Wireless communications research: thinking outside the box

Tuesday, 19 June 2018, 11:30-13:00, Linhart hall
Session Chair:
  • Carolina Fortuna (Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia)

This session aims to provoke and stimulate an out-of-the-box discussion between the invited speakers and the participants on new research ideas that are beyond or different from the current ‘mainstream’ research, and to look at topics that are not anticipated by current funding opportunities. The invited talks will open the discussion on where wireless research may be heading in 5 to 10 years by presenting new challenges, new application domains or new methodology that has the potential to create a new research (sub)domain and/or have a major impact on everyday life.


Prof. Huseyin Arslan – Flexible RAN beyond 5G

Prof. Oriol Sallent – Radio Resource and Network Management for 5G New Radio and Beyond: Shifting the Focus

Prof. Luis Correia – The radio challenges for future terminals

Prof. Roberto Verdone – Horizon 2028: The Dawn of True Mobile Radio Networks?

Prof. Renato Lo Cigno – Wireless 2035: New Technologies or New Architectures?

Prof. Dimitra Simeonidou – Driving digital transformation through converged network architectures, AI and new business models