Exhibitions and Demos
Exhibition Opening hours:
Tuesday 09:00 – 19:30
Wednesday 09:00 – 17:30
Thursday 09:00 – 14:00
Exhibition stand 1: BATS
Simon Watts & Graham Peters (Avanti Communications, UK)
BATS: Broadband Access via integrated Terrestrial and Satellite systems The motivation of this exhibition is to raise awareness of the research outcomes of the BATS project looking at the next generation of satellite broadband communications systems and service delivery models. The exhibition will focus on the integration of satellite and terrestrial communication systems. In addition, Multi-Carrier (MC) techniques are currently in use in terrestrial systems. OFDM is used in LTE and FBMC is one of the most promising techniques for 5G systems. Considering them for satellite networks promises several benefits. We will be showcasing the performance of FBMC and OFDM over an emulated satellite link. |
Demo: This demo will include a set of posters and leaflets capturing some of the key research outcomes of the BATS project (e.g., design of intelligent routing gateways for integration of satellite/terrestrial networks and next generation satellite systems). There will be a video about the BATS concept andproject activities being broadcasted in a monitor. In addition, we will have a live demo/test-bed. The exhibition demo demonstrates by emulation the feasibility of multi-carrier transmission over satellite and allows to directly comparing specific Key Performance Indicators of FBMC and OFDM. |
Exhibition stand 2: Fed4FIRE
Halid Hrasnica (Eurescom, Germany)
Common federation framework for FIRE Fed4FIRE is developing a common federation framework for FIRE. This framework is being widely adopted by a large number of experimentation facility providers and different experimenter communities in the area of Future Internet Research. The framework incorporates state-of-the-art technologies in the areas of experiment life-cycle management, monitoring and trustworthiness in order to support powerful experiments. The Fed4FIRE project involves over 20 testbeds, distributed within and outside Europe, and offers experimentation and testing opportunities. |
Demo: A live demonstration will show the strengths of the federation of testbeds and international connectivity in action. We will demonstrate an experiment using large amounts of interconnected international (EU and beyond) resources to show what is currently available to experimenters through Fed4FIRE and associated federations with the same APIs and toolset. We target about 1000 resources (physical nodes, virtual machines, layer 2 connections, Openflow switches) on various testbeds. |
Exhibition stand 3: 5G PPP
David Kennedy (Eurescom, Germany)
European 5G Initiative NetWorld2020 is the European Technology Platform for communications networks and services. The 5G Infrastructure Association represents the private side of the 5G Public-Private Partnership. Communications networks enable interaction between users of various types of equipment, either mobile or fixed; they are the foundation of the Internet. The NetWorld2020 European Technology Platform gathers players of the communications networks sector: industry leaders, innovative SMEs, and leading academic institutions. The concept of holistic 5G networks is so much more comprehensive than any previous network evolution generation as it will fully integrate all network technologies mobile, fixed, satellite, optical etc., into a very dynamic, software enabled, high capacity infrastructure that is capable of supporting massive increases in availability, reliability and throughput while dramatically reducing the energy requirements for the provision of such advanced communications services. The 5G PPP is a set of coordinated projects which is addressing issues related to 5G networks. |
Demo: Poster exhibition: motivation, objectives of NetWorld2020 and the 5G Infrastructure Association / 5G PPP projects selected for funding. White paper: 5G: Challenges, Priorities and Recommendations; NetWorld2020 Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda Videos:
Exhibition stand 4: FELIX
Gino Carrozzo (Nextworks, Italy)
FELIX: Federated Test-Beds For Large-Scale Infrastructure Experiments between Europe and Japan FELIX is creating a common control framework where users can request, monitor and manage a slice provisioned over distributed and distant Future Internet experimental facilities in Europe and Japan. FELIX is a joint effort of two independent consortia (i.e. FELIX-EU in Europe, FELIX-JP in Japan), who are federating their SDN and NSI research infrastructures to demonstrate the benefits of a unified and coordinated virtual infrastructure control framework in some challenging use cases of efficient data transmission and migration of computing services and workloads across facilities in the two continents. |
