The 2023 EuCNC & 6G Summit organising committee would like to acknowledge the support of our Patrons & Sponsors.
Please check our Patronage Opportunities.
ERICSSON is the Diamond Patron of the conference.
NOKIA is an Emerald Patron of the conference.
HUAWEI is an Emerald Patron of the conference.
Technology Innovation Institute (TII) is a Gold Patron of the conference.
Keysight is a Silver Patron of the conference.
National Instruments (NI) is a Silver Patron of the conference.
Rohde & Schwarz is a Silver Patron of the conference.
IMEC is a Bronze Patron of the conference.
Qamcom is a Bronze Patron of the conference.
VIRGINIA DIODES INC. is a Bronze Patron of the conference.
The European Commission is a Financial Supporter of the conference.
2023 EuCNC & 6G Summit has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101069987 (6G Start Project)
CEA-Leti is a Financial Supporter of the conference.
Gothenburg City is a Welcome Reception Supporter of the conference.