5G Mobile Network Architecture and New Radio Advances (5GMoNANeRA)

Thursday, 21 June 2018, 09:00-10:30, E3 hall
Session Chair:
  • Frank Schaich (Nokia Bell Labs, Germany)
  • Lars Christoph Schmelz (Nokia Bell Labs, Germany)
  • Marie-Helene Hammon (Orange Labs, France)
  • Albert Banchs (University Carlos III Madrid, Spain)
  • Gerhard Wunder (FU Berlin, Germany)
  • Mauro Boldi (Telecom Italia, Italy)

The scope of this special session is to present the latest results on the concepts on 5G radio and mobile network architecture, under the lead of two of the most representative H2020 5GPPP Phase II projects on these topics: ONE5G (https://one5g.eu/) and 5G-MoNArch (https://5g-monarch.eu). Both projects shall provide a comprehensive latest view on specification and extensions of 5G architecture as well as the developments for 5G New Radio Advanced, tackling 3GPP Release 16 and beyond. The combination of the two projects will allow to give a comprehensive view of the 5G technology and the interactions of the different layers. This special session is planned in close cooperation with the Special Session 4a on Resource Elasticity, which covers further aspects and features on the 5G Network Architecture.
The focus of the ONE5G contributions to this special session is on key technology components for 5G New Radio Advanced, specifically extensions that support cost-efficient provision of services both in Megacities and Underserved Areas. More specifically, the advanced technologies presented include Massive MIMO and E2E connectivity metrics and performance optimizations within the 5G NR Advanced RAN.
The 5G-MoNArch contributions to this special session focus on features and aspects particularly relevant for 5G network slicing for industrial applications, where the resilience against outages and network service degradations as well as security aspects play a major role. Network slices thereby represent a logical network layer on top of the heterogeneous physical / virtualised E2E infrastructure. The corresponding concepts and innovations worked out as part of the research work will be brought into practice through a testbed implementation at the Hamburg Smart Sea Port, with a focus on building resilient and secure slices in the radio network.

  • Cognitive Network Fault Management Approach for Improving Resilience in 5G Networks (#1570456412): Borislava Gajic, Christian Mannweiler, Diomidis S. Michalopoulos (Nokia Bell Labs, Germany)
  • 5G Island for Network Resilience and Autonomous Failsafe Operations (#1570456413): Bin Han, Marcos Rates Crippa, Hans D. Schotten (Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Germany)
  • Low-Overhead Massive MIMO Channel Estimation (#1570456795): Stelios Stefanatos, Gerhard Wunder (Freie Universität Berlin, Germany), Samer Bazzi (Huawei Technologies, Germany), Luc Le Magoarou, Stéphane Paquelet (B-COM, France)
  • On How to Harvest Multi-Channel Access Benefits in 5G New Radio (#1570457151): Daniela Laselva (Nokia Bell Labs, Aalborg, Denmark), Nurul H. Mahmood, Dong Min Kim (Aalborg University, Denmark), David Palacios, Isabel de la Bandera-Cascales (University of Málaga, Spain), Mustafa Emara, Miltiades C. Filippou (Intel Deutschland GmbH, Germany)