Panel 2

Future Connectivity and Network Security

Thursday 20 June, 11:00-12:30, Auditorium 2
  • Bengt Sahlin (Research Leader, Network Security, Ericsson Research NomadicLab, Sweden)

Motivation and Background

5G infrastructures constitute a whole new level for connectivity in the digital economy. Beyond consumer services, 5G technology is designed to greatly change the way areas such as transport, industry, energy and health work. Applicability of 5G in these new sectors introduces new security challenges to consider. This trend will further intensify when moving into the future; In the mid- to long-term, the strategic importance of future Smart Networks (namely beyond 5G and later 6G network systems) calls for a strongly structured R&I roadmap with regards to cybersecurity.
Against the above background, following the expressed support from the Member States for a concerted approach to the security of 5G networks, the European Commission issued on 26 March a Recommendation to assess cybersecurity risks of 5G networks and to strengthen preventive measures, helping EU Member States to implement them in a coherent manner. (Commission Recommendation of 26 March 2019 on Cybersecurity of 5G networks C(2019) 2335 )
In terms of standardization, 5G phase 1 work has been completed in 3GPP, and phase 2 work is ongoing. Phase 1 work concentrated on the mobile broadband use case, phase 2 will have focus on use cases for massive IOT, Industrial Internet and mission critical services. New technology paradigms like SDN, virtualization and network slicing are impacting on how future networks are designed, implemented and deployed. This will have impact on how to design, implement and operate networks securely.
In addition to the existing trends, there are also emerging trends like AI, quantum computing and blockchain arising. As for other technology paradigms, there will be impacts on security.
The panel will present the Commission Recommendation on Cybersecurity of 5G networks, its status and next steps. It will also provide a short overview of security of 5G phase 1 (3GPP Rel-15) and the ongoing security work for phase 2 (3GPP Rel-16). Based on this, the panel will discuss future needs and expectations on security for future networks and services, also in the light of the Commission Recommendation. This discussion will cover aspects relevant for the different use cases (mobile broadband, IOT, mission critical services) and how the security challenges related to the new and emerging technology paradigms can be dealt with.


  • Why the Commission published a Recommendation on Cybersecurity of 5G networks and what are the expected results of all related policy actions?
  • What are the expectations on security specified in 3GPP Rel-16 for IOT and mission critical services?
  • What security aspects should be considered for future networks beyond 5G
  • What are the impacts of ongoing technology paradigms on security?
  • What are the impacts on security of emerging technology paradigms?
  • What opportunities do the emerging technology paradigms bring in the security area
  • What expectations on security are seen from industrial digitalization perspective for future communication networks?


The panel is composed of (see CVs below):

  • Chair: Bengt Sahlin (Research Leader, Network Security, Ericsson Research NomadicLab)
  • Emmanuel Dotaro (Head of ICT and Security Labs at Thales Secure Communications and Information Systems – France)
  • Alejandro Pinto González (Policy Officer on Cybersecurity, National Security Department, Cabinet of the Prime Minister)
  • Linus Thrybom (R&D Manager at ABB Corporate Research)
  • Peter Stuckmann (Head of Unit – Future Connectivity Systems DG CONNECT, European Commission)
  • Eric Gauthier (Orange, UK)

Bengt Sahlin

Bengt Sahlin has an M.Sc. in Computer Science from Helsinki University of Technology (TKK). At TKK, he has also lectured on Modern Data Communications as well as on DNS and DNS security. He is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP).
Bengt has worked in the fields of data- and telecommunications for 23 years, mostly with security aspects. In 2000 he joined Ericsson where he has worked on mobile systems security and product security. He was also technical coordinator for Ericsson’s security implementation projects.
Bengt has been involved in standardization activities since 1997. He has been participating 3GPP, ETSI, GSMA and IETF activities. He was 3GPP TSG SA WG3 (security) chairman 2010-2013.
Currently, Bengt is a Research Leader for the security group at Ericsson Research NomadicLab in Jorvas. Bengt has been active in external collaboration projects since 2007, including both national Finnish collaboration projects as well as projects on EU level.

