Announcement EuCNC 2018

June 18 – 21, 2018




General Co-Chairs

(To be defined), EC, BE
(To be defined), SI

Steering Committee Chairs

Luis M. Correia, IST-Uni.Lisbon, PT

Bernard Barani, EC, BE

Technical Program Chairs

Mihael Mohorčič, JSI, SI

Mojca Volk, Uni. Ljubljana, SI

Track Co-Chairs

PHY - Physical Layer and Fundamentals

Tomaž Javornik, JSI, SI

Ke Guan, Beijing Jiaotong Uni., CN

Petar Popovski, Aalborg Uni., DK

RAS – Radio Access and Softwarisation

David Grace, Uni. York, UK

Kandeepan Sithamparanathan, RMIT, AU

Oliver Holland, King’s College London, UK

WOS - Wireless, Optical and Satellite Netw.

Boštjan Batagelj, Uni. Ljubljana, SI

Nataša Malić, Ericsson, HR

Pawel Dmochowski, Victoria Uni. of Wellington, NZ

NET - Networking Softwarisation

Leonardo Goratti, CREATE-NET, IT

Panagiotis Demestichas, Uni. Piraeus, GR

Karina Gomez Chavez, RMIT, AU

APS – Applications Areas and Services

Antonio Skarmeta, Uni. Murcia, ES

Antonello Monti, RWTH Aachen, DE

Vassilis Nikolopoulos, Intelen, USA

OPE - Operational & Experimental Insights

Carolina Fortuna, JSI, SI

Ivan Seskar, Rutgers Uni., USA

Markus Fiedler, BTH, SE

Panels Co-Chairs

Pavlos Fournogerakis, EC, BE

Peter Marshall, Ericsson, UK

Special Sessions Co-Chairs

John Davies, BT, UK

Iztok Humar, Uni. Ljubljana, SI

Workshops Co-Chairs

Eli de Poorter, Ghent Uni./IMEC, BE

Andrea Cattoni, Keysight Technologies, DK

Exhibitions Co-Chairs

Jorge Pereira, EC, BE

Janez Sterle, Uni. Ljubljana, SI

Tutorials Co-Chairs

Roberto Verdone, Uni. Bologna, IT

Andrej Kos, Uni. Ljubljana, SI

IEEE/ComSoc Liaison

Hikmet Sari, Sequans, FR


Fernando Pereira, IST-Uni. Lisbon, PT


EuCNC 2018 is the 27th edition of a successful series of a conference in the field of telecommunications, sponsored by the European Commission. The conference focuses on various aspects of 5G communications systems and networks, including cloud and virtualisation solutions, management technologies, and vertical application areas. It targets to bring together researchers from all over the world to present the latest research results, and it is one of the main venues for demonstrating the results of research projects, especially from successive European R&D programmes co-financed by the European Commission.


The conference program will include:


  • Keynotes
  • Panels
  • Regular oral sessions (papers from the open call, to be submitted for uploading to IEEE Xplore)
  • Special sessions, with papers on specific topics
  • Workshops, with papers and presentations on specific topics
  • Poster sessions (papers from open call addressing latest results)
  • Tutorials
  • Demos and exhibitions


Key dates:


05 Feb. 2018 – Deadline for submission of papers for regular oral sessions

05 Feb. 2018 – Deadline for submission of proposals for workshops, special sessions and tutorials

16 Mar. 2018 – Notification of acceptance of workshops, special sessions and tutorials

19 Mar. 2018 – Deadline for submission of extended abstracts for posters

09 Apr. 2018 – Notification of acceptance of papers and extended abstracts

09 Apr. 2018 – Deadline for submission of proposals for exhibitions

20 Apr. 2018 – Deadline for final papers for all sessions and workshops

20 Apr. 2018 – Deadline for authors registration

14 May 2018 – Draft program available