Exhibitions and Demos

Exhibitions will take place at Oulu City Theatre, in the following schedule:

Tuesday 09:00 – 18:00

Wednesday 09:00 – 18:00

Thursday 09:00 – 12:30



                                                                Exhibition Map





Booth # 1: TWEETHER

Travelling Wave Tube based W-band Wireless Networks with High Capacity and Efficiency

The H2020 EU project TWEETHER sets novel W band backhaul and access technology for 4G and future generation network infrastructures as 5G. The project aims to fabricate a W-band transmission hub based on a novel high power TWT and a NTE terminal for point to multipoint distribution. Most of the components are in advance fabrication status. A field test in real environment is planned at the end of the project. The booth will show a number of posters with the main aspects of the project. Samples of MMIC, antennas, and other parts will be shown. A mock transmission hub and terminal will be built for the purpose. The monitor will show animation of the TWT working mechanism.



Booth # 2: FUTEBOL

Federated Union of Telecommunications Research Facilities for an EU-Brazil Open Laboratory, EU-Brazil H2020 project

Converged solutions for unifying wireless and optical networks. Fronthauling is a technology being considered for 5G technologies that separates the radio front end from the baseband processing unit (BBU). The remote radio heads (RRH) sample the incoming radio wave and transmit the in-phase and quadrature components (I/Q) of the signals to the BBU. The BBU might run in general purpose servers in a data centre, and connected to the RRH by optical fibre. Fronthauling has the advantage of centralizing the baseband processing the reducing costs for operators. A well know issue however is the fact that in fronthaul the throughput required on the fibre to transport the I/Q samples is much higher compared to legacy distributed Radio Access Networks, thus increasing the transmission cost over fibre. In this demo, we deploy a converged optical and wireless network that experimentally shows dynamic adaptation of both the optical and wireless parts of the network.



Booth # 3: METIS-II

Visualization platform with interactive embedded innovations and Virtual Reality integration

The demonstration at the exhibition is the outcome of the work performed in the latest two years by the project METIS-II to prepare a so-called “visualization” platform to host the most significant innovations in the field of the 5G RAN Design. This platform is a very effective software representation of the 5G systems, in particular, of some of the most innovative achievements studied in the project. The platform was very successfully demonstrated already in the MWC 2016, but now it has been completely redesigned, in order to include the very final findings and to reflect the latest achievements not only in METIS-II, but also in the standardization process towards 5G definition. In particular, the platform is very attractive due to the interactivity introduced in many “scenes” that enables the attendants to experience in a virtual environment what will be the real impact of 5G introduction in a realistic environment. Moreover, the final implementation of the visualization platform include also a Virtual Reality experience that further improves the perception of the attendants.



Booth # 4: COHERENT


The objective of the demo is to show the novel concept of the Heterogeneous RAN slicing developed in the COHERENT project. The RAN slicing concept will be based on the OpenAirInterface platform developed by the partner EURECOM, and the 5G-EmPOWER platform developed by the partner CREATE-NET. RAN slicing is an important concept in 5G to support multi-tenancy. The demo will showcase a solution provided by a newly introduced coordination framework, new RAN control components, and the combination of SDN and network function virtualization (NFV) to enable flexible and programmable network slicing in RAN. Spectrum management aspect will be showcased as well. The demo will show how to slice a cloudified radio access network that consists of a fronthaul 56 57 segment between the remote radio unit (RRU) and radio cloud center (RCC) and a backhaul segment between the RCC/eNB and the RAN controller. Through the separation of the RAN control and data plane coupled with the virtualized control functions and control delegation features, real-time control and coordination applications can be implemented in support of fine-grain RAN programmability.



Booth # 5: iKaas

Intelligent Knowledge as a Service

iKaaS develops an intelligent, privacy preserving and secure Big Data resource and analytics engine built atop a multi-cloud infrastructure, that will be fed with large scale ubiquitous data collected from heterogeneous sensing networks and data sources. The objective of the demo is to showcase the power of the iKaaS platform, in terms of combining Local and Global Clouds to provide optimal service deployment, smart virtual object as a service and Knowledge as a Service for building innovative, cross-border, situation-aware applications. Aspects of iKaaS pilots and use cases will be showcased: a) Environmental health in Madrid; b) Community service in Tago - Nishi and (c) Assisted living in Smart City. Cross-border application features combining aspects of all three use cases will be demonstrated. The security gateway concept will also be showcased, providing access control to each local cloud while interpreting the differences in regulations between countries.



