Video Blog

Some short interviews about EUCNC2016.

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EUCNC2016: A final recap

Athens, Greece, 27-30 June 2016



A view on EuCNC


Luis M. Correia

IST University of Lisbon, Portugal



The organizer's view on EuCNC


Panagiotis Demestichas

University of Piraeus, Greece



Invitation to EUCNC 2017 in Oulu


Matti Latva-aho

University of Oulu, Finland



A view on EuCNC and 5G


Bernard Barani

European Commission, Belgium



The 5GPPP's view 


Werner Mohr

5GPPP Chairman, Germany



A view on 5G


Hugo Tullberg

Ericsson, Sweden



A view on 5G


Constantinos B. Papadias

AIT, Greece



A view on 5G


Florian Kaltenberger

Eurecom, France



A view on 5G


Björn Debaillie

IMEC, Belgium



The takeaways from the panel of verticals


Andreas Müller

Bosch, Germany



Showing the 5G Triangle project 


Andrea F. Cattoni

Keysight Technologies, Denmark



The takeaways from the panel on architectures


Simone Redana

Nokia Bell Labs, Germany



The journey for 5G


Chih-Lin I

China Mobile, China



Some technologies for 5G


Tim Masson

Keysight Technologies, UK



A perspective on 5G


Edward G. Tiedeman, Jr.

Qualcomm Technologies, USA



The role of Europe in 5G development 


Mario Campolargo

European Commission, Belgium 



Bridging IoT and 5G


Georgios A. Onopas

OTE Group, Greece 



The role of COST in 5G development


Ralph Stübner

COST Association, Belgium



The social impact of 5G in Europe


Eva Kaili

Member of the European Parliament, Greece



Next steps on the 5G development


Frank Snaich

Nokia, Germany



What is 5G


Kostas Tsagkaris




5G Air Interfaces


Rahim Tafazolli

Director, ICS & 5GIC



Why to attend EuCNC


Diego Lopez

Telefonica, Spain



Next generation integrated transport networks


Arturo Azcorra

University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain



Emerging Topics on 5G Networks


Marco Masso

Huawei, France



Welcome to EuCNC 2016


Emmanuel Protonotarios

NTUA/ICCS. TPC Co-Chair, Greece



The reasons to attend EuCNC


Pavlos Fournogerakis

European Commission



Invitation to EuCNC 2016


Aris Drossis and Markos Spyridakis

Silver Patron of EUCNC2016, Nokia



Invitation to EuCNC 2016


Panagiotis Demestichas

TPC Co-Chair of EUCNC2016, University of Piraeus, Greece