Demo: The demo will show in a video the FELIX control framework in action to control SDN and NSI transit network domains when a 4k video content is streamed from Japan/AIST (media producer) to Europe/PSNC (media consumer). The demo will show how the FELIX Control Framework running over multiple FELIX FIRE islands is used to test media streaming boundary conditions (Experiment 1), examine QoE of high quality media streaming over EU-Japan test-bed (Experiment 2) and monitor transmission parameters (Experiment 3). Besides the FELIX Control Framework components and resources, the demo includes also the UltraGrid software (Software for low latency and high-quality video network transmissions”, www.ultragrid.cz), 4k camera and projector (for contents production and visualization on big screen) and a Control Panel with network topology and measured parameters. |
Exhibition stand 5: CROWD
Vincenzo Mancuso (Institute IMDEA Networks, Spain)
CROWD solutions for SDN‐controlled SDR networks with D2D Mobile data traffic and network density are growing exponentially. Several algorithms have been proposed to manage such networks and more will soon come from the 5G PPP. However, validation of algorithms relies typically on simulations and rarely the achieved performance is evaluated for the complete system in a realistic scenario. Especially for LTE-A and newly proposed D2D technologies, service deployment and testing is practically challenging for the lack of affordable tools and flexible hardware. In this framework, we propose an SDN-controlled SDR platform to design and test LTE-A and 802.11‐based D2D features with commercial FPGA tools. |
Demo: The demo presents a HW/SW platform for designing network services based on SDR and D2D. We use a LabVIEW-based PXI platform in which LTE‐like SISO OFDM PHY and 802.11 PHY are integrated with an open source protocol stack. Such a platform is controlled by using services and SDN APIs developed in CROWD to tame dense and heterogeneous deployment of wireless networks. In particular, the demo shows PHY/MAC cross layer algorithms for increasing spectral efficiency by means of SDR-enabled ABSF interference coordination schemes and D2D mechanisms for channel-opportunistic traffic relay. |
Exhibition stand 6: PRISTINE
Leonardo Bergesio (Fundació I2CAT, Spain)
Programmability of network functions within the Recursive InterNetwork Achitecture (RINA) RINA is a promising architecture build from first principles and departing from the limitations from the prevalent TCP/IP protocol suite. RINA is based on a single repeating layer (called DIF – Distributed IPC Facility) whose functionality can be customized to the layer’s operating environment. PRISTINE, a FP7 project, has developed a Software Development Kit for the open source implementation of RINA called IRATI, in order to allow for the customization of routing, addressing, data transfer, resource allocation and security policies within a DIF; as well as a number of policy targets for two use-cases, i.e., data center networking and distributed cloud. |
Demo: This demo will show how a software developer can develop new policies for the RINA implementation, load them in a running stack and configure the right components of the DIF (layer) with the new developed policies. It will also show how RINA network works in practice using developed policies managed via a multi-layer Network Management System that are designed by PRISTINE. A parallel demonstration will also be present the RINA Simulator as an ideal complement to the IRATI open implementation since it allows performing rapid provisioning of new policy ideas at scale. |
Exhibition stand 7: DUPLO
Kari Rikkinen (University of Oulu, Finland)
DUPLO Full-Duplex Radios for Local Access Full-duplex is a fundamental game changing communication scheme which utilizes the same frequency resources for simultaneous transmission and reception. Full-duplex drastically improves the spectral efficiency, increases the radio link capacity and offers new means for flexible use of spectrum. The DUPLO project investigates the main full-duplex bottlenecks and develops new radio transceiver technologies and system level solutions. |
Demo: The hardware setup demonstrates full-duplex wireless communication between two radio nodes. Each radio node implements full-duplex hardware and software solutions developed in the DUPLO project and illustrates the observed link performance (constellation diagram, EVM) and self-interference cancellation capability. The demo is both operational and interactive; the system configuration and surrounding objects can be changed during operation while monitoring the communication performance and adaptive tuning mechanism. |
Exhibition stand 8: CREW / WiSHFUL
Ingrid Moerman (Ghent University, Belgium)
CREW - Cognitive Radio Experimentation World / WISHFUL - Wireless SW and HW platforms for radio and network control The ever-increasing number of wireless standards has shown that it is impossible to design a single protocol that performs optimally under all circumstances, especially considering the wide range of deployment scenarios and unpredictable interference from heterogeneous technologies. To deal with these issues, it is crucial for wireless devices to become more flexible and adapt different protocols based on the environment. In this booth, we will show the capabilities of programmable MAC solutions on off-the-shelf hardware. Using the Wireless MAC Processor (WMP) for IEEE 802.11 hardware and SnapMAC for IEEE 802.15.4 hardware, we implemented a flexible cross-technology TDMA scheme that can freely switch between legacy and TDMA operation. This flexibility allows us to greatly reduce interference when both technologies share a channel, without compromising the performance of the system. |
