Slovenia has been in the Schengen zone since 2007. You will not need a visa if you are a citizen of EU Member States or any other visa-free country and you have a valid passport or a comparable travel document.
The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia is responsible for visas. You are advised to check visa requirements at the nearest Slovenian embassy or consulate. Information on visas and addresses of Slovenian embassies can be found on the following web site of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (
Letter of Guarantee
A Letter of Guarantee is required to apply for a Slovenian visa.
Upon request, a letter of guarantee will be provided to authors of accepted technical or workshop papers, keynote speakers, tutorial and panel speakers, and EUCNC 2018 attendees who completed their registration and payment process.
After the registration and payment is completed, the letter of guarantee may be requested. With this letter you will be able to obtain VISA for the period of the EuCNC 2018 conference in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
The Letter of Guarantee will contain exclusively the following information:
- Conference title
- Conference dates
- Conference location
Please follow the instructions below to request a letter of guarantee.
- Complete your conference registration and payment process.
- Fill in the form that is attached below.
- Deliver the form to the technical organizer Cankarjev Dom at least one month before your arrival
- by faxing it to +386-1-24-17-296, or
- by sending it in an email to
We will aim to issue your letter the soonest possible, but please allow up to one (1) week for your request to be processed.
The technical organiser Cankarjev Dom is authorised to demand payment of registration fee before the visa procedure starts. Please note that all costs are to be covered by the participant (verification tax and DHL post costs if needed).