Terabit Wireless Transport for Networks Beyond 5G
Wednesday, 20 June 2018, 16:00-17:30, E1 hall
Session Chair:
- Claudio Paoloni (Lancaster University, United Kingdom)
The EU Commission released a visionary call, ICT-09-2017: Networking research beyond 5G, to explore new technologies,paradigms and systems outside the well stablished 5G stream and bring them closer to exploitation. In particular, it addresses the spectrum above 90 GHz, up to THz frequencies, to enable multigigabit per second distribution, to support the fast increasing wireless traffic and new applications, the integration with photonics systems, advanced signal processing
and network cooperation.
Six ambitious H2020 projects, DREAM, EPIC, TERAPOD, TERRANOVA, ULTRAWAVE and WORTEX, have been funded with different, but complementary challenges. They form a cluster to leverage resources and results for higher impact in future network scenarios.
The special session will be a showcase of the beyond the state of the art progresses to enable new paradigms for a long term vision of 5G and beyond. It will include four talks, one for each project and a panel session with a representative of the European Commission to engage the audience on the presented topics with the EU vision. The duration of each talk will be 14 min plus 2 min for questions.
Norbert Wehn; Onur Sahin,
»Next-Generation Channel Coding Towards Terabit/s Wireless Communications«
Alan Davy; Luis Pessoa; Cyril Renaud; Edward Wasige; Mira Naftaly; Thomas Kürner; Glenn George; Oleg Cojocari; Niamh O’ Mahony; Marco A. Porcel
»TERAPOD: Building an End User Focused THz Based Ultra High Bandwidth Wireless Access Network«
Angeliki Alexiou
»TERRANOVA System Architecture Reliable and Scalable Tbit/s Connectivity to Extend the Fibre Optic Systems QoE into the Wireless Domain«
Claudio Paoloni
»Ultra Capacity Wireless Layer Beyond 100 GHz Based on Millimeter Wave Traveling Wave Tubes«