Demos: WMP and SnapMAC are novel programmable architectures for WiFi resp. ZigBee wireless devices able to support run-time modifications of medium access operations. Hardware agnostic programs are loaded on wireless cards and change the MAC behaviour at runtime. The demo scenario involves the following steps: (1) WiFi detects the presence of ZigBee packets; (2) a TDMA schema is triggered: instead of randomly accessing the channel, each transmitter will limit its transmissions to the assigned time slot. The demonstration itself will run live in the iMinds testlab in Gent and use a web-interface showing a live RSSI plot as well as a throughput graph for both technologies (see figures below). Using the controls, it is possible to switch between legacy and TDMA operation as well as modify several parameters. |
Exhibition stand 9: T-NOVA
Tasos Kourtis (National Centre of Scientific Research Demokritos (NCSRD), Greece)
FP7 / T-NOVA (Network Functions as-a-Service over Virtualised Infrastructures) The term Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) defines the process of virtualising network functions such as gateways, proxies, firewalls and transcoders etc., traditionally carried out by specialised hardware devices, and migrating those functions to software-based appliances, deployed onto commodity IT infrastructure. NFV along with SDN are one of the most promising paradigms for revolutionising the way in which networks are traditionally managed and controlled. The NFV concept leverages virtualisation technologies that have proven their validity in the IT domain, as well as software-driven network management platforms. |
Demos: The T-NOVA demo will showcase:
Exhibition stand 10: European Commission (Platinum Patron)
Exhibition stand 11: COST
Chris Irons (COST, Belgium)
COST is the longest-running European intergovernmental framework for cooperation in science and technology supporting trans-national cooperation among researchers, engineers and scholars across Europe. As a precursor of advanced multidisciplinary research, COST plays a very important role in building a European Research Area (ERA). It anticipates and complements the activities of the EU Framework Programmes, constituting a “bridge” towards the scientific communities of COST Inclusiveness Target Countries, and also increases the mobility of researchers across Europe and fosters the establishment of scientific excellence. It aims at guaranteeing a fully open and bottom-up approach through the establishment of a single Scientific Committee and a renewed evaluation and selection procedure aiming at identifying breakthrough ideas and favouring interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary projects. |
Exhibition stand 12: Modular WSAN/loT platform with Plug&Play module connection
Marko Mäkeläinen (University of Oulu, Finland)
Efficiency and flexibility are among the key requirements for Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks (WSAN) of Internet of Things (IoT) era. In the demo we present the novel WSAN and IoT platform. The nodes are built by stacking together the hardware modules encapsulating various peripherals, e.g., power supply sources, processing units, wireless transceivers, sensors and actuators. Once a node is assembled, the main processing unit (MPU) automatically detects the attached modules, configures those, detects and launches possible applications. |
Demo: In the demo we will show how one can build a heterogeneous WSAN featuring nodes of different structures and employing various radio communication technologies using the proposed platform. The WSAN nodes featuring different functionalities will be assembled from the hardware modules. Once a node is powered, it will register in the network and start reporting its data using the available communication mechanisms. The received sensor data will be displayed using GUI application, which will be used also to give commands and change operation of particular modules. |
Exhibition stand 13: CONTENT
Anna Tzanakaki (University of Bristol, UK)
CONTENT: Convergence of Wireless Optical Network and IT Resources in support of Cloud Services Converged network infrastructures are key elements for next generation ubiquitous services. CONTENT focuses on heterogeneous wireless and optical infrastructures, delivered on demand following the IaaS paradigm. The CONTENT technology platform interconnects geographically distributed computational resources to support a variety of cloud and mobile cloud services. The CONTENT services include connectivity of mobile/fixed end-users and IT resources, automatically configured and orchestrated in accordance to the cloud service requirements exploiting SDN technologies. |
Demo: The demo shows the two fundamental phases of CONTENT infrastructure workflows:
Exhibition stand 14: SEMAFOUR
Remco Litjens (TNO, The Netherlands)
Self-Management for Unified Heterogeneous Radio Access Manual planning and optimization of mobile radio networks as performed today is complex, costly, slow, and may lead to non-optimal results in particular for multi-layer/technology environments. The concepts and solutions developed in the SEMAFOUR project enable the network operators to interact with the complex heterogeneous network environment through a unified self-management system, enabling the automated and autonomous configuration, control and operation of the network by means of high-level technical objectives. |
