Visa Information

If you need a visa for visiting Finland, you can submit your application at the earlies three months before the intended visit.


You will not need a visa for visiting Finland if you are a citizen of a Nordic country or EU Member State. Similarly, no visa is required if you are a citizen of a visa-free country and you have a valid passport or comparable travel document. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs is responsible for visas. You may apply for a visa outside Finland from a Finnish embassy. Information on visa applications can be found on the website of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland (


VISA Assistance Letters

When required, a letter of invitation will be provided to authors of accepted technical or workshop papers, keynote speakers, tutorial and panel speakers, and EUCNC 2017 attendees who completed their registration and payment process.

After the registration and payment is completed, the letter of invitation may be requested. With this letter you will be able to obtain VISA for the period of the EuCNC2017 conference in Oulu, Finland.


Invitation letters will contain exclusively the following information:

  • Conference title
  • Conference dates
  • Conference location


Please follow the instructions below to request an invitation letter.

  1. Complete your registration and payment process,
  2. Send an email to to require an invitation letter, indicating
    • your first and last name,
    • company or university name,
    • full address and country of residence.
  3. We will aim to issue your letter the soonest possible, but please allow up to one (1) week for your request to be processed. The letter will be sent only by e-mail and it cannot be sent by regular or express mail.