5G Architecture towards Verticals

Thursday, 21 June 2018, 09:00-10:30, E2 hall
Session Chair: 
  • Simone Redana (Nokia Bell Labs, Germany)
  • Ömer Bulakci (Huawei, Germany)

5G is the first generation of mobile networks that is by design addressing the wide range of needs of the vertical industries. 5G offers unlimited mobile broadband experience, provides massive connectivity for everything from human held smart devices to sensors and machines, and most importantly, it has the ability to support critical machine communication with instant action and ultra-high reliability.

First 5G specifications are available with 3GPP Rel.15 but further enhancements and optimization are needed to design a 5G System that meets the requirements from the vertical industries. In this special session, we will collect pitches from vertical industries, operators and vendors to trigger a panel discussion on the above aspects. We have the following pitches with the title “vertical industries requirements and corresponding architecture enhancements”.


Operators view pitches:

  • Diego López, Telefonica Spain
  • Paul Veitch, British Telecom
  • Maria Rita Spada, WindTre
  • Alexandros Kostopoulos, OTE

Vertical Industries view pitches:

  • José Enrique Gonzalez, ATOS
  • Luca Vignaroli, RAI
  • Julie Bradford, Real Wireless
  • Arturo Azcorra/Carlos J. Bernardos/Antonio de la Oliva, IMDEA

Vendors view pitches:

  • Thomas Deiss/Christoph Schmelz, Nokia
  • David Gutierrez/Mehrdad Shariat, Samsung
  • Panagiotis Gouvas/Anastasios Zafeiropoulos, UBITECH

Closing panel discussion with some of the presenters, moderated by .

5GPPP Architecture Working Group was launched during the Phase 1 of the 5GPPP Initiative with the result of publishing two White Papers in June 2016 and January 2018 respectively. The work is now continuing with the Phase 2 with special focus on understanding the requirements from vertical industries involved in the Phase 2 projects and then drive the required enhancements of the 5G Architecture able to meet their requirements. The results of the Working Group will contribute to the Rel.16 and 17 in 3GPP.