Demo: Demonstrated will be SEMAFOUR solutions on: (i) Policy-Based SON (Self Organising Networks) Management, which allows the classification of radio cells according to the dynamically varying context, and accordingly configures existing SON functions in line with operator-formulated technical objectives; (ii) novel SON functions for e.g. advanced traffic steering among technology (LTE/Wi-Fi) and cell (macro/micro) layers, dynamic spectrum allocation and active antenna systems; (iii) a Decision Support System that anticipates emerging performance/capacity bottlenecks and analyses suitable network upgrades. |
Exhibition stand 15: QuEEN
Frédéric Guyard (Orange, France)
QuEEN – QoE from the theory to applications and measurements. Over the last decade, the interest in the Quality of Experience (QoE) seems to have boomed both in the industry and in academia. Despite the growing research activity around end-user quality perception, QoE remained until recently an ambiguous concept lacking a coherent theoretical basis and commonly accepted definitions. The purpose of the QuEEN project was to pave the way towards a commonly accepted framework for addressing QoE. The following points were addressed during the project:
Demo: The Quote system (VTT) is a system of benchmarking of QoE for Telemedicine systems. The evaluation of the QoE for medical images is based on especially dedicated full-references and real-times models combined with the QuEEN-agent developed during the project. |
Exhibition stand 16: HIPERMED-E3
Chabrera Villarreal (ViLynx, Spain)
HIPERMED-E3 E-health Everywhere and for Everybody HIPERMED has developed 8 new products and improved 9 existing products relating medical services based on a common open platform that offers high-performance low-cost professional telemedicine services and reuse in-home infrastructure in the Professional to Patient scenarios in order to minimize deployment costs. All relevant stakeholders such as doctors, patients, hospital administration, medical service operators have been included in the validation process allowing HIPERMED solutions to be widely adopted and more and more medical services and hospitals are taking up the HIPERMED solution mainly in Turkey, France, Poland, Sweden and Spain. |
Demo: The HIPERMED-E3 demonstration will show: 1) A 3D/HD multisite real time remote emergency consultation videoconference between Paris, Poznan University Hospital and Nancy University Hospital with a patient non-transferred follow up during the event. 2) Video quality estimation of the impact of lossy video compression on the medical usages. 3) Knee Rehabilitation. 4) Video Indexing and Summarizing medical usage. 5) E3 demo improvements on HIPERMED and new e-health solutions. |
Exhibition stand 17: Systematic
Marc Bourgarel (Systematic, France)
Systematic Paris-Region Through its nine Technology Groups, Systematic Paris-Region manages a whole community and deploys its expertise to encourage collaborative innovation. To date, Systematic Paris-Region has facilitated the development of nearly 470 R&D projects, representing an overall R&D investment of approximately 2.5 billion euros and a total of 850 million euros in subsidies from the French State, development agencies (ANR, EUREKA, FEDER, bpifrance) and territorial bodies. |
Demo: Systematic Paris-Region's mission is to develop an ecosystem for growth that is conducive to the development of SMEs into middle-market companies (Entreprises de Taille Intermédiaire – ETIs). This ecosystem brings together more than 800 SMEs, accounting for more than 35,000 jobs in the Software, Systems, Optics and Electronics sectors. Systematic Paris-Region is also committed to increasing the attractiveness of the region, the Cluster, its area of specialization and its key players to foreign investors in order to attract skills and companies, encourage and support export initiatives by member SMEs and ensure that the Cluster and its members play a key role in developments at European level. |
Exhibition stand 18: Keysight technologies (Gold Patron)
- Hervé Oudin (Keysight Technologies, France)
Expedite your road to 5G 5G Baseband Exploration Library: This innovative design and simulation software solution supports a collection of 5G candidate waveforms for orthogonal and non-orthogonal multi-carrier air-interface designs and includes advanced MIMO and beam-forming signal processing. The library also provides transmitter and reference receiver modeling examples including source code that can be easily re-designed to achieve optimal performance for comparison of each of the candidate standards proposals. 5G mmWave MIMO channel sounding solution: Channel measurements (sounding) and modeling are critical for 5G research and subsequent standardization on the air-interface. |
Demo: 5G Baseband Exploration Library : A Flexible Testbed for 5G Waveform Generation & Analysis