Booth # 6: Q4Health

Blue Light Services Mission Critical Mobile Video

The Q4Health project attempts to facilitate the convergence between state-of-the-art technology such as wearable devices, with network capabilities that are already deployed albeit rarely used, such as real-time network configuration and use of traffic prioritization, and the emergent paradigms of SDN and NFV, with the reliability needed to be used in the field of security and emergency services. Although the project is focused around an eHealth application, the clear requirements of stability and quality assurance, the improved efficiency and latency reduction, could be applied to any type of mission critical communication. This type of network user, which most analysts claim will be omnipresent in the near future, needs to share the limited available resources with thousands of others, who will welcome every step towards increasing the availability and stability of the operator network. The Q4Health project is driven by the preparation for market of a video application for first responders based on LTE, named BlueEye.



Booth # 7: P2P-SmarTest

Device-to-device wide area communication for peer-to-peer (P2P) smart energy trading

The P2P-SmarTest demonstration will consists of two major components. First, the poster stands, monitors and brochures will be used for presenting all the relevant information about the P2P SmarTest project, project vision, goals and achievements, as well as the relevant background about the smart grids. Given the scope of the conference, the specific focus will be on the communications in smart grids. The research results, including the in-depth analysis of the key performance indicators (KPI) of smart grid communications as well as the results coming from the analysis and simulation of the various communication solution for the smart grids will be presented. Second, a live demonstrator of a device-todevice enabled wide area distributed network based on LoRa and LTE technologies will be showcased. The devices representing smart grid’s power agents (i.e., consumers, prosumers or the different components of a distribution grid) will be interconnected together using either conventional LoRaWAN-based LPWAN solution operating over LTE backhaul, and using the developed in the P2P Smartest project device-to-device protocol based on the LoRa physical layer. The performance of both these options and the effect of communication on the performance of the energy grid balancing algorithms will be revealed.



Booth # 8: H2020 TRIANGLE

The Triangle End-to-End testing services: a sneak peek into the approach’s potential

The mobile Apps market is flourishing and will become an important part of the 5G business model. Ensuring the proper functioning of 5G Apps and services is then paramount and a homogeneous testing and certification scheme can help achieve it. Building on the experience on 4G and App testing methodologies, the EU H2020 TRIANGLE project is pursuing the creation of such a 5G certification scheme, together with the development of a testing platform that can make such scheme feasible and practical.



Booth # 9: ARCFIRE

RINA enablers for 5G (and beyond) network experimentation: distributed mobility management, seamless renumbering and automated deployment on FIRE+

RINA is a promising architecture build from first principles and departing from the limitations from the prevalent TCP/IP protocol suite. ARCFIRE is working to experimentally demonstrate RINA’s key benefits leveraging the FIRE+ infrastructure. This demonstration will showcase the benefits of RINA’s naming and scoped routing as a solution for distributed mobility management (DMM). RINA’s ability to carry out seamless live renumbering of network entities allows mobile hosts to keep a topologically significant address as they roam through the network, minimizing routing table sizes. This scheme can be dynamically scaled up to multiple layers in order to accommodate huge numbers of devices. ARCFIRE will be showcasing the main elements of this solution in the conference: scoped routing, renumbering, mobility over WiFi. Finally, this demonstration will also showcase Rumba, a tool developed by ARCFIRE to automate RINA experiment configuration, execution and monitoring over FIRE+ testbeds.



Booth # 10: Superfluidity

Superfluid Orchestration of heterogeneous RFBs (Reusable Functional Blocks) for 5G networks.

