Workshop 7

Workshop 72023-05-29T13:23:37+00:00

Aligning European NTN Convergence and Integration

Tuesday, 6 June 2023, 9:00-10:30/11:00-12:30/14:00-15:30/16:00-17:30, Room H1
  • Adam Kapovits (Eurescom GmbH, )
  • Maria Guta (ESA, )

Motivation and Background

3GPP has completed Release-17 of the global fifth generation (5G) wireless technology standard, making Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTN) and satellite segments part of the 5G/6G connectivity infrastructure and ecosystem. NTN multi-layer systems and terrestrial networks must work in harmony to fulfil the vision of a connected, sustainable B5G/6G architecture and support sustainable connectivity and fulfilment of the social and sustainable development goals. The NTN family includes satellite communication networks, high altitude platform systems (such as HAPS, UAVs), and air-to-ground networks. Satellites complement 5G networks nicely and specifically help improving the value of 5G networks by addressing coverage challenges and complex use-cases that ground-based infrastructures cannot address efficiently alone. Given the proliferation of new projects in the European context with the shared goal of integrating NTN with 5G and 6G Terrestrial Networks (TN), the ambition of the workshop is to create an overview of the activities and see how the various initiatives can all contribute to a coherent strategy to achieve NTN/TN convergence in Europe. Achievements here are given more importance because of the IRIS² (Infrastructure for Resilience, Interconnectivity and Security by Satellite) initiative of the EU for a new EU Secure Satellite Constellation.


Session 1 morning (SNS projects)

  • Opening and introduction to the day
  • Keynote – still to be confirmed
  • 5G-STARDUST: The Potentials of 5G-Advanced from the Sky – Mohamed El–Jaafari, Thales Alenia Space France
  • ETHER – sElf-evolving terrestrial/non-Terrestrial Hybrid nEtwoRks – Konstantinos Ntontin, Uni Luxemburg
  • The SNS JU 6G-NTN project – Alessandro Vanelli-Coralli, Uni Bologna
  • 6G-SANDBOX: Technology Validation and Measurement Campaigns for Non-Terrestrial Networks  – David Artuñedo Guillen, Telefonica

Session 2 morning (ESA projects)

  • Intelligent Satellite Access for 3GPP Systems Serving Automotive Use Cases – Helmut Zaglauer, Airbus Germany
  • A comprehensive view on the 3GPP work on Non-Terrestrial Network: 3GPP-Release 17/18 and beyond  – Mohamed El–Jaafari, Thales Alenia Space France
  • The Importance of Comprehensive Testbeds for the Development of Space-based Communication – Marius Corici, Fraunhofer FOKUS
  • 5G-NTN Prototyping and Experimentation Results – Adam Kapovits, Eurescom GmbH
  • Demonstration of Direct 5g Broadband Access from Leo to Small Aperture Terminals– Riccardo di Roberto, Tyvak

Session 3 afternoon (National NTN projects)

  • AI for Satellite 5G Communications (the ESA ARTES AIComS project) – Armin Dekorsy, Uni Bremen
  • 6G-TakeOff: Holistic 3D Communication Networks for 6G – Markus Breitbach, DT
  • AROMA3D: Towards Reliable B5G/6G Communications in 3D Networks – Musbah Shaat, CTTC
  • Integration of Terrestrial and Non-Terrestrial Networks: challenges and perspectives within the RESTART project – Alessandro Guidotti, National Inter-University Consortium for Telecommunications (CNIT), DEI – University of Bologna
  • INSTRUCT: INtegrated Satellite – TeRrestrial Systems for Ubiquitous Beyond 5G CommunicaTions – national research project from Luxembourg, speaker tbc

Session 4 afternoon Panel

  • Celtic-next 6G SKY project – Cicek Cavdar, KTH, Sweden
  • Panel discussion: Michael Fitch, University of Surrey (6GIC + ESA 5G TINA) + Marko Höyhtyä, VTT (6G-SATMTC project) + Mohamed El–Jaafari, Thales Alenia Space France + Helmut Zaglauer, Airbus Germany + Joel Grotz, SES + Markus Breitbach, Deutsche Telekom, BMW (name to be provided) + HEXA-X II representative
  • Closing
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