5G mmWave MIMO channel sounding solution : In this demonstration, we mainly focus on how to setup mmWave MIMO channel sounding system that fulfill the 6 major technical challenges foresee in 5G as well as focusing on the main channel measurement requirements:
We provide our considerations on how to best address these technical challenges based on the last generation of mmWave/microwave instrumentation, measurement techniques and capabilities. |
Exhibition stand 19: DIWINE
Hrjehor Mark & Alessio Zappone (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany)
DIWINE – Dense Cooperative Wireless Cloud Network DIWINE considers wireless communication in a dense relay/node scenario where WNC (Wireless Network Coding) messages are flooded via dense massively air-interacting nodes in the self-contained cloud while the PHY air-interface between the terminals (sources/destinations) and the cloud is simple and uniform. A complex infrastructure cloud creates an equivalent air-interface to the terminal, which is as simple as possible. Source and destination air-interfaces are completely blind to the cloud network structure. The cloud has its own self-contained organizing and processing capability. |
Demos: TREL#1: This will consist of 6 USRPs in a 2x2x2 configuration carrying wireless sensor data over a bidirectional link. The received sensor data, sent from light and heat sensors stored in 3D-printed houses, and a performance comparison with a traditional mesh network will be demonstrated using a GUI. Further, the feedback data may be used to control the lighting and heating condition of the houses. The demonstrator shows the application of Wireless Network Coding to the Smart Meter Network application scenario, and the throughput enhancement/ delay reduction achievable such a dense environment. TREL#2: This will consist of 3+ USRPs showing the capability of the USRPs to track each other’s Carrier Frequency Offset and Timing Offsets converging on globally agreed synchronization configuration. The results will be showed on a GUI. IQU: A laptop with external display showcasing IQU’s SLS, which visualizes packet forwarding in complex DIWINE topologies. |
Exhibition stand 20: MiWaveS
Laurent Dussopt (CEA, France)
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MiWaveS The MiWaveS project plans to demonstrate a high throughput, bidirectional real time baseband prototype, capable of processing GBit/s throughput in real time. This prototyping platform is the core to research beamforming algorithms for mmWave backhaul and access links required for 5G small deployments. Furthermore, the project intends to show a mmWave over the air link integrating components developed by different project partners with the baseband prototyping platform. |
Demo: The booth will present the activities carried out in the project MiWaveS (www.miwaves.eu) on millimeter-wave technologies for access and backhaul communications in 5G wireless mobile networks. MiWaveS is currently the largest European project focused on mm-wave technologies for 5G, an area attracting many interests nowadays in Europe as well as US and Asia. The project will be in its mid-term (01/2014-12/2016) and we will be able to present our first demonstrator of a wireless mm-Wave link at 60 GHz with a high-data rate digital baseband. This demonstration and communication is important at this stage of the project to attract interests and feedbacks from the community. |
Exhibition stand 21: mPlane
Dario Rossi (Telecom ParisTech, France)
The mPlane distributed measurement infrastructure and its reference implementation mPlane is a distributed measurement infrastructure to perform passive, active, and hybrid network measurements, continuously or on-demand, at a wide variety of scales, with built-in support for iterative measurement and automated iteration. By enabling pervasive measurement throughout the Internet, the mPlane platform benefits everyone: ISPs get a fine-grained picture of the network status, empowering effective management and operation. Application providers gain powerful tools for handling performance issues of their application. Regulators and end-users can verify adherence to SLAs, even when these involve many parties. Customers of all kinds can objectively compare network performance, improving competition in the market. |
Demo: The demo will be composed of three main parts:
Exhibition stand 22: HIGHTS
Stefano Severi (Jacobs University Bremen, Germany)
HIGHTS - High precision positioning for Cooperative-ITS As the highly automated driving technologies are entering the market, the positioning accuracy provided by GNSS system is not anymore sufficient for such applications. In the same time a whole range of new technical solutions is appearing as capable of providing very accurate navigation information, relying both on on-board sensors (the so called ego positioning) and/or on infrastructure communications (V2X technologies). The integration of the aforementioned technical solutions with the traditional GNSS positioning techniques is finally allowing a very accurate (<25 cm) and reliable localization of road vehicles. |
