Video Blog

During the EuCNC 2015 conference in Paris, France, we are posting a video blog of short interviews and impressions of the event. 

You need to have Flash Player installed on your device to see the videos.

Main takeaways of EuCNC2015


Thibaut Kleiner

European Commission, Belgium


EuCNC2015 Best Paper Award


Remco Litjens

TNO, The Netherlands


Key messages from the Panel on Optical Networks


Raul Muñoz

CTTC, Spain


DIWINE project booth at EuCNC2015 (Best Booth Award)


David Halls

Toshiba, UK


CREW and WISHFUL projects at EuCNC2015


Ingrid Moerman

iMinds, Belgium


MiWaves project at EuCNC2015


Laurent Dussopt

CEA-LETI, France


DIWINE project at EuCNC2015


Alister G. Burr

University of York, UK


Expectations for EuCNC2016


Panagiotis Demestichas

University of Piraeus, Greece


Main takeaways of EuCNC2015


Luís M. Correia and Hikmet Sari

IST-Univ. Lisbon, Portugal                    Supelec, France


View on the development of 5G


David Kennedy

Eurescom, Germany


View on the development of 5G


Bernard Barani

European Commission, Belgium


Nokia Networks at EuCNC2015


Jyri Putkonen

Nokia Networks, Finland


National Instruments at EuCNC2015


Leif Johansson

National Instruments, Sweden


National Instruments' contributions to the development of 5G


Leif Johansson

National Instruments, Sweden


Highlinghts of the Panel on IoT


Ovidiu Vermesan

SINTEF, Norway


Keysight Technologies at EuCNC2015


Hervé Oudin

Keysight Technologies, France


Keysight contributions to the development of 5G


Hervé Oudin

Keysight Technologies, France


Nokia's view on the imprtance of backhaul for 5G


Jyri Putkonen

Nokia Networks, Finland


Benefits of COST participation in EuCNC


Ralph Stübner

COST Association, Belgium


Views of the role of Satellite communications in 5G


Barry Evans

University of Surrey, UK


Highlights on what to expect from 5G


Alain Maloberti

Orange, France


Takeaways of keynote concerning spectrum


Lasse Wieweg

Ericsson, Sweden


A view on the schedulling of 5G


Takehiro Nakamura



Takeaways of the Panel on 5G Requirements


Angeliki Alexiou

University of Piraeus, Greece


A vision on 5G


Dipankar Raychaudhuri

WINLAB, Rutgers University, USA


The user aspects of 5G


Theodore (Tod) Sizer

Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent, USA


5G, shaping the future


Mario Campolargo and Nicolas Demassieux

EC, Belgium                                           Orange Labs, France