5G for CAM in cross-border scenarios: challenges and lessons learnt
Wednesday, 7 June 2023, 11:00-12:30, Room G3
Session Chair:
- Johann Marquez-Barja (IMEC, BE)
- Maria Chiara Campodonico (Martel, CH)
To get the CAM (Connected Automated Mobility) services off the ground in Europe the seamless 5G continuity has to be guaranteed and particularly whilst crossing the border between the coverage areas. The ICT-53: 5G for CAM projects (5G-Blueprint, 5GMED, 5GRoutes, 5GRAIL) are focussed on the validation of the latest available 5G specification in the context of innovative CAM applications under realistic conditions and seamlessly functioning across borders from technical (5G network coverage, 5G performances, validation of the network coverage in supportof the selected use cases), business and governance (e.g. national spectrum licence vs harmonized framework in EU for seamless roaming) perspectives. The ongoing activities in ICT-53 projects leverage on the results of the recently concluded ICT-18 Automotive Projects (5G-Mobix, 5GCroCo, 5GCARMEN) in terms of research, implementation, and demonstration of refined 5G solutions for CAM. In this special session, the challenges encountered will be discussed, along with the applied solutions to overcome them, and the lessons learned will be outlined. The concept of the session is to have an open discussion where participants will be encouraged to provide their input on these topics. The session will address unresolved issues and challenges for future research tasks.
Special session Moderator: Markus Dillinger
Head of 5G R&D for verticals
Executive Committee member of 5G Automotive Association (5GAA) and co-initiator WG CAM vice chairman
Duration: 1h30min
Panel discussion on seamless CAM services enabled by 5G technologies in cross-border scenarios:
- DG CONNECT representative, European Commission
One representative from:
- 5G-Blueprint: Johann Marquez-Barja, imec
- 5GMED: Francisco Vázquez-Gallego, i2CAT
- 5GRoutes & 5GCroCo: Miquel Payaró – CTTC
- 5GRAIL: Léo Mendiboure, UGE
- 5G-Mobix, 5GCARMEN: Andreas Georgakopoulos, WINGS ICT Solutions