Travel Grants

Travel Grants2025-02-17T15:26:34+00:00

Rules for Students’ Travel Grants

1 – EuCNC & 6G Summit awards Travel Grants to students, so that they can attend the conference.

2 – The Travel Grant consists of the Registration Fee plus a Contribution to Travel Expenses.

3 – The Registration Fee will be corresponding to:

  • a “Limited” Registration (R-2-L), if the student is an author/co-author of a paper accepted to the conference and is presenting the paper at the conference;
  • a “Student” Registration (R-4-S), in all other cases.

4 – The Contribution to Travel Expenses will be the actual travel costs, limited to 500 €, for which the student will have to present receipts.

5 – Applications to Travel Grants should be made via EDAS to: The students are required to upload their Curriculum Vitae, a copy of their student card or a certificate from their academic institution and a recommendation letter (e.g., from their superviser).

6 – Travel Grants are awarded according to the following priorities:

  • Students that are authors/co-authors of papers accepted to the conference, and are presenting their papers at the conference; the students with papers with a higher mark will be given a higher priority;
  • Students that are authors/co-authors of papers accepted to the conference, but are not presenting their papers at the conference;
  • Ph.D. students that are not authors of papers at the conference;
  • M.Sc. students that are not authors of papers at the conference;
  • In each of the categories listed above, priority is given to students studying in European countries, ranking first those from countries that are ranked below 70% of the EU27 average of the composite indicator on Research Excellence;

7 – The following key dates apply to Travel Grant applications:

  • 2025 Feb. 7th Feb. 14th: Deadline for submission of Travel Grant applications;
  • 2025 Mar. 31st: Notification of acceptance of Travel Grant applications.

8 – In case the Travel Grant is awarded, the granted applicants will receive a complimentary registration code according to their status: a “Student” Registration (R-4-S) code if the applicant is not presenting a paper, or a “Limited” Registration (R-2-L) code for an author presenting a paper. In case the applicant had registered before the Travel Grant is awarded, the registration fee will be waived and refunded directly.

9 – The reimbursement of the travel fees will be done after the receipts are provided.

10 – The number of Travel Grants to be issued depends on budget availability.

11 – A Travel Grants Committee decides on the awarding of the travel grants, being composed of: Steering Committee Chair from the current edition of the conference, and Technical Programme Chairs from the current and previous editions of the conference.

12 – Complaints are decided by the Steering Committee of the conference.

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