Convened Session 5

Convened Session 52023-06-01T10:43:45+00:00

Bridging the gap to exploitation and deployment

Wednesday, 7 June 2023, 16:00-17:30, Room G4
Session Chair:
  • David Kennedy (Eurescom, DE )

The Horizon 2020 and the now the Horizon Europe framework programmes have been fostering RD&I initiatives for many years now.
However, there are still many emerging results or deployment opportunities that are not making it to market for commercial exploitation because there is a need for more support post research projects, or to stimulate deployment where the market forces are not strong enough to ensure deployment without support or where the risk of further developments is still too high for private investments only. In many cases there still is a significant gap between public funding support and when the private funding can and will take over. This session explores what support is available and how far support can go while still being precompetitive.
This session will first present the opportunities available for projects to achieve results with higher TRLs – closer to the market – with the support of National funding through the Eureka Clusters Programme. Specifically, the CELTIC-NEXT and the XECS Clusters will show the potential for projects in the ICT and Microelectronics sectors to get support for the later stages of innovation – to take emerging technological concepts and convert them into exploitable solutions.
The second major part of the session would be to present the opportunities for 5G studies and deployment projects to be supported under the CEF2 Digital programme. The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF Digital) will support and catalyse both public and private investments in digital connectivity infrastructures between 2021 and 2027. CEF Digital will help support an unprecedented amount of investment devoted to safe, secure, and sustainable high-performance infrastructure. In particular, Gigabit and 5G networks across the EU for the provision of connected and automated mobility and for promoting local innovation. This action will be important in supporting Europe’s digital transformation, as outlined in the Path to the Digital Decade proposal.
Furthermore, CEF Digital will contribute to the increased capacity and resilience of digital backbone infrastructures in all EU territories, in particular the Outermost Regions. This is crucial for Europe’s ambition to continue being digitally sovereign and independent in the years to come.
The session will conclude with a Q&A panel involving all speakers where the audience can explore the opportunities presented and discuss if there needs can be addressed under either of these programmes.

  • Presentations of the Eureka Clusters Ambitions and Opportunities.
    • Eureka Clusters Programme, David Kennedy, CELTIC-Next Chairman.
    • CELTIC-NEXT, Xavier Priem, Director
    • Xecs, Nadja Rohrbach, Director
  • The CEF2 Digital Ambitions and Opportunities
    • CEF2 Digital, 5G Corridors, 5G Communities, Elena Jenaro Tejada, HaDEA, EC
  • A national perspective on both programmes
    • Lars Gustafsson, Vinnova, Sweden
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