
EuCNC 2016 provides the video from the plenary sessions. Please check below.

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Preview of EuCNC 2017

Luis M. Correia (IST – Univ. Lisbon, PT)


Closing Session

Panagiotis Demestichas (EuCNC2016 Host and TPC Co-Chair)

Luis M. Correia (IST – Univ. Lisbon, PT)

Bernard Barani (European Commission, Belgium)

Werner Mohr (5GPPP Chairman, Germany)


Panel 3:

Chair: Diego R. Lopez (Telefonica I+D, Spain)

Xavier Costa (NEC Europe Labs, Germany)

Carlos Bernardos (UC3M, Spain)

Georgios Gkellas (Nokia, Greece)

Paul Veitch (BT, UK)


Panel 2:

ChairSimone Redana (Nokia Bell Labs, Germany)

Alexandros Kaloxylos (Huawei, Germany)

Icaro Leonardo Da Silva (Ericsson, Sweden)

Konstantinos Chalkiotis (Deutsche Telekom, Germany)

Akihiro Nakao (University of Tokyo, Japan)


Keynote 2:


Chih-Lin I (Chief Scientist on Wireless Technologies, China Mobile Research Institute, China)



Panel 1:

Chair: Andreas Müller (Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany)

Linus Thrybom (ABB Corporate Research, Sweden)

Christoph Thuemmler (Edinburgh Napier University, United Kingdom & Technical University of Munich, Germany)

Johannes Riedl (Siemens AG, Germany)

François Fischer (ERTICO – ITS Europe, Belgium)


Opening and Welcome Addresses:

Panagiotis Demestichas (EuCNC2016 Host and TPC Co-Chair)
Eva Kaili (Member of the European Parliament, 1st Vice-Chair of Science and Technology Options Assessment Committee)
Grigoris Konstantellos (Mayor of Vari, Voula & Vouliagmeni District)

Mario Campolargo, European Commission, Belgium, General Co-Chair

Georgios A. Onopas (Director of the fixed & mobile Access Networks Department of OTE Group, Greece)
Mario Campolargo (European Commission, Belgium, General Co-Chair)



Keynote 1:

Edward G. Tiedemann, Jr. (Senior Vice-President, Engineering Qualcomm Technologies, USA)