

Magnus Frodigh: “6G – Connecting a cyber-physical world”

Chair: Tommy Svensson (Chalmers University of Technology, SE)

Magnus Frodigh

Vice President & Head of Research, Ericsson, SE

Wednesday, 7 June 2023, 9:45-10:30, Congress Hall

*Recorded session here


Incredibly, today’s networks have formed an intelligent digital infrastructure offering endless possibilities to individuals, enterprises, and governments worldwide. The rollout of 5G will enable robust new solutions for a wide range of social, environmental, and economic challenges. We are already on the way towards the next paradigm shift formed by a combination of emerging technology trends. That paradigm shift will take us to the 6G era which willgive rise to challenges beyond what even 5G can meet. The increasing expectations set a clear target for us in the industry and research community — 6G should contribute to an efficient, human-friendly, sustainable society through ever-present intelligent communication. This presentation will outline Ericsson’s vision where 6G will enable a cyber-physical continuum blending the physical real world of sensing, action and experience with a programmable digital representation of that same world, and call on the audience to engage in the shaping of the future network platform.


Dr. Magnus Frodigh is Vice President and Head of Ericsson Research.  In this role he leads Ericsson’s long-term technology research organization, its close collaboration with academia and industry, and its contributions to the Ericsson business and product development. He holds a Master of Science degree from Linköping University of Technology, Sweden, and a Ph.D. in Radio Communication Systems from the Royal Institute of Technology, where he is also adjunct Professor in Wireless Infrastructures. He is a Fellow of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA). Frodigh joined Ericsson in 1994 and has over the past three decades held various key senior positions within Research & Development and Product Management, throughout the generations of mobile technology, from 2G all the way to current research on 6G technologies. He holds 29 patents.

Ted Rappaport: “Looking towards the 6G era – what may we expect, and why”

Chair:Luis M. Correia (IST/INESC-ID – University of Lisbon & INESC, Portugal)

Ted Rappaport

New York Univ., US

Thursday, 8 June 2023, 9:00-9:45, Congress Hall

*Recorded session here


Recent work has shown that the fundamentals of the radio propagation channel will enable mobile communications all the way to 900 GHz, offering bandwidths of tens of GHz. An amazing fact that is all but disregarded is that the three fundamental technological breakthroughs of 5G, namely millimeter wave technology, small cell densification, and massive multiple-input multiple-output (massive-MIMO) antenna systems, are paving the way for the next several decades of the wireless industry. This talk demonstrates how the 5G era will futureproof wireless networks as we enter the 6G era and beyond — an era of wireless cognition and human-style computing. In fewer than 20 years, wireless networks will carry information at the computation speed of the human brain. Yet, how will engineers ensure that we build these networks with sustainability and power efficiency in mind? This talk offers some solutions and promising areas of exploration to ensure the future 6G era is lightning fast yet kind to planet earth.


Theodore (Ted) S. Rappaport is the David Lee/Ernst Weber Professor at NYU. He founded NYU WIRELESS and the wireless research centers at the University of Texas Austin (WNCG) and Virginia Tech (MPRG). His research has provided fundamental knowledge of wireless channels used to create the IEEE 802.11 standard, the first U.S. digital TDMA and CDMA standards, and the first public WiFi hotspots, and recently proved the viability of millimeter wave and sub-THz frequencies for 5G, 6G, and beyond. He founded two companies that were sold to publicly traded companies – TSR Technologies, Inc. and Wireless Valley Communications, Inc. – and was an advisor to Straight Path Communications, which sold 5G millimeter wave spectrum to Verizon. He is a registered professional engineer, a member of the Wireless Hall of Fame, a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors, and a member of the US National Academy of Engineering. He is a life-member of the American Radio Relay League and has amateur radio callsign N9NB.

Peter Vetter: “6G getting into next gear”

Chair:Luis M. Correia (IST/INESC-ID – University of Lisbon & INESC, Portugal)

Peter Vetter

President of Bell Labs Core Research, Nokia, US

Thursday, 8 June 2023, 9:45-10:30, Congress Hall

*Recorded session here


6G is no longer a mere long-term aspiration. It is a framework of technologies that will become reality by the end of the decade. We are transitioning from the idea-generation phase to systematization and proof-of-concept realization. In this talk, we will present progress on many of the key technologies Nokia and its partners are envisioning for future 6G systems. These technologies include network-as-a-sensor, which will introduce new spatial and contextual awareness capabilities, the AI-native air interface, which will give radios the ability to learn, and new spectrum technologies, which will deliver the capacity and flexibility necessary to meet future demands. We will also discuss how an intent-based automated network management will bring dynamic X-as-a-service to life.
In the same talk, Peter will invite Mr. Takehiro Nakamura from NTT DOCOMO to share his view on potential 6G use cases.


