Travel Grants

Rules for Students’ Travel Grants

  1. EuCNC awards Travel Grants to students, so that they can attend the conference.
  2. The Travel Grant consists of the Registration Fee plus a Contribution to Travel Expenses.
  3. The Registration Fee will be corresponding to:
    • a “Limited Global Registration” (R02), if the student is an author/co-author of a paper accepted to the conference and is presenting the paper at the conference;
    • a “Student Global Registration” (R07), in all other cases.
  4. The Contribution to Travel Expenses will be the actual travel costs, limited to 500 €, for which the student will have to present receipts.
  5. Applications to Travel Grants should be made via EDAS. The students are required to upload their Curriculum Vitae, and a copy of their student card or a certificate from their academic institution.
  6. Travel Grants are awarded according to the following priorities:
    • Students that are authors/co-authors of papers accepted to the conference, and are presenting their papers at the conference; the students with papers with a higher mark will be given a higher priority.
    • Students that are authors/co-authors of papers accepted to the conference, but are not presenting their papers at the conference.
    • Ph.D. students that are not authors of papers at the conference.
    • M.Sc. students that are not authors of papers at the conference.
    • In each of the categories listed above, priority is given to students studying in European countries, ranking first those from countries that are ranked below 70% of the EU27 average of the composite indicator on Research Excellence.
  7. The following key dates apply to Travel Grant applications:
    • 2017 April 21: Deadline for submission of Travel Grant applications;
    • 2017 May 12: Notification of acceptance of Travel Grant applications.
  8. The students need to register to the conference according to their status: with a Student Registration (“Student Global Registration” (R07) or “Student Conference Registration” (R08)) if the registration is not covering a paper, or with a Full/Limited Registration (R01, R02, R03 or R04) for an author presenting a paper. In any case, the registration fees have to be paid and the registration must respect the authors' registration policy if applicable.
  9. In case the Travel Grant is awarded, the registration fee will be waived and refunded directly. The reimbursement of the travel fees will be done after the receipts are provided.
  10. The number of the Travel Grant to be issued depends on budget availability.
  11. A Travel Grants Committee decides on the awarding of the travel grants, being composed of: Steering Committee Chair from the current edition of the conference, and Technical Programme Chairs from the current and previous editions of the conference.
  12. Complaints are decided by the Steering Committee of the conference.