Demos: The demo will consists in a set of different prototypes and actual sensors offering a proof of concept of some main communication aspects for Cooperative ITS. A first prototype will provide show how to dynamically ensure communication between mobile vehicles, while a second one will demonstrate the localization capabilities of the newest V2V standards and its robustness. A series of video will offer insights on ego positioning technologies and landmark navigation, reproducing the environment as perceived by the driver of an highly automated car. |
Exhibition stand 23: SUNRISE
Luigi Picari (University of Rome "La Sapienza", Italy)
Underwater IoT This demo aims at demonstrating some of the novel technologies and solutions developed within the SUNRISE project to build the future Internet of Underwater Things and to empower sustainable and remotely-operated development and sustainable exploitation of the maritime environment, crucial to our future as a species on this overpopulated planet.SUNRISE is a FP7 ICT FIRE (Future Internet Research and Experimentation) project funded by the EU Commission that aims at developing five federated underwater communication networks, based on pilot infrastructure already designed, built and deployed by consortium partners, in diverse environments, web-accessible and interfaced with existing FIRE facilities to experiment with Future Internet technologies. |
Demo: During the demo the user will interact through the SUNRISE Gate web interface with a testbed composed of static and underwater vehicles. The user will remotely instruct each vehicle on the mobility plan to run and will request the collection and visualization in real time of various measurements using the on board sensors. Both SUNSET and DUNE will run in simulation mode, simulating the same exact set-up and user interaction demonstrated during a real in-field experiments conducted in Porto, Portugal, in July 2014. A video will be projected showing the in-field operations of the same instruments and solutions used for the demo. |
Exhibition stand 24: MiWEBA
Richard Weiler (Fraunhofer HHI, Germany)
MiWEBA – Towards millimeter-wave 5G networks – a backhaul and network perspective Future 5G systems are expected to be densification of base stations with the usage of heterogeneous network (HetNet) architecture including traditional macro cells and a number of small cells. In the MiWEBA project such overlay HetNets are investigated concerning mm-wave backhaul, fronthaul and mm-wave access. This increased network complexity and the multiple available RATs necessitate new planning tools. Furthermore, the deployment of additional small cell base stations also requires a cost and time effective backhaul technology, where wireless links come into play. |
Demo: The demo consists of a hardware demo of an electronically steerable mm-wave backhaul link by Intel, a fixed beam mm-wave backhaul link by Fraunhofer HHI & Panasonic and a software demo by Orange showcasing a platform that addresses multi-RAT and mm-wave overlay networks. For the hardware demo, live running links based on integrated CMOS transceivers and a high gain steerable Lens Phased Array (LPA), as well as a version with fixed beam with a transmission rate of multiple gigabits per second will be set up. The software demo shows the Green Multi-Technology Engineering software platform that is an extension of a radio engineering tool, integrating multiple technology link adaptation metrics. The platform allows the optimization of base station positions and modes of operation based on several criteria. |
Exhibition stand 25: HARP
Constantinos Papadias (Athen Information Technology, Greece)
Over-the-air demonstration for Remote Radio Head (RRH) based LTE access with the use of parasitic antenna arrays The HARP project envisions overcoming two major limitations of current wireless networks that are:
by combining advantageously two recently emerged technology innovations, single RF compact array radiators (antenna arrays with very small inter-element spacing that are fed with only a single RF chain) and usage of shared Ethernet packet based networks instead of point-to-point CPRI links. |
Demo: The demonstration is made of the following elements:
Control plane: the ESPAR antenna is controlled by the BBU through a feedback loop from the receiver. Data plane: the BBU IQ samples transit on the Ethernet network, the converter, the CPRI link, the RRH and the antenna. |
Exhibition stand 26: MCN
Andy Edmonds (Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland), Marius Corici, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany
Mobile Cloud Networking: Going Beyond NFV This demonstration proposal is presented on behalf of the EU FP7 Mobile Cloud Networking consortium. The consortium is a composition of key industrial and academic partners that are a mix of partners with cloud computing and/or networking expertise. MobileCloud Networking (MCN) approach and architecture is demonstrated aiming to show new innovative revenue streams based on new service offerings and the optimisation of CAPEX/OPEX. MCN is based on a service-oriented architecture that delivering end-to-end, composed services using cloud computing and SDN technologies. This architecture is NFV compatible but goes beyond NFV to bring new improvements. The demonstration includes real implementations of telco equipment as software and cloud infrastructure, providing a relevant view on how the new virtualised environment will be implemented. |
