The path to 6G standardisation
Thursday, 8 June 2023, 11:00-12:30, Room G1
Session Chair:
- Bernard Barani (former Deputy Head of Unit, Future Connectivity Systems, DG CONNECT, at European Commission, BE)
- David Boswarthick (ETSI)
- Riccardo Trivisonno (5G PPP Chair of the pre standardisation WG, DE)
The success of the Smart Networks and Services (SNS) Joint Undertaking relies not only on the technical results of the projects but also on a strong valorisation of EU research in standardisation bodies. Whilst the 6G standardisation race is not yet officially started, it is important for EU stakeholders to prepare for this crucial phase that may open in the 2025 time frame. Mid 2023, the ITU is expected to deliver a global 6G (IMT 2030) vision that will be very important to frame and further focus the R&I developments that have started all over the world. Also new developments are happening in industry, like disaggregation and sofwarisation of networks, the raising importance of cloud technology that may eventually have an influence on the standardisation process. Similarly, new topics like sustainability will have to be taken up more prominently than in previous generation standardisation, whilst the way to standardise them may be open for debates, in the wake of the proposal to develop “Key Value Indicators” (KVI) as proposed by the Hexa-X flagship project on 6G. Against this background, the purpose of this convened session is to raise awareness of the standardisation directions, focus, priorities and challenges that the SNS community should take into account with the objective of preparing the widest possible EU industrial base to the upcoming 6G standardisation, and also to prepare for the next SNS phases implementation which will have a strong standardisation and sustainability component.
- Proposed structure:
- 5 ‘ Opening Statements on SNS and standards Colin Willcock, chairman of the 6G-Industry Association (6G-IA)
Talks/Panel – Towards 6G Standardisation
60’ Moderator: Riccardo Trivisonno
– Facilitating the path from R&I to standards, David Boswarthick, ETSI Director
– IMT 2030 vision, what target for future standards Uwe Loewenstein, Counsellor ITU-R SG 5
– ORAN: 6G objectives, what impact on standardisation Chih Lin I, Chief Scientist China Mobile and ORAN Alliance
– 3GPP: how to prepare EU stakeholders for 6G standardisation Giovanni Romano, Technology Trasformation, Standardization and IPR, TIM
– Invited talk 1: how to bring vertical industries into standardisation from the onset: Dr. Afif Osseiran, director of Industry Engagements & Research Ericsson and Vice chair of 5GACIA
– Invited talk 2: how to bring sustainability issues and KVI into standards: Eric Hardouin, VP Networks and Infrastructures Research, Orange
Panel, 20’ Q/A. (all above speakers)
Closing statements, Colin Willcock, David Boswarthick