International workshop on Wireless Communications in Terahertz (IWCT)
Tuesday, 6 June 2023, 14:00-15:30/16:00-17:30, Room R24-R25
- Kenta Umebayashi (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, JP)
- Aarno Pärssinen (University of Oulu, FI)
Motivation and Background
The goal of this workshop is to enhance synergistic effect for the cooperation among the experts from different research fields, such as RF circuit design, hardware modelling, and digital signal processing for Terahertz wireless communications. In the future wireless communication systems, massive number of devices with extremely high data rate, such as hundred Giga-bit-per-second (Gbps), will be served and it requires huge amount of spectrum resources. Terahertz and sub-Terahertz (0.1 – 10THz) frequency bands have sufficient spectrum resource to achieve the extreme requirements for the future wireless communications. For realizing practical wireless communications in the THz bands, a variety of issues and challenges are recognized, such as device technologies for THz transceivers, RF amplifiers, antenna design and development in extremely high data-rate signal processing. In the digital signal processing,
modulation/demodulation, equivalization, synchronization, as well as analog and digital beamforming techniques signal for very large arrays, lenses, and reflective antennas. In addition, the wave propagation and channel modelling in THz frequency band are also important issues. In this workshop, the experts in these different fields will introduce their works and issues, and discuss openly and interactively. The cooperation among different fields have a potential to solve the difficult challenges, and relax the requirements/issues. In addition, comprehensively covering the issues can lead to an efficient approach for the appropriate THz wireless communications/networks. In this workshop, not only the members from EU project, such as Hexa-X: (A flagship for B5G/6G vision and intelligent fabric of technology enablers connecting human, physical, and digital worlds), but also the other non-EU members are involved to enhance the international for activities for THz wireless communications.
90 min * 2 sessions
Current session plan is as follows:
1st session (90 min)
– Opening
– 1st keynote presentation
- Prof. Fujishima, Hiroshima Univ., Japan: “The Future of 300 GHz Band Wireless Communications”
– 2nd keynote presentation
- Prof. Aarno Pärssinen, University of Oulu, Finland: “Designing radios towards Tbps data rates – where we are and what may happen next?”
Coffee break
2nd session (90 min)
4 Invited talks:
- Prof. Takuji Arima, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan : Far-field Analysis in the Multiple-Region (MR)/FDTD Method for THz Frequency Band
- Dr. Nuutti Tervo, University of Oulu, Finland: “Impact of RF Nonidealities in 6G”
- Prof. Kenta Umebayashi, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan: “Digital signal processing for THz wireless communications,”
- Dr. Ahmad Nimr, Vodafone Chair Mobile Communications, Systems, Germany: “Energy-efficient Waveform Design for Abundant Spectrum in sub-THz and Beyond”