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Emmanuel Dotaro

Emmanuel Dotaro is the director of ICT and Security labs at Thales Secure Communications and Information Systems. He joined Thales in 2009 as director of innovation for C4I systems. Beside his current research and innovation management activity he is involved in various National and European ICT and Cybersecurity initiatives. He serves in both 5G-IA and ECSO PPP’s associations boards as well as various Technical Committees or clusters of the digital ecosystem. His current areas of interests are network virtualization and softwarization, cloud brokering, security as a service, security policies enforcement in 5G and IoT systems as well as certification, detection, remediation related security topics.

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Alejandro Pinto González

Alejandro Pinto González has a background of twenty years in digital technologies and cybersecurity, conceiving and implementing cybersecurity strategies, policy and regulations, at EU and international level.
Civil servant specialist in ICT of the Spanish Government, he holds a degree in mathematics, in computer engineering and a MBA.
He is policy officer on cybersecurity at the Spanish National Security Department (Cabinet Office), where he is member of the task force for the national new cybersecurity strategy 2019 and supports the activity of the National Cybersecurity Council. He is also member of ENISA Management Board, and contributes to the NIS Cooperation Group, in particular on cybersecurity of 5G and on an EU Framework for large-scale cybersecurity crisis and incidents management.
Previously, he has been seconded as national expert to the European Commission (DG CONNECT), where he contributed to the NIS Directive and the cybersecurity strategy for EU 2013, and where he also coordinated and contributed to relevant international working teams on various cybersecurity policy, strategy, and standards issues (EU NIS Directive, US NIST, EU-China expert group on economies of cybersecurity and EU-China Cyber Task Force, CCRA, CEN/CENELEC/ETSI SGSI).

Linus Thrybom

Linus Thrybom is manager of the Industrial IoT research team at ABB Corporate Research in Västerås, Sweden. His research interests include industrial communication and 5G, system architecture, distributed real-time systems and Internet of Things. He received the M.Sc. degree in Computer Science from Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, in 1991. From 1992 to 1997 he was with the ABB Industrial Systems, Västerås, Sweden, as design engineer of embedded systems. From 1998 to 2008, he was with the Bombardier Transportation, Västerås, Sweden, as project leader on train communication and control systems. Since 2008 he is with the ABB Corporate Research, Västerås, Sweden, where he in 2011 became Principal Scientist, and in 2015 he became manager of the Industrial Communication team.

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Peter Stuckmann

Peter Stuckmann, Head of Unit – Future Connectivity Systems DG CONNECT, European Commission
Peter is managing the Commission’s policy on 5G communication systems and the related research and innovation programme.
Before his appointment as Head of Unit he was managing the office of the Director General of DG CONNECT, Roberto Viola, coordinating the Commission’s digital policy initiatives. The portfolio included Digital Single Market, Broadband Policy, Telecoms, Media and Online Policy, the Copyright Reform as well as the EU ICT Research and Innovation Programme.
Between 2010 and 2014 he was Head of Sector “Spectrum Policy”, was penholder of main elements of the Commission proposal on the Telecom Single Market and the Roaming regulation, and was responsible for the implementation of the EU telecom rules in Germany and Austria.
Between 2005 and 2010 he coordinated the EU R&D programme leading to the 4G mobile communications standards.
Before joining the European Commission in 2004 he has occupied several engineering and management positions in industry, academia and start-ups. He holds engineering and doctoral degrees from RWTH Aachen University, Germany.

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Eric Gauthier

Eric was born in Zurich and raised in Montreal. He is currently based in London where he works as Director of Technical Fraud and RA for the Group Fraud and Revenue Assurance department of Orange. He leads a team that provides technical expertise in investigating fraud and other financial leakage and in developing detection and prevention controls for both fixed and mobile networks. Eric holds a Bachelor of Engineering from McGill University, a Master in Telecommunications from the Canadian National Institute for Scientific Research and a Ph.D. degree in Communication Systems from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne. He has received several distinctions including recognition as an Orange Security Expert and a special award for significant contribution from the GSM Association.

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