Demo: This demonstration (NET & APS) aims at showing how a on-demand cloudified service can be created. This demo service is standards compliant (NFV, OCCI, 3GPP). The scenario will be as following where a tenant requests the instantiation of a composed end-to-end service (RAN, EPC, IMS, DNS, Monitoring & Billing) instance via the dashboard of MCN. During the demo it will be possible to easily change the composition of the service to be created. At the end of the provisioning procedures, the management endpoints will be communicated to the tenant. For example, the tenant will have the possibility to access the Web frontend of the Home Subscriber Server (HSS) and provision new subscribers. The clients attached to the network will establish a call making use of the IP Multimedia Subsystem provided by the MVNO. Monitoring as a Service tool provided by the platform will check the current situation of the services. Scaling and a means to benchmark the services will also be demonstrated. At the end of the demonstration it will be possible to billing and disposal of the service and it’s related services. |
Exhibition stand 27: eCOUSIN
Yannick Le Louédec and Patrick Truong (Orange, France)
Content Distribution Services are booming and they will be responsible for the majority of future Internet traffic. In parallel, Online Social Networks (OSNs) have become today’s most popular Internet application. The widespread adoption of OSNs has drastically changed the way content is consumed in the Internet, as content consumption is nowadays highly impacted by the information shared by users through OSNs and the popularity of a given content is most often dictated by its “social” success. With such a “social-content revolution”, operators need to evolve and optimize their network to avoid being overwhelmed by the ever growing traffic volumes resulting from this paradigm change. To this aim, the goal of eCOUSIN is to design a novel social-aware network architecture with built-in content dissemination functionalities that exploits the social-content interdependencies to improve its efficiency. |
Demo: The demo is composed of 4 use cases:
Exhibition stand 28: Nokia (Gold Patron)
Zoltán Vincze (Nokia, Hungary)
SON for Mobile Backhaul The Proof-of-Concept (PoC) system used in the demonstration is composed of real devices including Nokia's SON technology, LTE base stations and SAE-GW and Coriant’s 8600 Smart Routers and SDN controller. Using the PoC it will be showcased how SON for Mobile Backhaul can detect QoE degradation and anomalies in real-time, how it can localize the problem and perform automatic reconfiguration of the end-to-end services to maintain right QoE level.
Exhibition stand 29: National Instruments (Gold Patron)
- Leif Johansson (National Instruments, France)
National Instruments is collaborating with several top researchers focused on wireless research—specifically 5G wireless communications. The graphical system design approach combines NI LabVIEW system design software with software defined radio (SDR) hardware to give researchers the ability to innovate faster. Using this approach engineers can significantly reduce the time from theory to results by testing their designs in a real-world environment. |
Demos: 5G prototyping tools for SDR, with examples for Massive MIMO, mm Wave, Dense Networks and PHY Enhancements |
Exhibition stand 30: LEXNET
Nadège Varsier (Orange Labs, France)
Low EMF Exposure Future Networks LEXNET elaborated a new metric to assess the EMF population exposure due to wireless communication networks, taking both downlink and uplink components into account, and considering effective network and user activity. Thus LEXNET offers an efficient way for manufacturers, operators or regulators to measure real exposure and find strategies to reduce it. LEXNET has designed and is currently experimenting several methodologies to capture the proposed EMF exposure metric, which are mandatory to make the new metric a reality, accepted by stakeholders, and standardized. LEXNET also aims at identifying, evaluating and promoting low-EMF technologies, typically components (e.g. low-noise receiver, highly directive antennas), topologies (e.g. small-cells) and network management techniques (e.g. EMF-aware resource management). |
Demo: presentation of LEXNET new EMF metric; proposed assessment methodologies; set of promising technologies evaluated through simulation. New exposure measurement methodologies will be demonstrated by: - Web access to live measurements from the smartcity Santander platform (with dosimeters installed in downtown). - Demonstration of EMF measurements by a low-cost dosimeter (possibly completed with a repeater as used in the smart city network - Prototype of an advanced dosimeter to be used for drive-test or body-worn measurements. - Movie on drive-test measurements conducted in Santander. Besides the hardware prototype of a small steerable directive |
Exhibition stand 31: EuWIN
Raymond Knopp (EURECOM, France)
