Satellite solutions for the 5G network of networks
Wednesday, 20 June 2018, 11:00-12:30, E4 hall
Session Chair:
- Georgia Poziopoulou (Avanti Communications, United Kingdom)
- Adam Kapovits (Eurescom GmbH, Germany)
- Maria Guta (European Space Agency, France)
5G is the first truly multi-technology communication system, where satellite role is being proven on the basis of its benefits and its integration in the overall network. First, the consensus and wider agreement on what satellite brings to achieving the 5G KPIs are: service ubiquity, service continuity, service scalability (as indicated in 3GPP TR 22.822) broadcast (simultaneity) and security. Recent activities develop already 5G features in satellite networks and include the necessary integration tests. Large-scale satellite terrestrial 5G enabled testbeds are being developed aiming to validate the end-to-end terrestrial/satellite system, network performance and demonstrate over-the- air the seamless service delivery. It is now essential to:
a) Further optimise the integrated satellite/terrestrial networks architectural modularisation and exploit edge network connectivity concepts,
b) Ensure the 5G standards include the necessary parameters for satellite to be fully integrated,
c) Investigate cross-industry cooperation opportunities between terrestrial and SatCom industry and the 5G verticals when considering the demonstration of services interoperability in the vertical segments’ operational environment,
d) Promote the emergence of innovative services and new business models making use of 5G networks integrating satellite,
e) Investigate synergies of combined use of terrestrial/satellite access technologies with advanced navigation, positioning and earth observation data in response to the various 5G verticals requirements.
- The Connected Globe – Satellite’s Role for the Future (Indran Sivarajah, Avanti Communications);
- ESA Satellite 5G initiative (Maria Guta, ESA);
- Integration scenarios of satellite in 5G and standardisation impact (Nicolas Chuberre, Thales Alenia Space);
- Large scale experimental platforms and satellites (Anastasius Gavras, Eurescom);
- Demonstrating satellite integration in 5G networks – SaT5G’s eMBB use cases (Yogaratnam Rahulan, University of Surrey);
- SATis5 – a satellite-terrestrial testbed showcasing different use cases (Marius-Iulian Corici, Fraunhofer FOKUS);
- Japanese plans for satellite-terrestrial integration testing activities (Naoto Kadowaki, NICT);
- Closing thoughts by session chairs.