Workshop 3

Workshop 32024-05-31T18:39:42+00:00

The 6G series workshop by Hexa-X-II

Monday, 3 June 2024, 9:00-12:30/14:00-17:30, Room Darwin Hall
  • Patrik Rugeland (Ericsson Research, SE)
  • Mikko Uusitalo (Nokia Bell Labs, FI)
  • Mauro Boldi (Telecom Italia S.p.A., IT)

Motivation and Background

The European 6G flagship research project Hexa-X-II (HORIZON-JU-SNS-2022-STREAM-B-01-05) are continuing the work laid out by Hexa-X with a consortium of 44 partners, covering the entire value chain to create the blueprint system design of 6G ahead of the initiation of the technical standardization for 6G. The project aims to create strong foundation on 6G values and requirements seeing how the 6G design could strive for economic, social, and environmental sustainability in all its facets. The project is also conducting research on architectural enablers, radio evolution, 6G devices & infrastructure, and smart network management.
As such, the workshop will accurately address the conference tracks ‘PHY—Physical Layer and Fundamentals’, ‘WOS – Wireless, Optical and Satellite Networks’, ‘NET – Network Softwarization’ ‘AIU Applications, IoT, Use Cases’ and ‘6G Visions and Sustainability’, by providing an overview on the 6G research from the major European players.
This workshop provides an opportunity to solidify Hexa-X-II’s position as a leading 6G project as a successor to Hexa-X, showcasing the work done with presentations, as well as provide an opportunity to connect and align with the 6G research perform elsewhere. This will be accomplished by inviting other SNS-JU Stream B 6G technical enabler projects to present.


Session 1 – 6G system vision (90 min) Chair: Mikko Uusitalo (Nokia):

  • Keynote 1: Design to impact – Jean-Benoît Besset (Head of the Group’s Environment and Energy Transition, Orange) [20 min]
  • Keynote 2: Apple 6G Overview – Vision and Technology – Ayman Naguib (Wireless research lead, Apple) and Sree Vallath (Senior manager, Wireless technologies, Apple) [20 min] 6G will define next generation wireless Solutions for 2030 and beyond, covering the network system architecture and interfaces between network components and user equipment. This presentation aims to highlight  focus areas, key technology enablers and priorities in the run up to 6G. In presenting this view, we consider anticipated 6G usage scenarios and the associated  user experience. We will also look at how Hexa-X-II, and EC partnership in general, have been instrumental in converting some of these key objectives into tangible industry-wide proposals.
  • Update from Hexa-X-II and global alignment – Mikko Uusitalo (Nokia) [10 min + 2.5 min Q/A]
  • Hexa-X-II: Overall 6G system design – Patrik Rugeland (Ericsson) & Sylvaine Kerboeuf (Nokia) [10 min +2.5 min Q/A]
  • EU landscape of Collaborative 6G R&I activities – Kostas Trichias (6G-IA) [10 min +2.5 min Q/A]
  • 6G-ANNA: Sustainable and Secure Architecture & System Design – Gerald Kunzmann (Nokia). [10 min +2.5 min Q/A]

Session 2 – 6G radio evolution (90 min) Chair: Patrik Rugeland (Ericsson):

  • Hexa-X-II: Holistic 6G radio design framework – Nurul Mahmood (University of Oulu) [12 min + 3 min Q/A]
  • TERA6G: An integrated approach to millimeter-wave multi-MIMO steerable antenna arrays for 6G – Guillermo Carpintero (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) [12 min + 3 min Q/A]
  • 6GTandem: The 6GTandem dual-frequency and dense deployment approach to solidify sub-THz capacity exploitation François Rottenberg (KU Leuven) [12 min + 3 min Q/A]
  • 6G-SHINE: Short-range in-X subnetworks for extreme communication – Gilberto Berardinelli (Aalborg University) [12 min + 3 min Q/A]
  • TIMES: Channel Characterisation in Industrial Environments at 300 GHz – Thomas Kürner (TU Braunschweig) [12 min + 3 min Q/A]
  • CENTRIC: Towards Sustainable AI-native, User-Centric Air-Interface for 6G Networks – Ramoni Adeogun (Aalborg University) [12 min + 3 min Q/A]

Session 3 – 6G architecture (90 min) Chair: Ömer Bulakçı (Nokia):

  • European View on 6G Architecture – Ömer Bulakçı (Nokia/SNS JU 6G Arch WG) [12 min + 2 min Q/A]
  • Hexa-X-II: 6G architectural enablers and framework – Mårten Ericson (Ericsson) [12 min + 2 min Q/A]
  • ETHER: A 6G Architectural Framework for 3D Multi-Layered Networks – Konstantinos Ntontin (University of Luxembourg) [12 min + 2 min Q/A]
  • PREDICT-6G: The importance of predictability in 6G networks – Antonio de la Oliva (UNIVERSIDAD CARLOS III DE MADRID) [12 min + 2 min Q/A]
  • ADROIT6G: Distributed Artificial Intelligence-driven architecture for 6G networks – Prof. Verikoukis Christos (ISI/ATH and Univ. of Patras) [12 min + 2 min Q/A]
  • First Insights from the Hexa-X-II PoC activities – Panagiotis Demestichas (WINGS ICT Solutions / University of Piraeus) [17 min + 3 min Q/A]

Session 4 – 6G values and requirements (90 min) Chair Stefan Wendt (Orange):

  • Hexa-X-II: Consolidated European view of 6G use cases and requirement – (Cristóbal Vinagre Zuniga (TNO)) [9 min + 1 min Q/A]
  • Next G Alliance: North American view on 6G Societal & Economic Needs and Sustainability – Amir Gomroki (Ericsson) [9 min + 1 min Q/A]
  • Hexa-X-II: Environmental, social. and economic impacts of 6G – Rony Rouphael (Orange), Aimilia Bantouna (Wings), Marja Matinmikko.Blue (Oulu University [9 min + 1 min Q/A]
  • 6G4Society: Social Acceptance of 6G Technology – Margot Bezzi (CyberEthics Lab) [9 min + 1 min Q/A]
  • Life cycle perspective on challenges and opportunities of 6G technology for sustainable development – Anna Furberg (KTH Digital Futures) [9 min + 1 min Q/A]
  • Panel discussion: Designing 6G as a Technology with Purpose– [35 min + 5 min Q/A]
    • Chair: Ali Rezaki (Nokia)
    • Panelists:
      • José Almodovar (TNO)
      • Amir Gomroki (Ericsson)
      • Aimilia Bantouna (WINGS)
      • Margot Bezzi (CyberEthics Lab)
      • Anna Furberg (KTH Digital Futures)

The panel will focus on the challenges and opportunities of designing 6G as a technology for environmental, societal and economic good, that is, with a “purpose”. As technologists, while we are used to optimizing design parameters and working with trade-offs represented by competing parameters, we are only just beginning to incorporate environmental and societal values and goals in our design processes. Considering the use phase of our technologies and assessing their impact in given use case contexts w.r.t. values is a challenging endeavour that requires an interdisciplinary and multi-stakeholder approach. This opens up new opportunities to design our technologies and systems with a better chance to create desired outcomes, yet has considerable challenges to implement effectively as well. With our distinguished panellists, we would like to have an open discussion on maximizing the opportunities by proactively tackling the associated challenges ahead.

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