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Welcome to the EuCNC'2016 Weekly Newsletter#9
- EuCNC2016 Conference outcomes and conclusions.
Welcome to the EuCNC'2016 Weekly Newsletter#8
- In just a few hours , the 25th edition of the European Conference on Networks and Communications opens its doors to hundreds of participants from all over the world , who will arrive in Athens , Greece . The secrets of “ the Dawn of 5G” will be revealed and numerous important scientific developments will be presented. The keynote speakers and the coordinators of the workshops and the tutorials , special sessions & panels, as well as the presenters of the papers & posters and the exhibitors are specialists and the discussions are expected to be of the highest level. We are overwhelmed and happy to be part of this important organization, not only for the context of the conference per se. It is the fact that with our work, we facilitate some of the most exclusive global knowledge to be shared with a very diverse audience. It is also moving, that this inspirational event, is coming to Athens and therefore we are determined to prepare for you not just a conference, but a complete experience. This is last informative newsletter for the EUCNC2016. Please find below all the necessary, last-minute, useful links. We will see you soon in Athens!
Welcome to the EuCNC'2016 Weekly Newsletter#7
- Time flies and there is only one week left before the introduction of the EUCNC2016 in Athens! Find here all the useful information of the conference days and also the comment of Mrs Eva Kaili, Member of the European Parliament and 1st Vice President of Science and Technologies Options Assessments Committee, the welcoming message of Prof. Panagiotis Demestichas, EuCNC2016 Host and TPC Co-Chair and the overview video with insights and hints for our participants!
Welcome to the EuCNC'2016 Weekly Newsletter#6
- Welcome to the EUCNC2016 Weekly Newsletter #6. As we approach the dates of the conference in Athens, we work in order to provide you a complete experience for "the Dawn of 5G": technical sessions, exhibition and outstanding *social options*! In this issue, you can find the *Final Detailed Program* of the Conference, a thoughtful interview of the *5G Program Manager EMEA* at *Keysight Technologies* (EuCNC2016 Gold Patron), *Mr.Herve Oudin*, and the comments of EUCNC2016 Silver Patron, *NOKIA*’s representatives.
Welcome to the EuCNC'2016 Weekly Newsletter#5
- In this newsletter you may find: an overview of the EuCNC2016 Programme, a very interesting interview with Mr. Nikolaos Isaris, Deputy Head of “Experimental Platforms”, DG CONNECT-European Commission, as well as the Exhibition Programme, that will be hosted in parallel with the Conference, details on the Awards that will be given in the closing session and the Agenda and Registration link of the 5G PPP Phase 2 Information and Stakeholders Day. Join us in Athens to check out the latest status and the most modern 5G technologies, to network with the community and to further build your proposal ideas for 5G PPP Phase 2.
Welcome to the EuCNC'2016 Weekly Newsletter#4
- In this newsletter you may find: an overall view of the EuCNC2016 Programme, a very interesting interview with Dr. Werner Mohr, Head of Research Alliances in Nokia, as well as the Agenda and Registration link of the 5G PPP Phase 2 Information and Stakeholders Day. Join us in Athens to check out the latest status and the most modern 5G technologies, to network with the community and to further build your proposal ideas for 5G PPP Phase 2.
Welcome to the EuCNC'2016 Weekly Newsletter#3
- The 3rd Newsletter of EuCNC2016 brings to you more detailed updates of the European Conference on Networks and Communications 2016, which will take place in Athens, from the 27th to the 30th of June. In this newsletter you may find inside information on the Keynote Speakers, a very interesting interview of the EC Officer Mr. Bernard Barani, detailed information on the three Panels (on Verticals,Architecture and ICT in 5G), as well as the agenda for the 4th 5G PPP Phase 2 Information and Stakeholders Day, which is going to be held in conjunction with the EuCNC2016! Join the events for seeing the latest status of 5G technologies, for networking, and for advancing your proposal ideas.
Welcome to the EuCNC'2016 Weekly Newsletter#2
- The 2nd Newsletter of EuCNC'2016 brings to you insights and updates of the European Conference on Networks and Communications 2016, which will take place in Athens, from the 27th to the 30th of June.
Welcome to the EuCNC'2016 Weekly Newsletter#1
- This is the first Newsletter of a weekly series that will be distributed ahead of the European Conference on Networks and Communications 2016. Here you will find updates and insights of the EuCNC2016, which will take place in Athens, from the 27th to the 30th of June.