Peter Vetter is President of Bell Labs Core Research and Bell Labs Fellow. He leads an eminent global research organization with the mission to create game changing innovations that define the future of networks and insure portfolio leadership for Nokia’s core business. During an international career of thirty years in research leadership mostly in fixed and mobile networks, he and his teams have realized several world-first system demonstrations and successfully transferred industry leading concepts to the business groups. He received a PhD at Ghent University (Belgium) in 1991 and was a post-doctoral fellow at Tohoku University (Japan) until 1993. He then joined the research center of Alcatel (now Nokia) in Antwerp and has worked at Bell Labs in Murray Hill, New Jersey since 2009. He is IEEE Fellow and Honorary Professor of KU Leuven.

Andrea Conti: “Localization-of-Things towards 6G Ecosystems”

Chair:Ari T. Pouttu (Centre for Wireless Communications University of Oulu, Finland)

Andrea Conti

Professor, University of Ferrara, IT

Friday, 9 June 2023, 9:00-9:45, Congress Hall

*Recorded session here


Real-time situation awareness is essential for current and future wireless applications, particularly those involving Internet-of-Things and towards 6G ecosystems. In particular, the reliable localization and navigation of people, objects, and vehicles – Localization-of-Things – is critical for providing situation awareness in a diverse set of applications including smart environments, vehicle autonomy, asset tracking, medical services, and environment sensing. The coming years will see the emergence of network localization and navigation in challenging environments. We will discuss the limitations of traditional positioning and move on to the key enablers for high-accuracy location awareness with sub-meter accuracy and minimal infrastructure requirements in beyond 5G ecosystems towards 6G.


Andrea Conti is a Professor at the University of Ferrara and Research Affiliate at the MIT Wireless Information and Network Sciences Laboratory. His research interests involve theory and experimentation of wireless systems and networks including network localization, distributed sensing, and quantum communications. He received the HTE Puskás Tivadar Medal, the IEEE Communications Society’s Stephen O. Rice Prize in the field of Communications Theory, and the IEEE Communications Society’s Fred W. Ellersick Prize. Dr. Conti has served as editor for IEEE journals, as well as chaired international conferences. He has been elected Chair of the IEEE Communications Society’s Radio Communications Technical Committee. He is a co-founder and elected Secretary of the IEEE Quantum Communications & Information Technology Emerging Technical Subcommittee. Professor Conti is an elected Fellow of the IEEE and of the IET, and he has been selected as an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer.

Wen Tong: “On the Convergence Route for 6G”

Chair: Ari T. Pouttu (Centre for Wireless Communications University of Oulu, Finland)

Wen Tong

CTO, Huawei Wireless, Huawei Technologies, CA

Friday, 9 June 2023, 9:45-10:30, Congress Hall

*Recorded session here


The 6G research is gaining a global momentum, since 6G will be the foundational ICT platform for everything of our live and work, therefore, the technology impact of 6G is imperative. In this talk, we present the common view on the key use cases for 6G and the vision converged vision framework for 6G. We discuss the potential enabling technologies of choice and their capabilities, in particular, we provide a deep-dive on the AI and AGI as main stream applications in the 6G era, including the convergence of the AI computing and 6G connectivity. One of the key differentiations for 6G is new capabilities of beyond-communications, this will open many new doors not only for the consumer market but also the vertical market, such as the consumer-robot and business-grade high performance computing service.


Dr. Wen Tong is the CTO, Huawei Wireless and a Huawei Fellow. He is the head of Huawei wireless research, and the Huawei 5G chief scientist and led Huawei’s 10-year-long 5G wireless technologies research and development.
Dr. Tong is the industry recognized leader in invention of advanced wireless technologies, for the past three decades, he had pioneered fundamental technologies from 1G to 6G wireless. Dr. Tong was elected as an IEEE Fellow. He was the recipient of IEEE Communications Society Industry Innovation Award and IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Industry Leader Award for “pioneering technical contributions and leadership in the mobile communications industry and innovation in 5G mobile communications technology”. He is also the recipient of R.A. Fessenden Medal.
Prior to joining Huawei in 2009, Dr. Tong was the Nortel Fellow and head of the Network Technology Labs at Nortel. He joined the Wireless Technology Labs at Bell Northern Research in 1995 in Canada. Dr. Tong is a Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering.

Presentation available!

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