration Control Architecture) offers test facilities, SDR hardware platforms and software toolsets for rapid validation of innovative software defined radio (SDR) solutions. ORCA enables advanced end-to-end networking experiments involving real-time SDR dealing with very diverse QoS requirements (in terms of throughput, data volumes, latency, response time, reliability, availability, etc.) and sharing the same wireless technologies and/or spectral bands.
- “Regulatory issues related to spectrum sharing”, Jorge Pereira (DG CONNECT, European Commission)
- “Wi-5: a spectrum programming architecture for Wi-Fi networking”, Dr Faycal Bauhaus (Liverpool John Moores University, UK)
- “WiSHFUL, an enabler towards an efficient and transparent spectrum sharing universal strategy”, Spilios Giannoulis (IMEC – Ghent University, Belgium)
- “Monitoring and Context Awareness for Coexistence in Shared Spectrum”, Luiz DaSilva (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
- “Infrastructure and Spectrum Sharing for Massive MIMO: A Measurement-Based Study”, Andrea Guevara (KULeuven, Belgium)
The presentation will be followed by a panel discussion between the speakers and the audience on the problems and trends regarding efficient spectrum sharing between heterogeneous technologies in view of serving different vertical markets.
Closing panel (wrap up/potential collaborations identified/conclusions):
Moderated by:
Ingrid Moerman
- Jorge Pereira (DG CONNECT, European Commission)
- Faycal Bouhafs (Liverpool John Moores University, UK)
- Spilios Giannoulis (IMEC – Ghent University, Belgium)
- Luiz DaSilva (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
- Andrea Guevara (KULeuven, Belgium)