Future deterministic programmable networks for 6G
Tuesday, 6 June 2023, 14:00-15:30/16:00-17:30, Room G2
- Dhruvin Patel (Ericsson, SE)
- Chrysa Papagianni (Universiteit van Amsterdam, NL)
- Antonio de la Oliva (University Carlos III of Madrid, ES)
- Valerio Frascolla (Intel, DE)
Motivation and Background
6G is envisioned to accelerate the path started in 5G for catering to the needs of a wide variety of vertical use cases, both current and emerging. This will require major enhancements of the current 5G capabilities especially in terms of bandwidth, latency, reliability, security, and energy. Next generation networks should consider new KPIs enhancing the network to be more reliable, predictable and time-sensitive, by developing an end-to-end 6G solution including architectural enhancements and protocols that can guarantee seamless provisioning of services for vertical use cases that require extremely tight timing and reliability constraints. To succeed, the solution will target deterministic network infrastructures at large, including wired and wireless segments and their interconnections with the edge and cloud domains. At the same time, networks are consistently being softwarized since the past few years, making them increasingly flexible. Programmable networks are not yet able to fulfil the stringent requirements of deterministic networks, not even for wired network, not to say about wireless domains. New technologies and developments are needed to enable programmability of packet schedulers, replication and filtering of frames or expedited forwarding and queuing. On this environment, three key European projects, are developing new technologies to tackle determinism at a global scale in the yet to be defined 6G architecture. The bespoken concepts to be developed under these projects will enable future 6G deterministic programmable networks. The aim of this workshop is therefore to open a space for discussion of the different approaches to determinism these projects are choosing, discussing open points and possible collaboration topics. In addition, we will invite experts from the field to provide their view on the different deterministic and programmable approaches for WLAN, IEEE 802.1TSN, DetNet, OPC, and 3GPP TSC.
00:00 – 00:05 Workshop introduction
00:05 – 00:25 DESIRE6G introduction – Chrysa Papagianni
00:25 – 00:45 DETERMINISTIC6G introduction – Dhruvin Patel
00:45 – 01:05 PREDICT-6G introduction – Antonio de la Oliva
01:05 – 01:30 Coffee Break
01:30 – 02:00 Keynote (5G-ACIA: learnings on 5G for industries”, Dr. Afif Osseiran, vice-chair 5G-ACIA)
02:00 – 02:20 DESIRE-6G – “End-to-end data plane abstraction for supporting deep slicing in 6G”– Sandor Laki
02:20 – 02:40 DETERMINISTIC6G – “Data driven aspects for 6G deterministic communication”, — James Gross
02:40 – 03:00 PREDICT-6G – “Can TSN be the standard communication protocol for robotics?” — Milan Groshev
03:00 – 03:30 Panel discussion with involvement of audience – Chair Valerio Frascolla