Call for Posters
Extended Abstracts for Poster Sessions are invited in the following Tracks (a full list of topics is available here):
- PHY - Physical Layer and Fundamentals
- RAT – Radio Access Technologies towards 5G
- WON - Wireless and Optical Networks
- NET - Networking
- APS – Applications & Services
- TER - Testbeds & Experimental Research
Extended Abstracts for Poster Sessions are intended for the presentation of initial results worthwhile showing to the community. Poster Sessions will be held during the normal conference days, with dedicated time-slots, i.e., there will not be any parallel sessions to them.
- they should follow the regular paper template, available in Word and LaTeX
- they should be 2 pages long;
- they should be submitted via EDAS.
Submission guidelines are available here.
The PDF of the Call for Extended Abstracts for Posters can be found.
Extended Abstracts will be light-reviewed by the Technical Programme Committee (TPC). Accepted Extended Abstracts will be part of the Conference Proceedings, indicated as such, hence, not being uploaded to IEEE Xplore. Extended Abstracts registration rules are equal to regular papers ones. Extended Abstracts for Posters will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
- Relevance
- Timeliness
- Technical content
- Novelty
- Overall Recommendation
Extended Abstracts submission will open on February 2017. Check it at the Authors Guidelines page.
Key Dates
- 2017 Mar.
2031 – Extended Abstracts submission deadline (deadline extended, hard deadline) - 2017 Apr.
1017 – Notification of acceptance - 2017 Apr. 21 – Extended Abstracts final version submission
- 2017 Apr. 21 – Authors registration deadline