SNS: A European collaborative initiative with a strong vertical impact on a global level
Thursday, 8 June 2023, 11:00-12:30, Room Congress Hall
Session Chair:
- Alexandros Kaloxylos (6G Smart Networks and Services Industry Association (6G-IA))
The success of the Smart Networks and Services JU relies not only on the technical results of the projects but also on acceptance and adoption of these results at European and global level. The journey for the creation of 6G networks requires the establishment of a collaboration environment at European and global level. In this environment, stakeholders will be able to exchange information and fine-tune their activities to maximize their results. The SNS-ICE CSA project has the mandate to establish these communication links and establish dialogues among the key stakeholders on a global level. The purpose of this convened session is to present to the community the SNS strategy behind this collaboration framework and kick off the discussion among a) activities taking place mainly at European level (i.e., national initiatives and related HEU Partnerships) and b) Vertical users.
Proposed structure:
• 10’ Opening EC/DG-CNECT (Peter Stuckmann)
• 10 ‘ Opening Statements – 6G-IA (Colin Willcock)
1st Panel – European Initiatives
35’ Moderator: Toon Norp (TNO)
KDT – AENEAS association: Nadja Rohrbach
Photonics21 – Mohand Achouche (Nokia)
Germany – Hans Schotten (Univ. of Kaiserslautern)
Finland – Ari Pouttu (OULU)
France – Marc Jamet (coordinator National Strategy for Future Networks Technologies)
Netherlands – Jos Beriere (TNO)
2nd Panel – 6G for verticals: Expectations and the way forward
35’ Moderator: Raffaele de Peppe (6GIA Board Member and Vice Chair)
5GAA – Maxime Flament
5G-ACIA – Andreas Mueller
PSCE – David Lund
ERTICO – Nikos Tsampieris
ECSO – Emmanuel Dotaro
AIOTI – Georgios Karagiannis
6G Health Institute – Christoph Thuemmler