
Author Registration Policy


Accepted and presented papers in Regular Sessions will be published in the EuCNC’2016 Conference Proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases.


Authors must register prior to submission of the final version of the paper (deadline May 6th, 2016), registration being non-refundable, and use the registration code (available in the registration confirmation sent by e-mail) to submit their final Camera Ready paper.  The registration confirmation code cannot be shared with anyone else.


Authors of papers in Special Sessions, as well as of Posters Sessions, are required to fulfil the same conditions as authors of papers in Regular Sessions, i.e., papers for Regular Sessions, Special Sessions and Posters Sessions have the same registration policy.


At least one author of an accepted paper must register as Full or Limited Registration (R01, R02, R03 or R04), even if the author is a student.  For authors presenting multiple papers, one registration is valid for one person; however, it can cover up to three (3) papers on which the person who is registered is an author or co-author.


Each author/co-author wishing to attend the conference must be registered.


Each paper must be presented by an author/co-author at the conference, unless the TPC Chair grants permission for a substitute presenter.


The conference organisers reserve the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference, if the paper is not presented at the conference.



Workshops Registration Policy


A Workshop Registration (R01, R02 or R05) is mandatory for each accepted workshop paper.  A workshop paper is not included into the 3 papers covered by the conference registration fee.  If a workshop presenter wishes to attend the whole conference, he/she has also to register for the conference at the applicable rate.


All participants and speakers in the Workshops, regardless of the nature of their presentation, including organisers, must pay the registration fee.


The workshop student registration is not valid as an author registration for workshop.


Authors of workshops papers must register prior to the submission of workshops final papers (deadline May 6th, 2016).



Special Sessions Registration Policy


Authors of papers in Special Sessions are required to fulfil the same conditions as authors of papers in Regular Sessions, i.e., papers for Regular Sessions and Special Sessions have the same registration policy.


All participants and speakers in the Special Sessions, regardless of the nature of their presentation, including organisers, must pay the registration fee.



Cancellation Policy


If you have to cancel your registration, a notification should be sent to the organisers, before May 27th, 2016; a refund will be given with a charging of 30 €Cancellations received after May 27th, 2016, will not be eligible for refund.

Authors’ registrations are not refundable.



Data Handing Ethics


EuCNC collects personal information from participants, on the strict basis of only the one required for registration purposes.  These data are not given to third parties, being used solely for the purposes of the conference series organisation.


EuCNC collects general photos and videos of participants during the conference, for dissemination purposes, posting these photos and videos at the conference public website. 


EuCNC is a conference organised under the European Union’s guidelines on protection of personal data, namely concerning:

  • the “right to be forgotten” – a participant can request the conference organisers to delete his/her information after the conference has finished;
  • easy access to one’s data – a participant can request the conference organisers a copy of his/her information;
  • the right to know when one's data has been hacked – conference organisers commit to inform participants in the eventual case of data being hacked by someone;
  • data protection by design and by default – files with participants data are store in secured computers, and the usual secure access procedures are followed.