WiTaR: Women in telecommunication and Research
Wednesday, 7 June 2023, 16:00-17:30, Room G1
Session Chair:
- Bahare Masood Khorsandi (Nokia, DE)
- Marie-Helene Hamon (Orange, FR)
- Yaning Zhou (Nokia, DE)
- Pooja Mohnani (Eurescom,)
- Tommy Svensson (Chalmers, SE)
- Didier Bourse (Nokia,FR)
- Marja Matinmikko-Blue (University of Oulu, FI)
- Oluwatayo Kolawole (Samsung, UK)
- Irene Alepuz Benaches (iTeam, ES)
Women in Telecommunications and Research (WiTaR) is an EU-level initiative that promotes gender equality, inclusion and empowerment in the 6G Research & Innovation (R&I) community. The group started its activity as part of European 6G flagship project Hexa-X.
This Convened Session, leveraging the Convened Session organized during EuCNC & 6GS 2022, aims at communicating the WiTaR initiative up-dates and plans to the European and global 6G R&I community, further raising awareness of gender inclusivity and engaging different stakeholders and EU projects to discuss possible actions to improve gender diversity and inclusivity in the R&I activities especially in the Smart Network and Services (SNS) Joint undertaking (JU).
The proposed structure is envisioned for the 1h40 minutes slot
16:00 – 16:05: Welcome from WiTaR chairs (Bahare M. Khorsandi and Marie-Helene Hamon)
16:05 – 16:15: Video from leaders around Europe stating the importance of gender inclusivity in deep tech and 6G (Didier Bourse)
16:15 – 16:20: Welcome and WiTaR up-dates and achievements (Bahare M. Khorsandi)
16:20 – 16:25: Overview of related initiatives in Europe and Globe (Pooja Mohnani)
16:25 – 16:35: Invited speaker – Chiara Mazzone Programme Officer @ Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking (SNS JU)
16:35 – 17:05: Industry and academia’s view and their practice to encourage gender diversity
- Cinzia Sartori Nokia10 min
- Maria Barros Weiss IONOS 10 min
- Dan Warren Samsung 10 min
17:05 – 17:30: Panel
- Panel: Gender inclusivity in research community and outcomes of Smart Networks and Services Projects – 30-40 minutes (Moderator Marja Matinmikko-Blue)
- Survey: By using the toll Menti (Pooja Mohnani)
17:30 – 17:35: Conclusion (Bahare M. Khorsandi)