Author Registration Policy
Accepted and presented papers will be published in the EuCNC’2015 Conference Proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore as well as other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases.
Authors must register prior to submission of the final version of the paper (deadline 24 April 2015), and use the registration code (available in the registration confirmation sent by e-mail) to submit their final Camera Ready paper. The registration confirmation code cannot be shared with anyone else. Authors of papers in Special Sessions, as well as of Posters, are required to fulfil the same conditions as authors of papers in Regular Sessions.
Each accepted paper requires at least one non-refundable full registration. In case of multiple accepted papers presented by the same author or co-author, the following rules apply:
- Authors with two accepted papers: at least one non-refundable full registration and at least one student registration.
- Authors with three accepted papers: at least one non-refundable full registration and at least two student registrations.
- Authors with four or more accepted papers: extra full registration is required.
Each author/co-author wishing to attend the conference must be registered.
The paper must be presented by an author of that paper at the conference, unless the TPC Chair grants permission for a substitute presenter.
The conference organisers reserve the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the conference if the paper is not presented at the conference.
Papers for regular sessions, papers for special sessions and posters have the same registration policy.
Workshops Authors Registration Policy
Workshop papers can be either Presentations, Extended Abstracts (2 pages) or Full Papers (5 pages), and should be reviewed by the Workshop Technical Program Committee. These papers will be part of the Conference Proceedings (if the authors wish to do so), but they will not be submitted to IEEE Xplore.
A workshop registration is mandatory for an accepted workshop paper. The workshop paper cannot be included into the 3 papers covered by the conference registration fee. If a workshop presenter wishes to attend the whole conference, he/she has also to register for the conference at the rate applicable.
The workshop student registration is not valid as an author registration for workshop.
Authors of workshops papers must register prior to the submission of workshops final papers (deadline 24 April 2015)
Special Sessions and Workshop Organisers Policy
Organisers of Special Sessions and of Workshops are required to follow the registration policy that is applicable to authors Special Sessions and Workshops, respectively.
Cancellation Policy
If you have to cancel your registration, a notification should be sent to eucnc2015@c2b-congress.com, before May 29th, 2015; a refund will be given with a charging of 30€. Cancellations received after May 29th, 2015, will not be eligible for refund.
Authors’ registrations are not refundable