Superfluid Orchestration of heterogeneous RFBs (Reusable Functional Blocks) for 5G networks. The demo is composed of three scenes presenting tools and results from the Superfluidity project. 1) RDCL 3D is an extensible web framework which enables network service designers to edit, validate and visualize service and component descriptors expressed with different modelling languages (RDCLs). 2) Software defined wireless network (RAN as a Service): By using RDCL, we describe an end-to-end wireless network as a chain of RFBs. This chain is dynamically instantiated in a cloud environment using containers. The demonstration shows a full software solution orchestrating different RFBs (RAN and CORE) over Central/EDGE/Front-End clouds. 3) Micro-VNF orchestration. The Superfluidity project has added Unikernel support to a set of different VIMs: OpenStack Nova, nomad and OpenVIM. In this demo we will show our results and the instantiation and chaining of Unikernel-based VNFs through OpenVIM.



Booth # 11: SPEED-5G

Quality of Service Provision and Capacity Expansion through Extended-DSA for 5G

Two demos will be shown to highlight the flexible RRM and MAC solutions that are proposed by SPEED-5G. 1. demo: Dense, unplanned, small-cell deployment for multiple mobile users: For a very large deployment of small cells, with randomly placed cells and UEs, and in the interference-limited case, we have an exact theoretical formula for the distribution of Shannon capacity across users. We propose to take this as a benchmark for achievable system performance in the unoptimized situation, and demonstrate the improvements possible with the SPEED-5G cRRM architecture. 2. demo: Hierarchical management for RAT/spectrum/channel selection: This demo shows the impact of a proposed algorithm which has been designed and developed for radio resource management (RRM) to cells in order to serve UEs in (un-)licensed and light-licensed (3.5GHz) band. For the 3.5 GHz band the SAS (Spectrum Access System) model is considered which takes into account incumbents, primary access and genera access users.



Booth # 12: WiSHFUL - Software Radio Systems Ltd

Srslte and the wishful framework: enabling LTE measurement and experimentation

The Wishful Srslte Extension (WISE) project is an extension under the third open call for Wishful. Through WISE, we extend the Wishful framework to include srsLTE, a software radio library that provides a full, standards-compliant LTE PHY implementation. The addition of this flexible, software-based LTE testbed to the WiSHFUL framework will significantly reduce the threshold for innovative LTE experimentation while greatly increasing the realism of the experiments supported by the framework. The WISE extension complements perfectly, the existing WiSHFUL software radio platforms by enabling research that aims to have a strong claim of viability within existing standards. Further, itl enhances the ability of researchers, both commercial and academic, to test and analyse mobile broadband networks from within the Wishful architecture.



Booth # 13: NEPHELE

SDN framework for dynamic resource allocation in the NEPHELE slotted optical datacenter

This demo showcases an SDN framework capable of controlling an optical DCN with dynamic resource allocation in the optical layer, by means of Time Division Multiple Access 57 (TDMA). As a reference network topology we use the NEPHELE project data plane. The NEPHELE controller offers a NorthBound Interface which allows cloud orchestrators to declare virtual connectivity requirements between VMs, thus enabling an applicationaware DCN configuration. In the demo, the controller operates over an emulated optical network. The Application Affinity service at the SDN controller is triggered from the DCN management GUI through its REST API, requesting connections with different profiles between source and destination VMs. The SDN agent receives OF commands, translates them and forwards them to the related data-plane device. The demo will demonstrate flow addition process (including TDMA slot assignments) from the NEPHELE agent to an FPGA, parsing OF commands and sending them over a PCIe bus.



Booth # 14: reTHINK

reTHINK: Trustful hyper-linked entities in dynamic networks

reTHINK proposes a cloud communication framework that introduces interoperability by design, decentralised service delivery and reclaims user control over its data and privacy. It transforms standard telecommunication enabler technologies, such as privacy, identity assertion and Quality of Service. reTHINK embraces hybrid service concepts for communication between humans and objects. It retains the data sovereignty with the user by decoupling identity and service. reTHINK considers the interests of several stakeholders and enables new operation and business models by disrupting established communications business models and markets and potentially also the ones of the current OTTs. The concepts can be applied in most vertical markets such as in Industry 4.0, enabling convergence of service domains, as well as in future dynamic service environments for example in autonomous vehicles.



