Workshop 2

Workshop 22024-05-10T13:25:07+00:00

International Workshop on Holistic 6G Radio Design

Monday, 3 June 2024, 9:00-12:30/14:00-17:30, Room Gorilla Room 1
  • Hamed Farhadi (Ericsson Research, SE)
  • Ahmad Nimrt (TU Dresden, DE)
  • Jeroen Famey (imec and University of Antwerp, BE)
  • Gilberto Berardinelli (Aalborg Univ., DK)
  • Halid Hrasnica (Eurescom GmbH, DE)

Motivation and Background

This workshop is jointly proposed by the stream B projects Hexa-X-II, 6G-SHINE and CENTRIC.
Hexa-X -II (HORIZON-JU-SNS-2022-STREAM-B-01-05) is continuing the work laid out by Hexa-X with a consortium of 44 partners, covering the entire value chain to create the blueprint system design of 6G ahead of the initiation of the technical standardization for 6G. Towards this objective, the project is conducting research on holistic radio evolution (WP4) and 6G future devices & infrastructure (WP5), among others.
The 6G-SHINE (HORIZON-JU-SNS-2022-STREAM-B-01-03) project will pioneer the main technology components for in X wireless subnetworks, short range, low-power radio cells to be installed in a wide set of vertical and consumer entities like robots, vehicles, production modules, and classrooms for the sake of supporting extreme communication requirements in terms of latency, reliability, or data rates. 6G-SHINE will leverage the opportunities offered by the peculiar deployment characteristics of such short-range subnetworks for a highly performant yet cost-efficient radio design that allows to bring wireless connectivity to a level of pervasiveness that which has never been experienced earlier.
CENTRIC (HORIZON-JU-SNS-2022-STREAM-B-01-02) is a co funded R&D&I European project that proposes leveraging AI techniques through a top-down, modular approach to wireless connectivity that puts the users’ communication needs and environmental constraints at the centre of the network stack design. AI techniques will be used to create and customize tailor-made waveforms, transceivers, signalling, protocols and RRM procedures to support these requirements – enabling the user-centric AI Air Interface (AI AI).
Given the expertise and focus areas of the supporting projects, this workshop will accurately address the conference tracks ‘PHY—Physical Layer and Fundamentals’, ‘WOS – Wireless, Optical and Satellite Networks’, ‘NET – Network Softwarization’ ‘AIU Applications, IoT, Use Cases’ and ‘6G Visions and Sustainability’, by providing an overview on the 6G research from the major European players.


Session 1 (Morning, 0900 – 1030): AI for 6G

    1. Opening of the workshop and setting the scene for the workshop – Nurul Huda Mahmood, University of Oulu (5 mins)
    2. AI Enabled Holistic Radio Design overview from Hexa-X-II – Hamed Farhadi, Ericsson Research (15 mins, incl. Q&A)
    3. Cell-free massive MIMO deployments for 6G networks, CENTRIC – Stefano Buzzi, CNIT (15 mins, incl. Q&A)
    4. AI-based radio resource management for dense in-X subnetworks, 6G SHINE – Ramoni Adeogun, Aalborg University (15 mins, incl. Q&A)
    5. Panel: AI for 6G radio access network: opportunities and challenges

Moderator: Hamed Farhadi, Ericsson

      • Dani Korpi, Nokia
      • Ramoni Adeogun, Aalborg University
      • Stefano Buzzi, CNIT
      • Carles Navarro Manchon, Keysight

Session 2 (Morning, 1100 – 1230): Keynote and Holistic 6G radio design

  1. Opening and welcome (Ahmad ~5 mins)
  2. Keynote by Prof Christian Wietfeld, TU Dortmund, Germany (45 mins, incl. Q&A)
  3. Holistic 6G radio design framework, Hexa-X-II – Ahmad Nimr, TU Dresden (20 mins, incl. Q&A)
  4. Holistic 6G radio hardware design, Hexa-X-II – Jeroen Famey, IMEC and University of Antwerp (20 mins, incl. Q&A)

Session 3 (afternoon, 1400 – 1530): Opportunities and Challenges of Modern MIMO and THz Communication

  1. Modern MIMO overview from Hexa-X-II – Tommy Svensson, Chalmers University of Technology (18 mins, incl. Q&A)
  2. THz communication overview from Hexa-X-II – Italo Atzeni, University of Oulu (18 mins, incl. Q&A)
  3. A dual-frequency distributed MIMO approach for future 6G applications-first year achievements, 6GTandem – Sining An, Ericsson (18 mins, incl. Q&A)
  4. RISE-6G: lessons learnt on RIS deployment and architecture aspects – Tommy Svensson, Chalmers University of Technology (18 mins, incl. Q&A)
  5. Integrated Sensing and Communications at THz for Object Tracking, TIMES – Tommaso Bacchielli, University of Bologna (18 mins, incl. Q&A)

Session 4 (afternoon, 1600 – 1730): JCAS – The new frontier in 6G networks

    1. JCAS: from use cases and metrics to models and evaluation frameworks, Hexa-X-II – Henk Wymeersch, Chalmers University of Technology (15 mins, incl. Q&A)
    2. Channel modelling for JCAS, Hexa-X-II – Ayman Naguib, Apple (15 mins, incl. Q&A)
    3. Integrating Communications, Sensing and Localization: The 6G-MUSICAL Approach, Gabor Fodor, Ericsson (15 mins, incl. Q&A)
    4. Panel: 6G beyond the hype

Moderator: Gilberto Berardinelli, Aalborg University

      • Robin Leblon, Citymesh
      • Henk Wymeersch, Chalmers University of Technology
      • Gabor Fodor, Ericsson
      • Jeroen Famaey, imec and University of Antwerpen
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