The exhibition is organized and supported by the European Laboratory of Wireless Communications for the Future Internet (EuWin) funded by the EC through the Network of Excellence in wireless communications Newcom#. The EuWin facilities are distributed over three sites: at CTTC in Barcelona (Spain), at the University of Bologna (Italy) and at the Eurecom institute in Sophia-Antipolis (France). They are open for access by any scientist worldwide. EuWin is an integrated laboratory able to address, under a common environment, the various topics of wireless communication technologies for the future Internet. The laboratory activities aim at creating a new generation of researchers in wireless communications believing in the motto "Fundamental Research Through Experimentation". EuWin addresses topics and techniques related to the systems and networks that will drive the evolution of wireless communications in the years to come: LTE/4G, the Internet of Things, GNSS. Digital signal processing, radio access and network protocol aspects, are studied through the available lab facilities. |
Demo: The Bologna IoT demo will access a site in Bologna remotely and demonstrate how sensor network experiments can be controlled from a remote location. EURECOM demo is centered around recent advances in the OpenAirInterface.org (OAI) platform. We will show an example of the use of OpenAir4G as a fully compliant 4G basestation using commercial terminals. We will also demonstrate how the OAI platform can be used to create so-called Cloud-RAN centralized processing for virtualizing basestations in a server platform. |
Exhibition stand 32: ABSOLUTE
Isabelle Bucaille (Thales Communication & Security, France)
ABSOLUTE (Aerial Base Stations with Opportunistic Links for Unexpected &Temporary Events) ABSOLUTE is a highly ambitious and unique European effort investigating and validating a novel heterogeneous network architecture combining aerial (tethered balloon), terrestrial and satellite communications links. It provides rapidly deployable, resilient and flexible mobile network, comprising innovative components, advanced functionalities for broadband applications during large scale emergency recovery or temporary events. ABSOLUTE project will finish at the end of September 2015. All sub-systems have been developed and the EUCNC booth would be a good opportunity to present each of them and to provide some insights of the system capabilities. |
Demos: Four main demonstrations are foreseen:
Exhibition stand 33: SmartFIRE
Harris Niavis (University of Thessaly, Greece)
SmartFIRE : Testbed Innovations for Experimenting with Wired and Wireless Software Defined Networks SmartFIRE project aims in offering a large scale wireless and wired software defined networking experimental infrastructure for the evaluation of novel protocols and ideas on state-of-the-art networking technologies. The project is extending existing testbeds with wireless and SDN support, boosting the collaboration between two mature consortia, one from Europe and one from S. Korea, and creating a federated facility that joints the resources of the existing testbeds. The testbeds that are available within SmartFIRE are publicly available 24/7, remotely accessible and provided free-of-charge. |
Demos: Our demonstration will consist of two parts:
Exhibition stand 34: Orange (Gold Patron)
- Marion Duprez (Orange, France)
Focusing Antennas and Global Operating System These two technologies illustrate two very important requirements operators have for 5G: a better energy efficiency and more flexibility in network services without increasing the daily management complexity. |
Demo: 2 demos will be presented :
Exhibition stand 35: Flex
Donatos Stavropoulos (University of Thessaly, Greece)
FLEX: Open Experimental Infrastructure on LTE and beyond FLEX project aims in offering a large scale cellular networking experimental infrastructure for the evaluation of novel protocols and ideas on state-of-the-art networking technologies. The project is extending existing testbeds with LTE support and is offering two setups:
Demo: Our demonstration will consist of two parts
Exhibition stand 36: Strauss
- Ricard Vilalta (CTTC, Spain)
STRAUSS: Scalable and efficient orchestration of Ethernet services using software-defined and flexible optical networks Transport networks include different optical technologies (e.g., flexi-grid, OPS) and heterogeneous control technologies (e.g., OpenFlow -OF-, GMPLS/PCE), which enable flexible and dynamic networking but also create a multi-domain multi-technology network scenario in order to support end-to-end service provisioning. Such a transport network scenario raises challenges for efficient network control and operations. An SDN-enabled virtualization platform that allows abstracting and controlling a multi-domain multi-technology transport network is able to support rapid deployment of applications and network services and improve overall network operations. The creation and operation of multi-tenant virtual networks also allows better network utilization. |
Demo: In this demo, we present the Virtual Network Controller (VNC) and the Multi-domain SDN Orchestrator. The VNC allows the deployment of OF-enabled multi-tenant Virtual Networks (VN). Once a requested VN is deployed, it is controlled with a customer SDN controller. The Multi-domain SDN Orchestrator is responsible for the provisioning of end-to-end paths across multi-technology network domains. The VNC interacts with the Multi-domain SDN Orchestrator to provision the requested virtual links. |