Booth # 15: iCIRRUS


The iCIRRUS project proposed the use of Ethernet in the fronthaul of 5G networks, not only to reduce the cost of the fronthaul, but to enhance 5G network operation and management. In addition to leading the definition of Ethernet fronthaul interfaces that will support the new functional splits of the Radio Access Network (RAN), it examines RAN and fronthaul (joint) self-optimisation through monitoring (e.g. with in-line probing). Support for 5G network features, such as cloudification, mobile cloud networking and device-to-device communications, is also investigated. Videos demonstrations of the following will be shown: (1) new fronthaul operation, effects of load and sharing of network with other traffic (contention), and network optimisation (SDN control) (2) mobile clone/cloud operation, (3)D2D under infrastructure control. There will also be examples of hardware developed in the project.



Booth # 16: MiWaveS

5G Heterogeneous Networks with mmWave small-cell access and backhaul

The booth presents the activities carried out in the project MiWaveS (www.miwaves.eu) 01/2014-04/2017) on millimeter-wave technologies for access and backhaul communications in 5G wireless mobile networks. MiWaveS demonstrates how low-cost or advanced millimetre-wave (mmW) technologies can provide multi-Gigabits per second network to sustain the traffic growth. MiWaveS intends to help European ICT industry to be at the forefront of innovation and R&D on key enabling technologies. Live portion of the demo shows a steerable-beam mm-wave (60 GHz) mobile access point and mobile user device. Cold hardware demos show 73 GHz backhaul radio node, different types of antenna technologies. Several semiconductor modules and beam-steerable antenna prototypes are displayed as non-stop video presentation.



Booth # 17: 5G-Xhaul

Dynamically Reconfigurable Optical-Wireless Backhaul/Fronthaul with Cognitive Control Plane for Small Cells and Cloud-RANs

The objective of this exhibition is to demonstrate the diverse technologies the project 5G-XHaul considers for implementation in an optical-wireless 5G infrastructure. By means of these technologies, this infrastructure will be able to offer converged fronthauling/backhauling functions to support both operational and end-user services. Technologies such as WDM-PON, mmWave and Sub-6, as well as massive MIMO radio units, will be demonstrated to support the fronthaul and backhaul high capacity and low latency demand of 5G use cases. To address the challenge of managing and operating this type of complex heterogeneous infrastructure in an efficient manner, 5G-XHaul adopts SDN as the technology for network control and for providing slicing and virtualisation capabilities to the transport network resources. The following demos will be showcased: SDN for wireless BH, WDM-PON for fronthaul and Massive MIMO Radio Unit.



Booth # 18: 5GPPP SELFNET

Framework for Self-Organized Network Management in Virtualized and Software Defined 5G Networks

SELFNET presents a framework for self-organized 5G network management through virtualized and software-defined networks. This is achieved by continuous monitoring and automated deployment of network management tools and functions. Thereby it will help to lower operational costs, improve the Quality of Experience and reduce service creation and deployment time. These functionalities will be showcased in three use-cases. SELFPROTECTION detect and mitigate effects of cyber-attacks with virtualized deep packet inspection tools and personalized honey nets. SELF-HEALING detect and predict common failures / malfunctioning in 5G network infrastructure and will be able to apply, based on Health of Network metrics, reactive or preventive recovery actions. SELF-OPTIMIZATON automatically respond to degradation of QoE level coupled with proactive end-to-end energy management for optimized resource deployment across the 5G network.



Booth # 19: CHARISMA


CHARISMA’s objective is the development of an open access, converged 5G network, via virtualised slicing of network resources to different service providers, with network intelligence distributed out towards end-users over a hierarchical architecture. Such an approach offers a means to achieve important 5G KPIs related to low latency, high and scalable bandwidths, energy efficiency and virtualised security. CHARISMA integrates such diverse technologies into a single architecture with SDN and NFV advancements. CHARISMA booth will showcase: • 100G real-time OFDM-PON demo. • Low latency demo: impact of the E2E-delay on M2M or CAR2CAR communication; Sensor and actor placed on moving vehicle (CAL0) and data processing done in the cloud (CAL3). • Control, management and orchestration platform demo: E2E Slice Creation for multiple-tenants; Rapid On-boarding of network services; Dynamic provisioning of network services in the assigned slice of the tenant; Security policy configuration per tenant.



