Video Blog

Some short videos/interviews about EUCNC2017.

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Farewell from EuCNC 2017


Matti Latva-aho

EuCNC 2017 Host and TCP chair


The 5GPP view


Jan-Pierre Bienaime

Secretary General, 5GIA


Inviting you to Ljubljana


Miha Mohorčič

Institute Jožef Stefan, Slovenia

Mojca Volk

University of Ljubljana, Slovenia


The experience of a young researcher


Pedro Alvarez

Connect Centre, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland


An example of EU - Japan collaboration


Shinsaku Kiyomoto

iKaaS, Japan


Keeping up the expectations on 5G


Bernard Barani

European Commission, Belgium


The takeaways from the panel on verticals


Markus Dillinger

Head for 5G verticals R&D, Munich, Germany


A vision on the usage of data


Ian Oppermann

CEO NSW Data Analytics Centre, Australia


The reality of 5G and industry collaboration


Mikael Höök

Director, Radio Research, Ericsson, Sweden


What 5G will be and will be not


Kari Leppänen

Director, 5G Radio Network Technology, Huawei, Sweden and Finland


A view on 5G


Zhisheng Niu

Tsinghua University, China


A view on 5G


Hendrik Berndt

H.B.C., Germany


The takeaways from the panel on spectrum


Mikko A. Uusitalo

Nokia Bell Labs, Finland


5G helping us create time


Peter Vetter

Head of Access Lab, Nokia Bell Labs, USA


Operators perspective on 5G


Antje Williams

Manager 5G Programme, Deutsche Telekom, Germany


How SMEs benefit from 5G


Pekka Soini

CEO Tekes, Finland & Conference General Co-Chair


Importance of 5G in Finland


Anne Berner

Minister of Transport and Communications, Finland


Welcome to EuCNC 2017

Oulu, Finland, 12-15 June 2017



TEKES welcomes all EuCNC guests to visit Finland – the country that defines the next 100 years