KEYNOTE 1: The Future X Network and the Next Industrial Revolution

Peter Vetter

(Head of Access Lab, Nokia Bell Labs, USA)



In this talk, we will present how the future digital fabric will create time by the automation of everything. We will discuss how this transformation will be driven by enterprise applications and why low latency will be absolutely critical. This leads to the vision of a new edge cloud integrated network architecture.



Peter Vetter is Head of Access Lab in Nokia Bell Labs and Bell Labs Fellow. He is globally responsible for research in Nokia on wireless and wireline access technologies. He received the degree of Physics Engineer from Gent University (Belgium) in 1986 and a PhD in 1991. After a post-doctoral fellowship at Tohoku University (Japan), he joined the research center of Alcatel (now Nokia) in Antwerp in 1993. Since 2009, he works at Bell Labs in Murray Hill, New Jersey. Early in his career, he has been the initiator and leader of several EU projects, including the FP6 MUSE project, which was one of the largest integrated projects in broadband and converged access with 36 partners and a total budget of 60 Million Euro from 2004-2008. He was also co-founder of an internal venture that produced the first FTTH product in Alcatel. Under his leadership, he and his teams have realized several world-first system demonstrations in access. He has authored or co-authored over a hundred international papers, including several invited and tutorials.