Booth # 20: 5G-ENSURE

5G Enablers for Network and System Security and Resilience

5th generation mobile networks will enable new applications and business opportunities but at the same time introduce new security and trust issues. To address these emerging challenges, the 5G-ENSURE project has developed solutions in the areas recognized as topmost priorities for 5GPPP & 5G Security. The demonstration will show a set of enablers for micro-segmentation (SDN based application isolation and security customization), for authentication (privacy enhancing EAP-AKA and support for different types of devices) as well as for security monitoring (trust metrics, policy compliance checking and anomaly detection). The technologies are demonstrated with two scenarios: factory’s video monitoring and remote control of IoT home’s heating system. We will show privacy and DoS attacks against these applications (in ‘3G/4G environments’). Then we will illustrate how our 5G enablers address these threats in multi-domain, end-to-end scenarios in a geographically distributed 5G testbed.



Booth # 21: 5G-PPP SESAME

5G Small Cells for Multitenancy and Edge Services

Demo1 demonstrates multitenancy for simultaneous connectivity for MVNOs,which serve UE through SESAME platform.Upon receiving requests,CESC Manager deploys new VNFs through SESAME orchestrator(NFVO);i.e, if two operators request data packet inspection,one vDPI per operator is instantiated in the Light DC.Traffic statistics are collected at CESCM Portal. GTP traffic(user-plane) decapsulation is demonstrated since mirroring is deployed. Other services could be vTU/vWM. Demo2 demonstrates video caching MEC service deployed in a single tenant network.A user requests a video from the serving SC connected to a x86 microserver & to virtualised EPC. S1 interface is deployed for US & DS traffic.Upon receiving the request,if UE is subscribed to the caching service,GTP traffic is decapsulated & IP packets are redirected to the caching server(Squid) by the Ryu SDN controller & the Lagopus switch.If the request exists in the cache,GTP tunnel is recreated and the response is fast-else is sent to EPC.



Booth # 22: mmMAGIC

Demos of 5G Millimetre Wave Communication; Waveform and Beam Tracking Technologies

We illustrate two main technologies dealing with challenges at millimetre-wave frequencies. In the first demo, we aim for showcasing different behavior of the candidate waveforms OFDM and DFT-s-OFDM with up to 500MHz bandwidth at two candidate frequencies of 28GHz and 82GHz, simultaneously. We further deal with the crippling hardware impairments using peak to average power ratio (PAPR) reduction and common phase error (CPE) compensation implemented on the waveforms. This part of the demo consists of the hardware presentation at the site (indoor) as well as media (video, poster) records of outdoor (street canyon with 28GHz) trials. The second demo considers beamforming/beam-tracking at the millimetre-wave bands. In particular, we are comparing different beam tracking schemes.



Booth # 23: Tekes


Tekes is the most important publicly funded expert organisation for financing research, development and innovation in Finland. They boost wide-ranging innovation activities in research communities, industry and service sectors. Tekes promotes a broad-based view on innovation: besides funding technological breakthroughs, Tekes emphasises the significance of service-related, design, business, and social innovations. Every year, Tekes finances some 1,500 business research and development projects, and almost 600 public research projects at universities, research institutes and universities of applied sciences. Tekes does not derive any financial profit from its activities, nor claim any intellectual proprietary rights. Tekes provides innovation funding for companies, research organisations, and public sector service providers.



Booth # 24: European Commission


EuCNC 2017 has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 645028 (EuConNeCts2 Project). DG CONNECT: The Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology is the Commission department responsible to develop a digital single market to generate smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in Europe.



Booth # 25: European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST)


COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. Our Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation. www.cost.eu



Booth # 26: FANTASTIC-5G & 5G NORMA

FANTASTIC-5G:Flexible Air iNTerfAce for Scalable service delivery wiThin wIreless Communication networks of the 5th Generation

5G NORMA: 5G Novel Radio Multiservice adaptive network Architecture

Beside a general introduction to both projects and how both contribute to 5G mobile networks, the following demonstrations will be shown. First, FANTASTIC-5G will show 3 demonstrations: - Hardware demonstration of post-OFDM waveforms: Flexible Configured (FC)-OFDM, Universal-Filtered (UF)-OFDM, and Filter Bank Multi-Carrier (FBMC). - Software based demonstration showing: FDMA mix of different subcarrier spacings, massive access mechanisms. - Impact of Waveforms on Coexistence in 5G URLLC Networks. The 5G NORMA project will show the following two demonstrations: - A PoC for (de)composing network functionalities, incl. a Software-Defined Mobile Network Controller, which is one of the main building blocks defined in 5G NORMA. - An online demo of the economic benefits of a 5G network, which is one of the key principles in the 5G NORMA project. The online interactive tool demonstrates the key outputs and sensitivities of the evaluation cases.



