Physical Layer and Fundamentals (PHY)
The PHY Track focuses on the fundamentals of communications with emphasis on physical layer aspects. Both wireless and optical communication systems are addressed. Original research works reporting both theoretical and practical solutions to current and emerging communication systems are welcome.
- Advanced modulation schemes
- Antennas and propagation
- Beamforming and multi-antenna signal processing
- Channel capacity estimation
- Channel modelling and simulation
- Cognitive and green radio
- Cooperative communications
- Detection and estimation
- Distributed signal processing
- Energy efficient and zero-power communication
- High-split next generation FTTH PONs
- Interference mitigation
- Massive antennas arrays
- Millimetre wave and THz communication
- Near-field communication
- Network information theory
- Optical front-hauling of antenna access points
- Physical layer security
- Positioning, localisation, and tracking techniques
- Relay networks
- Single and multi-user MIMO
- Ultra-wideband communication
Wireless Networks (WIN)
The WIN Track pertains to innovative research in networking over the air interface. It aggregates work which emerges when dealing with a plurality of users interacting wirelessly. Natural subject areas for this track are medium access control, admission and load control, schedulers, interference mitigation and coordination approaches, spectrum access, self-organising and cognitive approaches, mobility protocols. Research exposed in this Track has a substantial impact on the design of next-generation wireless networks, such as 5G or ultra-scalable M2M systems.
- Ad hoc, multi-hop and mesh networks
- Cognitive radio networks
- Cognitive, docitive, adaptive and reconfigurable MACs
- Congestion, load and admission control
- Cross-layer design
- Delay tolerant networks
- Dynamic spectrum and interference management
- Green wireless networks
- Heterogeneous networks
- Joint access and backhaul scheduler design
- Location management
- M2M, WSN, IoT networks
- MAC for mobile and vehicular ad hoc networks
- Mobile and wireless IP, mobile computing
- Next-generation broadband networks and 5G
- Radio resource management, allocation, and scheduling
- Routing, QoS and scheduling
- Security issues
- Self-organising networks
- Wireless multicasting, broadcasting, and geocasting
Optical Networks (OPN)
The OPN Track encourages submissions of original research papers about optical networking in general, with particular emphasis to the most recent advances in network architectures and related technologies.
- Advances in optical access networks
- Advances in optical network architectures
- Flexible and elastic optical networking
- Gigabit home and in-building networks
- Green optical networking
- Optical and digital signal processing
- Optical mobile backhaul solutions for fixed-mobile convergence
- Optical network control, management and security
- Optical network virtualisation
- Optical solutions for high performance clouds and data centre infrastructures
- Resilience and network reliability
- Service and network orchestration for heterogeneous optical networks
- Software-defined optical transmission and switching
- Ultra-high capacity, low latency network solutions
Networking (NET)
The NET Track invites original contributions on emerging concepts in the field of networks, notably software defined networking, network operating system, cloud networking, information centric networking, etc. which are proposed as possible evolutions of the current Internet. Research works relevant for this Track are those investigating the evolution of IP networks and IP-based services, from the protocol and architectural point of view, as well as the integration of IP backbones with critical network appendices, such as satellites, data centres, and cloud infrastructures.
- Content delivery, information centric, and data aware networks
- Enabling techniques for integrated and hybrid satcom/terrestrial networks
- Heterogeneous network infrastructure, communication and interoperability
- High-throughput, flexible, and reconfigurable space segment
- Information centric networking
- Integrated architectures and techniques for navigation, coms, and observation
- Internet experimental facilities and benchmarking
- Network mobility management
- Network operating system and control of networks
- Network overlay, virtualisation and federation
- Network self-management
- Platforms and middleware for seamless service & content delivery
- Security, trust and privacy
- Services and architectures for satellite based media delivery, broadband, safety, and messaging
- Software defined networking
- Software defined networking and openness of networks
- Visionary and clean-slate designs and architectures
Applications and Services (APS)
The APS Track invites original contributions on vertical networking and communication solutions for innovative or existing ICT services and applications. The focus is on the services and applications that have the potential to radically transform the ICT market as well as on those with disruptive impact on technology (at large), economy, society and environment.
- Application and services for mobile environments
- Big data, data management and analytics
- Cloud computing and high performance computing
- Cloud infrastructures and services
- Content delivery systems
- Data centre systems
- Distributed file and storage systems
- Distributed operating systems and middleware
- e-Health, smart-Health , emergency management
- Green computing
- Grid, smart grid, smart environments
- Internet of Things (e.g., scalable architectures, enabling and cognitive technologies, cloud computing)
- Multimedia services and applications (e.g. IPTV, WebTV, and HTTP-based streaming)
- Peer-to-peer, application layer networks and service overlays
- Security, trust, privacy
- Service openness and interoperability
- Services and applications of software defined networking
- Social networks
- Standardisation requirements and initiatives
Testbeds and Experimental Research (TER)
The TER Track aim is to be a discussion forum of high quality contributions on all the challenges related to testbeds facilities and experimentally driven research addressing both the underlying distributed experimental infrastructure – testbeds and experimental facilities – and its operation and management as well as the actual experimentation, be it for research or more oriented towards development and innovation.
- (Ad hoc) composition of testbeds/facilities
- Advanced multimedia testbeds/facilities
- Advanced networking testbeds/facilities
- Analysis of experimental data
- Cloud testbeds/facilities
- Cognitive radio testbeds/facilities
- Experimentally-driven research
- Experimentation tools
- Experimenter/end-user involvement
- Federation of testbeds/facilities
- IoT testbeds/facilities
- M2M testbeds/facilities
- Real time system operation visualisation
- Shared testing infrastructures
- Smart cities testbeds/facilities
- Tools and techniques for testbeds management
- Wireless testbeds/facilities
- WSNs testbeds/facilities