Call for Exhibitors (Demos)

Proposals for Exhibitions/Demos are invited in the following Tracks:

  • Air Interfaces (PHY, MAC, RRM)
  • Optical Communications - Networks
  • Software-Defined Infrastructures
  • Management Technologies
  • Convergence with Emerging Concepts
  • Business Aspects - Vertical markets - Applications/ Services
  • Testbeds and Experimental Research


Exhibitions may address one or more Tracks, but they should be organised under a unified theme. Exhibitions are expected to show the demonstration of novel technologies and their application.


Exhibitions are supposed to have at least one person present, at least during lunch and coffee breaks, in order to present the demonstration to attendees.


A conference registration (R04 - Limited Conference Registration) is included in the fee paid for the exhibition stand, for 1 or 2 persons, respectively for 6 m2 or 12 m2 booths.


The Exhibition will be open during the entire conference, from 28 June to 30 June 2016.


Exhibitions proposals should be submitted via a specific template, available here.


The PDF of the Call for Exhibitions and Demonstrations can be found.


Proposers should provide information on the Title, Objective, Motivation and Background, Description, and associated Requirements.


Proposals should be submitted to Mrs. Yiouli Kritikou,


Key Dates 

  • 2016 Apr. 29 – Exhibition and Demonstrations proposals submission deadline
  • 2016 May 06 – Notification of acceptance