Booth # 27: Nokia


Nokia creates the technology to connect the world. Powered by the research and innovation of Nokia Bell Labs, we serve communications service providers, governments, large enterprises and consumers, with the industry’s most complete, end-to-end portfolio of products, services and licensing. From the enabling infrastructure for 5G and the Internet of Things, to emerging applications in virtual reality and digital health, we are shaping the future of technology to transform the human experience. www.nokia.com Our first demonstration shows Dynamic Spectrum Manager for a 5G industrial automation micro operator on 3.4-3.8 GHz. Dynamic Spectrum Access enables a flexible adaptation to both temporal and regional changes in spectrum use, while guaranteeing interference free radio communication for incumbent users. The second demonstration shows how dynamic self-backhauling can enable ultra-dense yet low-cost deployments in future cellular networks.



Booth # 28: Keysight Technologies

5G FrontHaul Orchestration and KPIs

Wireless Fronthaul Network monitoring enable operators to get significant insight regarding the quality of service and customer experience, and help measure, improve and troubleshoot fronthaul operation. As 5G Wireless Fronthaul networks increase in complexity and are at the convergence between RF signal and Protocol domains, monitoring solutions require a unique combination of RF signal and wireless protocol measurement science. The Keysight solution leverages from Keysight’s leading measurement expertise in both domains and provides a real-time dashboard of 5G Fronthaul control plane with continuous monitoring of DCI messages. As physical events - such as interferences - may influence network operation, this monitoring solution delivers measurements that spans over multiple domains, including CPRI frame analysis, modulation measurements, and wireless protocol analysis and monitoring.

Simulate and Verify 5G MIMO Beamforming Performance

(available at mmMAGIC; a 5G-PPP research program)Massive MIMO with real time beamforming is an exciting area of 5G wireless researchers. For next generation of wireless data networks, it promises significant gains that offer the ability to accommodate more users at higher data rates with better reliability while consuming less power. Using the Keysight wideband real time beamforming solution, researchers can build Massive MIMO with beamforming to test their analog, digital or hybrid beamforming system fast and accurately, including real time beam simulation and beam tracking with RF channel IQ constellation, EVM, Antenna pattern and Beam weight information.

5G Network Emulation solution – As pre-5G specifications emerge such as 5GTF and as 3GPP accelerates 5G Non-Standalone (5G-NS) specifications

Keysight is exited to collaborate with the 5G industry and help design and integration, validation and analysis of their 5G program’s protocol and RF workflows.

TRIANGLE: A Path to 5G Test and Certification – Certification scheme for 5G Apps, mobiles, IoTs (available at TRIANGLE; a H2020 Fire+ program)

From 2020, commercial deployment of 5G networks will provide additional capabilities that are critical for eMBB and IoT, such as network slicing and the capacity to connect exponentially more devices than is possible today. Goal of the Triangle project is look after this new test challenges and methods to create a “5G certification scheme”, the scheme should cover mobile devices, mobile Apps, IoT devices and services from an end to end and multidomain KPI perspective. The consortium is currently working on the definition of a set of KPIs and metrics that will converge into a unique ”5G readiness” grade. Example of metrics are: energy consumption, network resources, stability, etc.; all in one and synchronized providing a global end to end performance and certification scheme.

Verify NB-IoT Device Compliance and Battery Life – Concerns about coverage or battery Life?

During the 2nd Global 5G Event in Rome, 3GPP suggested to use eMTC and NB-IoT as baseline for 5G submission of an mMTC component to ITU. RAN working groups have been discussing work items that will enhance NB-IoT and eMTC to fulfill the 5G requirements since they will also need to connect to the 5G core network. Keysight will introduce the NB-IoT test solution covering from design to operator’s acceptance, based on the E7515A UXM, and used by chipset and device engineers implementing the cellular IoT technology NB-IoT based on 3GPP Release 13 standards.




