Workshop 1

Workshop 12023-05-08T13:01:28+00:00

Synergies between communication, localization, and sensing towards 6G

Tuesday, 6 June 2023, 9:00-10:30/11:00-12:30/14:00-15:30/16:00-17:30, Room G4
  • Henk Wymeersch (Chalmers University of Technology, SE)
  • Benoit Denis (CEA Leti, FR)
  • Liesbet Van der Perre (KU Leuven, BE)
  • Angeliki Alexiou (University of Piraeus, GR)
  • Ahmad Nimr (TU Dresden, DE)
  • Markku Juntti (University of Oulu, FI)
  • George Alexandropoulos (National and Kapodistrian, University of Athens, GR)


Motivation and Background

Residing on the 3GPP Release 17 era, the 5G NR development cycle is now mature and several such networks have been already deployed around the globe. Hence, the research interest has started shifting towards the potential of novel technologies and systems for 6G. Moreover, there is an ever-growing demand for exciting new use cases and services that connect human, digital, and physical worlds, such as digital twinning, telepresence, and collaborative robots, which simply are not possible with present-day NR technologies. Thereby, it is time to assess future 6G enabling technologies spanning up to very high carrier frequency at the THz band as well as more efficient lower frequencies through distributed and cell-free massive MIMO, very wide bandwidth communications, a massive number of antenna elements and smartly-excited passive radiating elements (e.g., metamaterials and metasurfaces), as well as discuss plausible deployments and infrastructure with built-in wireless cognition, sustainability, and trustworthiness. To this end, the synergetic role of communications, localization, and sensing offers the potential for smart multi-objective wireless connectivity, enabling novel rate-, latency-, and massive-connectivity-demanding applications. But this convergence also raises a number of non-trivial -and yet open- research challenges regarding e.g., fundamental performance limits and tradeoffs, optimal resource allocation in complex multi-service contexts, new holistic approaches to drastic power consumption reduction, design of a dedicated multipurpose physical layer and its associated transceiver architecture, distributed sensing techn iques. The 7 invited EU projects have significant activities in all of these areas, which we believe will be of wide interest toattendees from both industry and academia.


Session 1 – Opening Session and Introduction the THz SNS projects (90 mins)

  • Keynote by Gerhard Fettweis (TU Dresden) on “How can 6G RAN include joint communications and sensing?” (45 min)
  • TERA6G presentation on “TERA6G: Towards THz Ultra-Massive MIMO Wireless Networks”, by Joonas Kokkoniemi (20 min)
  • TERRAMETA presentation “ Through the development of reconfigurable electromagnetic surfaces at sub-THz: Actual technology and future challenges,” A. Clemente  (20 min)

Session 2 – Status update on ICT 52 projects (90 mins)

  • REINDEER presentation on “Propagation characteristics and channel models for large scale antenna arrays: Application to RadioWeaves infrastructure for communication and positioning,” Thomas Wilding, TU Graz (30 min)
  • ARIADNE presentation on “Tailoring the Application of Reconfigurable Intelligent Meta-Surfaces in Beyond 5G Networks” by Angeliki Alexiou (30 min)
  • RISE6G presentation on “Recent Advances in Estimation and Control for RIS-aided Localization and Sensing: The RISE-6G Proposals,” Benoit Denis (30 min)

Session 3 – From Hexa-X to Hexa-X II (90 mins)

  • Keynote by Erik Dahlman (Ericsson) on integrated sensing and communication (45 mins)
  • Hexa-X and Hexa-X-II presentation, “Final results on localization and sensing from the Hexa project and introduction on the JCAS activities in Hexa-X-II“, H. Wymeersch and A. Nimr (45 min)

Session 4 – Closing Session (90 mins)

  • Presentations on demonstrations & plans in the different projects (45 mins)
  • Panel session with Q&A (45 mins)
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