Open Source for bridging Research and Standardization
Wednesday, 5 June 2024, 11:00-13:00, Room Pelican
Session Chair:
- Silvia Almagia (ETSI, FR)
- Ricard Vilalta (CTTC, ES)
In the ever-evolving realm of ICT standardization, ETSI is steering the industry towards a future defined by software, collaboration, and implementation driven standardization processes. At the heart of this revolution lies a new powerful tool – the collaborative Software Development Groups – and four initiatives—Open Source MANO, TeraFlowSDN, OpenSlice, and OpenCAPIF—each contributing a unique chapter to the narrative of Telco transformation. Picture a world where research seamlessly intertwines with standardization, where open source and standards not only work together but serve as the cornerstone for an open, healthy, and diverse ecosystem, where agile approaches enable early innovation impacts. ETSI’s Software Development Groups are precisely the catalysts for this visionary shift. In this enlightening panel discussion, we delve into the compelling stories behind these projects, uncovering the motivations that fuel their development, the way they embrace research, and the goals they aim to achieve. These initiatives are more than mere technological endeavours; they are living examples of open collaboration, uniting global communities to produce open-source components and tools that directly support standardization and innovation. By reducing time to market and fostering the adoption of standards, ETSI SDGs are transforming the way new technologies are defined in the software age. Join us on this insightful journey as we navigate the synergies between these software initiatives, research, and standardization. How do they complement each other? Where do their paths intersect? This discussion goes beyond the technicalities, examining the opportunities for collaboration that pave the way for a diverse ecosystem of interoperable solutions, evolving according to business development requirements. Be part of the conversation that transcends boundaries and shapes the future of ICT standardization. ETSI’s SDGs are not just open source projects; they are a key enabler to a more agile, collaborative, and innovative standardization landscape.
Opening: Operator’s perspective on Research, Standardization and Open Source – Luis Miguel Contreras, Telefonica (10 min)
Intro to ETSI Software Development Groups – Silvia Almagia, ETSI (5 min)
ETSI SDG x4 (10min each)
OpenSourceMANO – Min Xie, Telenor
TeraFlowSDN – Lluis Gifre, CTTC
OpenSlice – Christos Tranoris, University of Patras
OpenCAPIF – David Artunedo, Telefonica
EU Projects x4 (5 mins each)
OSM ecosystem project: IMAGINE-B5G – Min Xie, Telenor
TFS ecosystem project: ALLEGRO – Luis Miguel Contreras Murillo, Telefonica.
OSL ecosystem project: FIDAL – Ioannis Markopoulos, NOVA
OCF ecosystem project: 6G-SANDBOX – Dimitris Tsolkas, Fogus
Panel discussion Q/A (15 min)