Booth # 29: Huawei

Outdoor UDN system performance

Outdoor UDN system performance. The demo video illustrates the operation of an ultra-dense outdoor network. It shows a simulation how vehicular users are served in a Madrid grid setting by a high number of street-light deployed base stations. Each user is tracked based by an UL SRS transmission and served by small base stations that are fed and centrally controlled with a limited wireless backhaul system. Note that this is not a distributed antenna system (or distributed MIMO) but each user is served by one fullfledged 5G BS at a time. The achievable rates of some random users are shown in the simulation and compared to rates possible with a macro massive MIMO system.

Outdoor UDN positioning.

This demo illustrates a high-accuracy UE positioning system based on a 5G ultra-dense network. Examples of moving UEs with vehicle speeds making realistic routes on the so-called Madrid grid is shown. An accuracy well below 1m can be reached by means UL SRS transmissions and multi-TRP reception. Angle of arrival and time of arrival are tracked by each TRP. Network synchronization is also achieved simultaneously to UE positioning. The Huawei German Research Center located in Munich is actively contributing to 5G related R&D in close cooperation with vertical industries.

Our demo presents the proof-of-concept trials of two important future vertical applications which are enabled by 5G Ultra Reliable and Low Latency Communication (URLLC):

Enhanced V2X based Cooperative Automated Driving (CAD): an example of ultrasafe cooperated emergency brake field trial

Industrial robot fully operated via cloud side intelligence: a moving robot balancing a ball with closed-loop sensing and posture control

Apart from video presentation of the above two real world trials, the 5G URLLC prototype enabling them will be running in live demonstrating the low-latency round trip connectivity. This work is contributed to the H2020 5G-PPP Fantastic5G project.



Booth # 30: WiSHFUL, ORCA, eWINE - imec

Flexible hardware and software platforms for Intelligent Wireless Networking Innovation

WiSHFUL - Unified control through WiSHFUL UPI of heterogeneous radio platforms (embedded sensor platforms and SDR) running same PHY and MAC - Second release of the Portable Testbed. Thanks to a wireless backbone network for experiment control and battery packs, full flexibility is offered for the deployment of wireless nodes in real-life environments eWINE An intuitive low-based drag and drop front-end for intelligent wireless experimentation, allowing machine-learning (ML) experts, with less expertise in the wireless domain to solve complex network optimisation problems applying advanced ML techniques ORCA Radio virtualization on a single SDR platform offering a unified software API for (1) concurrent data transmission using multiple standards, (2) real-time control of multiple virtual radios through runtime composition and parametric control of transceiver chains and (3) radio resource slicing, supporting independent operation of multiple standards in different spectral bands



Booth # 31: 5GTNF

5G Test Network Finland

A Technology Platform and Innovation Ecosystem for Digital Service Trials The demonstration highlights some of the key technology capabilities of the Finnish 5G test infrastructures and present the novel new concepts and large-scale service trials under deployment at different test sites in Finland. The live demonstrations will cover several aspects of key 5G technology capabilities and explain their in utilisation in practical proof-of-concept use cases for both the radio access network and the core network.



Booth # 32: 5G-Crosshaul – The integrated fronthaul/backhaul

Flexibility of 5G-Crosshaul Technologies

5G-Crosshaul presents four demonstrations involving application, control, and data plane elements of the 5G-Crosshaul integrated fronthaul and backhaul transport infrastructure: 1) SDN-based TV Broadcasting Service: The demo presents a top layer application for dynamic TV broadcasting able to identify QoE-related issues close to the user in order to take adaptation decisions. 2) Energy monitoring and management for network paths: The demo presents an NFV MANO infrastructure to deploy virtual instances of Evolved Packet Core in an energy efficient manner. 3) Resource management of the 5G-Crosshaul: This demo shows the setup of path services within a 5G-Crosshaul network. It is a real data plane setup consisting of four mmwave/Wi-Fi transport nodes managed by the wireless SDN controller of the XCI. 4) Next Generation fronthaul/backhaul over hybrid Optical Wireless and mmWave Link: The demo presents a prototype implementation of a C-RAN solution utilizing a hybrid optical – mmwave link.



Booth # 33: JOINTMACS’ Next Generation Wireless Access - CWC


Environmental Sensing Capability for Shared Access with Rotating Radars

We design and prototype environmental sensing capability (ESC) sensor/measuring device, a network of such devices can enable an ESC to assist the spectrum access system (SAS) to allow an efficient secondary use of the frequency channels of fixed rotating radar systems on a shared access basis. A novel ESC algorithm is used to: 1) detect the presence of a radars’ transmissions; 2) measure interference from secondary users (SUs) for incumbent protection; and 3) measure SU airtime utilization (ATU) in a channel which can be used by a SAS to help improve SU spectrum utilization. A prototype of the proposed ESC device is implemented on a Xilinx field-programmable gate array (FPGA) platform. The ESC sensor device can distinguish between radar and secondary signals and will output characteristic 5G Crosshaul the integrated fronthaul/backhaul of both signals. These characteristics such as secondary user airtime will help the operation of the ESC-SAS based sharing.



Booth # 34: 5G PPP and NetWorld2020

SME Expertise and Innovation in the 5G Domain

The Euro-5G project will support 8 SMEs (Networld 2020 SME WG members) showcasing their demos including: - AICO Software: Modelling methods and approaches to evaluate and test performance of 5G components and services. - ARDIC: IoT Services capabilities with its platform and edge devices incl. gateway. - CityPassenger: Innovative IoT security approaches. - InnoRoute: TrustNode research router and its programming along with future business applications. - JCP Connect: MoBcache router-server performing in-network caching. - Montimage: R&D work on monitoring virtualised environments applicable to SDN/NFV with a specific case study related to NDN (Named Data Networks). - Nextworks: Two demonstrations (videos): a) Energy-efficient provisioning of vEPC service instances in 5G networks b) Dynamic reconfiguration of security chains in 5G mobile networks. - Visiona Ingeniería de Proyectos: Broadcast Application taking advantage of SDN and NFV capabilities and working as an Over-the-Top (OTT) service.



Booth # 35: 5GChampion


5GChampion is a co-operation project between Korean- and EU partners. Project aim is to create 5G related demos for 2018 Winter Olympics focusing on radio and core networks. Demonstration will cover back hauling 5G RF system from EU and Korea.



Booth # 36: National Instruments


Since 1976, NI (www.ni.com ) has made it possible for engineers and scientists to solve the world’s greatest engineering challenges with powerful platform-based systems that accelerate productivity and drive innovation. Discover how NI’s integrated software and hardware platform is being used to rapidly design, prototype and test wireless communication systems. At EuCNC, NI will demonstrate: • A real-time, over-the-air, mmWave prototype aligned with the Verizon 5G specification, using the NI mmWave Transceiver System. This modular hardware solution, with 2 GHz of bandwidth, can be used to evaluate the ultrawide bandwidth signals being proposed for next-generation wireless communications standards in real time. • LTE MAC and PHY prototyping with LabVIEW Communications and USRP RIO software defined radios – featuring an LTE PHY executing in real-time on FPGA, and an extensive model for LTE MAC, higher layers and EPC running in real-time on a CPU. Welcome to the National Instruments booth for more information or to discuss your challenges with our RF specialists.



Booth # 37: Ericsson

5G for industries

The emerging 5G standards and deployments are enabling industry use cases that so far has been out of reach for wireless communication. In order to capture the relevant industrial requirements and build the needed ecosystems Ericsson is engaging in extensive industry collaborations throughout the world. Come and learn about exiting 5G use cases with real world examples from collaborations with leading industry partners.



Booth # 38: Rohde & Schwarz


R&S FSW Signal and Spectrum Analyzer and R&S SMW200A Vector Signal Generator are used to generate and analyze Verizon 5G signals. Tests are done using latest version of the Verizon 5G specification and with the R&S instruments we can measure internally, inside of the instruments all the key parameters of the RF signal, fulfilling all requirements of the frequency bands and the RF bandwidths. Used test frequencies are for example 28GHz or 39 GHz and RF bandwidths starting from 100 MHz ending up e.g. 800 MHz or even going up to 2GHz. We are also presenting new type of power measurements by using all new R&S RF OTA power sensors! Sensor are covering all important 5G frequency bands.